#im so happy u sent me a naruto ask tho im giggling and blushing i love nerding out over naruto
obitoslay · 11 months
I know you probably haven't seen anything from boruto but if you had to make an au around it, how would you have it interact with Naruto as a series.
you’re right i haven’t seen boruto. though i do know the basics surrounding it.
if i were to make an au surrounding boruto, then boruto itself would be the biggest dystopia if that makes sense. the shinobi system is not reformed; there is no justice for sasuke’s clan or anyone really. there is just a huge hollowness masked by the technological advancements made and the tentative peace that konoha enforces.
a lot of it becomes really depressing when u put it with the context of naruto’s ending. Naruto’s ending should promise change—naruto sees sasuke for who he is and accepts him, but belief is not enough to change hurt that is systemic. and it would slowly wear sasuke down and everyone else who had hopes for change
i think first of all i wouldn’t make aliens the main antagonists of boruto; there’s actually a lot in boruto that’s unresolved from canon naruto that can be further developed, for example weaker villages living in destitution like ame, or even just missing nin and those that exist outside of the major villages. despite peace, not everyone will want to be a part of it.
i think sarada’s actually a really interesting character! and i know that she’s very curious and interested in her own heritage to the point she goes digging through sasuke’s past. sarada’s character alone bridges naruto and boruto through its previous ideological conflict. sarada wants to become hokage but she doesn’t know the truth behind the massacre. it would be a huge shock to her and make her question everything she knows, as well as force sasuke to confront the fact that he is living a life that goes against what he initially fought for.
i think the trickiest part would be getting team 7’s characterisation. boruto is supposed to be the happy ending they all wanted where they are finally reunited and have achieved all their goals, but it feels wrong. there’s a weariness that comes with being an adult and having seen it all compared to the determination of being younger and wanting to change the entire world.
boruto would still be a story about the future generation, but it would be characters like sarada and her curiosity about the cracks that slip through konoha’s exterior that slowly makes the generation we are familiar with come to terms with the lie they’ve been living. in this way, despite boruto’s depressing beginning, it would be a hopeful story focused more on character development than purely action scenes with aliens. so more worldbuilding on what the shinobi world would look like after decades of fake peace.
sarada as a main character would be really cool, she has so much potential, especially in my mind she would have sakura’s empathy and sasuke’s sense of justice. she might approach things a lot different to canon sasuke who suffered from a lot of trauma and was really lonely, but still in a way that he would ultimately understand and connect to. also i would develop this idea that that it’s not too late to start making changes in your life, that you don’t have to live like this, esp if it makes you unhappy.
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