#im sonsorry fornthis lmfaooooo half of his
stim-urself · 5 years
imma just say real quick that for a "community" that's seeeeminglyyyy "built on acceptance" yanno or what the fuck ever, there sure are a lot of assholes here. Like you would think a community that loves to preach so much about shit would have some decent morals, but I shoulda realised that was flawed logic considering I was raised a christian nbfkfnfmfm that's legit why I dont really try and reach out to people on this blog because like one day you see people talkin bout
"Ooooo this person is so mean they bully people :( why can people just be nice what :((( please tag curse words for me because I'm literally 12"
And then the next day they post shit like " THIS PERSON IS A DISGUSTING HORRIBLE PERSON!!!!? THEY LIKE -insert literally any cartoon ever made- WHICH IS SO GROSS BECAUSE OF ObViOuS REASONS? BUT ON TOP OF THAT THEY WERE ALSO "CAUGHT" LIKING A DRAWING OF ANIME T*DDIES WHICH YANNO.....GROSS...WOW....OKAY BUT CANCELED...." and then like 30% of the "community" reblogs it and the person gotta put out a formal apology for liking tiddies and Steven universe or what the fuck ever.
I just,,,, I just can't deal with that negativity yanno? I used to feel like I had to censor myself so hard cause it feels like running a stim blog for some reason comes with a rule book and a big part of it is to make sure you never say anything you can't say in front of a 5 year old.....and like........bitch if I wanted to live like that I would teach kindergarten yanno cknfkdndnr okay its 6:38 am and I've been up sick for three hours so imma get off my damn soap box lol feel free to hmu if any of y'all want to just make sure you aren't gonna 'cancel' me if I show any sign of not being a daycare worker
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