#ilu all futs anon
heretherebedork · 3 years
Mork telling Pi to be bold and confident is so easy for him to say it, yet in reality its so painful for Pi... it's terrifying for him. It's like if you jump to a big cliff and... that's it.
And that's the saddest part; how easy it is for you to say be confident; don't mind the others and such but in reality, it is still lingering there. Try to be Pi, Mork. That you can see how scary it is to be confident when you know his Past.
And, let's be honest, how easy is it for Mork? How long did he go without speaking to Pi? How long did he hide behind an anonymous message? How long did he watch Pi get bullied and do nothing?
Mork is nothing but a bully who decided that best way to do it was to take the power and control out of Pi's hands. His love is force, his love is control, his love is not love at all.
Because who could listen to Pi say what he did and decide that the best thing to do was to force Pi to meet all his friends and then force physical affection on him?
Who, loving someone, could make a plan that they knew would make them uncomfortable and make them feel out of place and decide to guilt them into it?
Who could watch the person they love talk about their discomfort and think only of what they want rather than how to help the person they love?
Who can listen to Pi talk about his insecurities with Bam and decide the only possible answer is to make their relationship public despite Pi's fears?
Mork does not love Pi.
He wants to own Pi, he wants to claim Pi and he wants to know that Pi will do everything he wants without question. He wants to be right more than he wants anything else.
That's not love.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
And the quote for this post is:
"I just wanna make you feel okay but all you do is look the other way"
I mean, at least this is cute.
Bbomb says this to Jin. 100%. No hesitation.
Leo mutters this behind Fiat's back sometimes.
Ae says to Pete before they get together and Pete is so touched he cries and often quotes it after they get together.
Tin says this to Can before they get together (probably LBC1, tbh) and Can is absolutely confused because he is definitely looking at Tin as he says that!?!?!
Mork would say this to Pi but he already turned a blind eye to the whole bullying thing and then lied to him so... you know. Maybe not a good example.
LiChen would sing this at MuRen teasingly when he felt ignored and MuRen would huff and puff but then come give him attention because he loves him.
Nampu says this to Copy, right to his face, and grins and Copy mostly blushes and stammers and tries to pretend he's not enjoying this as much as he is.
I feel like Suea might say this to Plawaan but new couple, who dis, still in play for their full on relationship.
Nuea says this to Sun and then it spreads to Mon saying it to Team and then Puth tries it on Kaeng who gets visibly upset at the thought that he might be ignoring Puth and it dies there.
Tan would say this to Sine without hesitation. He's turn it into a song and then somehow a girl would get involved and it'd be messy and then they'd solve it by being adorable.
If you can't picture Yoo Han saying this to Yeon Woo... you watched a different show than me. Seriously. He'd totally do it.
Mark flirting with Kit. OH, lordie, he's make it so corny and adorable and Kit would be torn between making a face and melting.
THERE ARE SO MANY. Enjoy this sampling.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Guess the Trope:
Pi, Adachi, Third, Tine, Tian, Mes, Kao (DBK), Paii.
lol I just put all of them (practically) into the same answer and I'm still not sure how to phrase this.
They're all hurt and isolated and victims of low self-esteem. They're all boys who feel that they cannot be good enough at anything and thus cannot be good enough to be loved.
Many of them are perfectly willing to pursue one-sided love that they feel will protect them from real feelings. Or they're willing to give up entirely on love because there's no way they can ever be worth that from someone else.
They are the ones that life often leaves behind, the ones who have breakdowns by themselves, the ones who hide beneath a blanket and weep in silence because they don't feel worthy of comfort.
They rarely say no, they follow others' leads, they try to be someone else because who they are cannot even be good enough.
Oh, these are the boys that you want to hold, the ones that need comfort, the ones that sometimes drive you wild because you know where they're coming from even when they don't.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
And for this quote we have:
"Can you please stop caring about other people and just care about me?"
Anyone who says this to you should be told to fuck right off, okay? OKAY?!?! Everyone listening to me? If someone who supposedly loves you says this to you, I need you to consider it a red flag.
Ugh, Mork says this because he's BS.
I feel like Fiat would say this to Leo but, honestly, they've got a great unhealthy dynamic going on and I'm not gonna complain.
Yunlan would 100% say this to Shen Wei. Like, no hesitation. But it'd be more worried and also talking about taking care of himself. So... I mean, it'd still not be GREAT but it'd be a bit better.
YongJie would 100% say this to XingSi and XingSi would explain it away because, well, once again, weird not exactly healthy relationship. But I love it anyway.
Zhan JunBai would say this to be Yu TangChun and it'd be creepy and possessive and it'd be horrifying and we'd eat it riiiight up because that was their entire relationship. Oh, China.
Kengkla would probably say it to Techno. Icky bad relationship.
Top unhealthy relationships in BL with exactly one not-unhealthy thrown in for good measure.
... Ugh, FUTS.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Another Anon posting of: Mork's harrasment and kinda manipulative attitude towards Pi
The Game scene. Seriously, if you know Pi is an introvert, why would you say that infront of an audience?
what shocked me the most and like wtf moment is Mork tolerating those ssasaengs! He even like indirectly pressured Pi to love him immediately!
I am very glad Pi stand up to those two ssasaengs and Mork. Because who tf in the world think that is romantic and okay?
I like Mork. I like that he's pining boi. But i don't like the way he enacts his piningness towards Pi. Pi is an introvert, shy-type, had a traumatic social problems guy. Seriously, why would you expect Pi to love you back, fall for you and such from a guy who was looked down by society and being trashed always?
The Bam girl, who has the "I'll make Pi jealous, provoke him so he'll fall for you" thing just added flame to the fire. Seriously.
I still like this show but c'mon the pining is so wrong. Some would say Mork and Gao Shi De are alike but atleast Shide didn't constantly pushed Shuyi and is not manipulative (well except that clinic scene and S2 sofa scene) i like pining bois just like you but C'mon Mork you're better than this. Pine better and responsibly.
That's the end of my ted talk. I'm PRETTY SURE you're gonna rant and type long too so, yeah.
Welcome to the growing crowd of Mork-is-manipulative and Pi-deserves-autonomy and also sending me anons about it. ILU!
Oh, I could in fact write an essay in response to this easily... but I want to write a big post about the pillars of pining in which I shall be arguing that Mork is not actually pining for most of the show. Because this episode has pushed me to re-evaluate what it means to pine because it really explains what I like about pining and why I'm so annoyed when it fails.
But, yeah, this episode topped everything in terms of sheer manipulation. Mork was just... horrible to Pi. And maybe there's going to be growth on his end? But I feel like the show is mostly placing him in the right in this, that he's right to push Pi so hard and to never relent.
At least the bit where he works with the shippers was definitely framed as being wrong. Thank FUCK for that. I don't know what I'd do if that hadn't been framed as a mistake and as a bad choice.
And Bam is just another unfortunate victim of BL's habit of villianizing women. It would have been really nice for Mork to have a friend who helps round him out as a character... but instead she just becomes another pawn in Mork's attempts to manipulate Pi into 'admitting' he likes him back. Yes, she chooses this role for herself in the show... but the writers probably just couldn't come up with anything else for her to do.
Mork has nothing on ShiDe. Absolutely NOTHING. ShiDe was genuinely willing to walk away from their friendship to keep ShuYi from feeling obligated to reciprocate his feelings in WBL1. Now, that did change in S2 but I'd also argue that their dynamic changed in S2 as well so that's just a whole other thing.
ShiDe would have punched Mork for that line about not wanting to be friends with Pi because he wants to be more. So would ShuYi. And he'd deserve both punches.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
I don't think I have ever wanted to slap someone as much as those shippers more like stalkers in FUTS. Like the way they tried to defend themselves. Its a crazy world out there man. You don't just put someones adress and their whole life history online. If someone says they will go to their house for pictures there's a possibility that they mean it. There have been literally so many instances... I am genuinly wondering if something like this actually happens in Thailand. Just people stalking other people and it being okay. I hope its just bad writing.
I'm going to go with bad writing, personally. It's the same with the way American writers write about college and high school. Because that's not how real life works at all. It's an extreme exaggeration. Now, it happens in a lot of shows so I wonder if there's something similiar but more... low key?
But I have no idea. I'm not Thai. I'm not in Thailand. I'm sitting in a third floor condo in Chicago half-watching this show because if i give it my full attention it's very hard not to punch my computer screen.
The worst is that it's not just the shippers. It's Mork's supporting the shippers. It's Mork agreeing to interview for them. It's Mork trying to confess to him in front of an audience and then it getting filmed (I'm still convinced Mork is part of that). It's Mork using his 'in' as a Guy From a Nearby Faculty to push Pi to like him in return.
If it was just the shippers at least we'd have villains.
But the secondary protagonist, the one that many people are saying has done all the right things with Pi in the wrong from rejecting him, is the one pushing them forward and supporting them in every way.
The main goddamn love interest is doing everything in his power to ignore Pi's autonomy and push this narrative on him and it hurts so much more than if it was just shippers, just a fanclub, just strangers.
At this point, even if Pi does have feelings for Mork... I'd recommend getting away from him. Because Mork keeps proving over and over again that he doesn't respect Pi or consider him capable of having his own thoughts.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Guess the Trope:
Meen 🤝 Mon 🤝 Zhao Zi
TROPE ANON! Welcome back! :D Glad to see you again!
Tiny overtrusting babies.
Just... I mean, that's it?
Let me expand a bit.
Overly trusting gaybie who are at least partially betrayed by the men they love who are more experienced/older in some way to them.
They are the innocents who find the strength to stand up for themselves even if it costs them love. They are the sweetest sugar wrapped around steel. They are in love but they will not give themselves up to let love hurt them.
They trust and they love and they believe but they will still fight for what they believe in and they will turn their back on love if that's what it takes to follow their own moral compass.
I love them all deeply.
And they would be the cutest, most adorable group of friends EVER.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Guess this Trope:
Fish Upon the Sky 🤝 Lovely Writer 🤝 YYY the series
Strange sound effects and humor that doesn’t always work for me?
... Is that a trope?
I genuinely think it’s ‘sound editing as done by someone with a love of goofy sound effects’.
It’s so interesting to relate those three shows to me. Because I LOVE Lovely Writer so, so much. But FUTS has, if anything, driven me away and while I did enjoy YYY I still haven’t managed to get myself to watch YYY2 (I really, really should.)
But, yeah, I mean... they’re all BL humor shows with lots of goofy sound effects. lol, sorry, that’s the best I’ve got?
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Quote is back! Now, in this one: name as many as bl characters/couples as you can who don't have this:
Like 99% of them, like, holy shit how many am I supposed to lsit here?
I mean, I suppose top of the list has to be Pi and Mork right now because fuuuuuck that shoooow goddaaaaammmnnnn I'm gonna watch the next episode tomorrow. @.@ Whatever. But hooboy no communication at all.
Gene and Nubsib apparently suck at it? But it looks like they have some now? Maybe? Ehhhhh. Dunno if I trust it tbh.
Keam has zero communication skills. They're so bad no one knows what he's doing yet!
Seriously, this is like 99% of BL plots!
Pok and Tong also literally win awards for this, okay? They have a giant trophy that says 'worst communicators in a BL' and they display it because it's legally required.
Thanu also wins this award all by himself. Or maybe he can share with Pha? Either way, they can go fuuuuck themselves.
Everyone in Make It Right and Love Sick but that's because they're in high school so they get a bit more wiggle room from me, admittedly. Gotta love them as they are!
Itt and Pai both also deserve this. Their communication was so, so bad and then solved by deus ex homophoboc parents needed to enter the show so... ugh, this show. I still hate the ending, it had so much potential! Ughhhh. Should I make a list of 'BLs with amazingly squandered potential?' someday?
Jaime and Win because Jaime literally got onto the show to win over Heart while already in love with Win and it was just... I loved it, I really did, I want a sequel so badly because those boys ZINGED in their nonsensical plot... but communication? Zero.
Of course there are more. But this is my 'first thoughts guide to bad communication in BL'. If I listed them all... I'd be here all night and I still have to work tomorrow.
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