#im just sort of trying to take some of the idk ocie facts and features that ive covered in fics and put them here for the ppl who dont
lucky-draws · 2 years
my thoughts about ocelot and ghosts ...
OK these are just my own ideas about ocie seeing ghosts and i guess it's basically an alternate universe thing since there's no ummm evidence in canon but like yeah. basically i've written a few fics where he sees ghosts and it's become a part of “my” ocelot's character i guess but i've never sat down and laid out the specifics or the uh rules of his ghostly goings on so im gonna attempt to summarise it all here. warning that none of this really uhhh makes sense exactly but also ghosts aren't real so i feel like i can literally make up anything right. wait who was that floating guy holding up a sign just now
- his ability to see ghosts is of course inherited from his father, but it's not as strong as the sorrow's, and he doesn't have the ability to read minds or sense people's thoughts like i imagine the sorrow can to an extent.
- it's also limited in that he can only see ghosts when it rains. um. now this bit makes me want to ahem and hurriedly go on to the next point because the exact reasoning of Why he only sees ghosts when it rains is not super scientific or clear its just that i like the idea of it. but basically rain = ghosts. and of course the sorrow = rain but like. hm. i could sort of say that like, in this universe, rain in general has uhhh supernatural ummm. properties? it's like a link between the two worlds. when the skies open so does the door to the ghost world i don't fucking know. and so that's whyyy u kno in mgs3 outside the warehouse where there's like a crack of thunder and it starts raining and the boss is like... sorrow? is that you? i think there because of the uhhh rain she can sort of sense his presence more even though she can't actually see him.
- and like you can imagine the sorrow as being able to control the weather and cause it to rain or not rain and i think that is fine and real but i just want to make it clear that when ocie sees ghosts it's not because of the sorrow like Making him see ghosts it's something that sort of just happens to ocie regardless. like from birth he saw ghosts.
- i know these are like joke missions almost but i always think about the fact that in peace walker you get several missions featuring ghosts. (and of course the top 10 video game lines of all time spoken by kazuhira miller i.e. so..do ghosts have legs or what?) because it cements to me the idea that ghosts are a sort of normal part of the metal gear universe. so they're there and some people can see them some can't it's just like one of those things you know no big deal. so ocie isn't exactly a unique special boy for seeing ghosts there are other people who can although it's a minority but yeah.
ok so. Ocie's Ghostly Quirks
- he can see ghosts; they appear in varying forms. sometimes just hands or even just voices. sometimes full figures like the sorrow. people that he knew well/cared about/is related to appear very vividly, like the sorrow, but he can talk to all ghosts, and they to him.
- cliched perhaps but the rain/ghosts being there makes him feel cold like in a woooOoOooo ghostly coldness way. no matter the real temperature he will feel so so freezing until the rain stops. he’ll be shivering + his skin will feel physically cold. > i don’t think this is The reason he wears gloves but wearing them is helpful in disguising his ghostly coldness bc ofc if someone touched his bare hands they’d be like wtf why are u weirdly cold etc but the gloves at least disguise that a little although the gloves would probably still feel chilly. when it rains he’s a soggy shivering freezing shaking little beast essentially.
- ....in one fic i wrote that he could also uhhh make this ghost rain happen. like rain but its not real and it's spooky and sparkly. and he and john had a real yaoi moment and john saw the ghost rain too and it even turned into ghostly white flower petals and it was really sad and squee. to be honest i am a little embarrassed about that little scenario now because it seems a little too soft and squee idk BUT. i think the general idea of ocie having weird little secret supernatural powers of varying descriptions still stands, although like i said before his Powers aren't as strong as his father's.
Ocie's Ghostly Karma/The Phantom Pains
- fact: ocie has killed a lot of people. fact: this is not without consequence. sometimes he feels these uhhh ghostly pains (phantom pains.) that are caused by his ghostly victims and their anger and sorrow and vengefulness at being killed. for example if he shot someone in the stomach and they died and they became a ghost, when it rains he might all of a sudden feel a pain in his own stomach like a gunshot impact for a second. so whatever the manner of death he inflicted, he will feel it himself. it does him no actual physical harm, and is usually only momentary, but you can imagine if he ever killed someone via physical harm in the process of torture then he'd certainly be getting a ghostly taste of his own nasty medicine.
And this could either be a Thing that just Happens; a law of the ghost universe, a thing that happens to everyone who can see ghosts. OR it could be unique to ocie - in that it's a Thing inflicted on him by the Sorrow. This is ocie's version of the river john walks through, except it happens throughout his whole life. maybe the Sorrow sees his nasty streak in mgs3 when he's just killing people and teeheeing about it and decides to go WHOOSH and just like that ocie is cursed with the phantom pains. (So that he will always know the sorrow of those whose lives he has ended.)
but either way, whether it was inflicted by the sorrow or just a (super) natural thing that occurs to those who have the ghost quirks, it's an idea that i like because it adds another layer to the pain he is willing to go through for the sake of big boss.
like the more people he kills in order to help big boss, the more (ghostly) pain he will feel. and yet he carries on anyway. nasty silly boy. > sidenote: - the quastion of where he grew up i.e. was it in russia or the states is of course debatable but if he grew up in the us.................he might have seen cowboy ghosts. like real proper old timey cowboys maybe. and that was partly what started his cowboys obsession. i mean he probably wasn’t living anywhere near texas or wherever cowboys were. but maybe ghosts don’t always stay where they died. idk. it was just a little thought. moving on. the joy and the sorrow - i think the sorrow appears to ocelot frequently throughout his life but i’m not really decided on whether the boss is a) a ghost at all and b) is ever seen by ocie. it’s my own universe but i literally don’t really know what the logistics of ghosts are like does everyone become one or are some people at peace and don’t become ghosts. but that begs the question why isn’t the sorrow at peace... which is a whole other quastion for another time really........and is the boss really at peace or would she be a restless spirit.................etc................too many quastions. but it’s interesting to think about. -- well anyway. this has been a very long ramble about ocie’s ghostly goings on. oh btw he can see animal ghosts too. ghosts horsies and ghost cats exist and he’s seen them. he told me so himself. bye bye
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