#im sorry idk why she is being cheeky T T
parkaiur · 5 years
Perfection - Jihoon
❀ Comedy + fluff + a dash of angst 
❀ Word count: 6.2 K
❀Being in love with your best friend sucks when they don’t feel the same about you. Once you think you will be pining over him forever, a new boy moves to your school and happens to share all the same classes as you. You start to become entranced with his cute face and fun personality, soon making you forget about the previous boy, or have you?
❀A/N: switching to first pov to see which i like more lol so dont attack me,,,  also im sorry for making these fics so long lsakdjfas idk if ppl like long fics or short fics so some feedback would be nice >.< thank u all for supporting me on my last fic as well ! :D hope u enjoy this one <3
I rode into the school parking lot, rolling my eyes at the loud music playing throughout school. Every Friday morning, the school blared loud music inside and outside the school which I despised. I groaned and parked my car crookedly-- I was a terrible driver. 
“Wow, just another Friday morning.” My next door neighbor, Seunghun grumbled while getting out of the car. We had been neighbors ever since we were kids, and once we hit high school, Seunghun had to start driving me places since he was one year older than me. Of course, now that I was older, we took turns.
“I can’t wait to get out of this place.” I groaned while downing my coffee. I could never function without it. Seunghun patted me on the back. “You still have two years kid. Junior year is the suckiest too but at least it’s almost winter break.” 
I sighed and tried to ignore the rambunctious teenagers that were screaming and dancing to the music. That was just embarrassing. 
“Well, well, well, good morning to you two.” I jumped at the sudden deep voice behind me but my heart jumped when I saw who it was. “Oh, it’s just you.” I joked. Seunghun laughed loudly and poked Hyunsuk teasingly.
“Why do I even bother anymore?” Hyunsuk rolled his eyes playfully while walking next to my side. I felt warm at his close proximity, my face probably turning red as time ticked by. But of course, they were dudes, they didn’t notice. 
Seunghun and I had been friends since we were in diapers, but I’d only thought of him as an older brother figure in my life, and he thought of me as a little sister. Hyunsuk  had transferred to our high school during my freshman year of high school. Hyunsuk and Seunghun were both in dance club and in the same math class-- they immediately clicked. And somehow we all became best friends that told each other everything. 
Except that I had a big fat crush on Hyunsuk.
“School dance tickets are now available at the register! Go get your tickets now!” I saw the president of leadership shout these words through the commons. I tried not to flinch at the volume. Seunghun giggled childishly at my reaction while I pinched his side. “Hey! Don’t hurt me.” He gave me a cute frown which made me resist pinching him again. I knew he could tickle me to death if he wanted to. 
Hyunsuk then smirked and hit Seunghun’s shoulder playfully. “Hey, aren’t you taking Hyemi to the dance?” Seunghun’s demeanor immediately changed from confident to shy. Hyunsuk gripped my shoulder to keep him from laughing out loud. I felt empty when he set his hand down to his side once again. 
“Shut up, I haven’t even asked her yet.” Hyunsuk and I gasped dramatically at Seunghun’s revelation. “Kim Seunghun, the dance is a few Saturdays from today, how dare you!” I faked being shocked while Hyunsuk played along with me. Seunghun rolled his eyes and kept on walking. He was so done my and Hyunsuk’s antics. 
Seunghun then wiggled his eyebrows and punched the other boy on the shoulder. “Enough about me, I heard a little something through the grapevine that Hyunsuk is asking Kyungmi to the winter formal.” 
My heart dropped at the news, but I kept a playful smile on my face. I hoped it wasn’t faltering. “Wait, what? Why haven’t I heard about this?” I punched his shoulder while he cringed at the pain. 
I took a peak at Hyunsuk’s expression which was cheeky and mysterious. He was never the type to get flustered when it came to girls. The older boy adjusted his jacket and wiggled his eyebrows at the both of us. 
“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not.” He said suspiciously while fixing his hair. I felt my hopes getting lower and lower at his statement. Hyunsuk shook his head and slung an arm around my shoulder. I held in my yelp of surprise. 
This is normal, friends do this. Don’t make it weird.
“How about you, y/n? Who are you taking to the winter formal? Any boys been lining up at your door?” I snorted and took his arm off of me so that my heart would stop doing little flip flops.
I took a sip of my coffee and shook my head. “Nope, sorry, I’m the one with the boring love life in this circle.” I tried to not let my voice sound disappointed. I felt Seunghun pinch my cheeks. “Aw, y/n, it’s fine, I’m sure someone will ask you soon.” 
Most juniors and seniors had dates to the winter formal and if you didn’t, you were basically seen as a loser. I was going to be a loser, but honestly I didn’t care about being one. If I wasn’t going with Hyunsuk, I didn’t want a date at all.
“It’s fine, I don’t mind going alone.” Lie. I didn’t want to go at all. I knew Hyunsuk was going to pluck up the courage to ask Kyungmi and I didn’t want to see that happen. Nor did I want to fifth wheel the two of them.
Hyunsuk pouted and looked over at Seunghun. I was scared the two of them were planning something. “Are you sure? We probably have a few guy friends we could set you up with.” I saw his hopeful expression which broke my heart into tiny pieces and I shook my head. “Seriously, it’s fine, I don’t need one and I don’t want one.” My voice came out harsher than expected which made the two boys freeze. I heard the bell ring, meaning we had to now separate and go to class. 
“Truly, I’m not upset about it, just leave it be. I can have fun by myself anyways.” I patted the two of them on the back and scurried to class. 
As I plunked down in my seat for history, I released a sigh of relief. Most days I felt normal around the two of them, but whenever they brought up relationships or dating, I tried to avoid it at all costs. 
I plugged in my earbuds, getting ready to drone out whatever the teacher was saying. I had already read the chapter for this week so my first period was about to become snooze town. 
Before I could turn on my music, I heard a group of girls enter the classroom giggling and laughing about something. I was about to tune them out til I caught a sliver of their conversation.
“No way, he’s going to ask you? Shut up!” 
“Yeah, he just texted me and asked me to meet him after school!” I felt my heart drop as I turned and saw Kyungmi gossiping to her friends. Of course, Hyunsuk already decided to act fast since Kyungmi was one of the prettiest girls in the junior class. 
“Hyunsuk is asking you? I seriously thought he was dating y/n.” A wave of silence washed over the group until I heard a few chuckles.
I felt anxiety creep into my system and I quickly wanted to turn my attention away from the situation. 
“Oh no! They’re just friends. I mean, y/n is a nice girl but...” I heard her whisper the last part. “But I mean, she just isn’t Hyunsuk’s type, you know what I mean?” 
I clicked the play button on my playlist, refusing to let tears fall in this dingy high school classroom.
I dosed off in class, feeling the soft voice of Dean drift me to sleep. Suddenly, I felt someone kick my desk, jolting my eyes open. The teacher pulled out my earbuds which irked me to no ends. I hated when anyone touched my earbuds and I felt the urge to smack my teacher’s hands right then and there. 
“Ah, glad you could join us miss y/n.” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes when I saw an unfamiliar boy staring at me. He had round eyes that had sort of an edge to them, making him seem mischievous yet innocent. He was wearing a white hoodie and blue jeans which made him look good. I couldn’t help he was eye candy. “This, is our new student Park Jihoon.” He smiled at me and I gave my best smile back, which was my most awkward one. 
“Um... cool.” I noted lamely, unaware of the situation. I heard a few giggles throughout the classroom. Mr. Kim kept his anger in. 
He cleared his throat and directed my eyes to Jihoon. “I told Jihoon to sit next to the empty desk next to yours, but unfortunately, you were not awake to hear that. Also, mister Jihoon also happens to have the same schedule as yours, so you’ll automatically be his guide for school. Now, onto the second world war.” My jaw dropped as the teacher nonchalantly told me I had to be the guide for Jihoon.
It’s not like I hated the guy or anything, but being a guide for someone at my school means that I had to basically baby sit him. I had to include him in my friend group, talk with him during class, and make him feel welcome essentially. Usually people had to sign up for it, but I never did. I never liked the hassle. But apparently my luck keeps getting worse and worse as the day went on. 
“Hey,” I heard the boy next to me whisper. I turned to my right and saw Jihoon looking at me with bright eyes. I felt my heart waver at his cute stare. 
“Do you have a pencil I could borrow? I stupidly left mine at home.” He whispered. I nodded and tossed him an extra that he skillfully caught. “Thanks.” 
“No problem.” I whispered back. This time, I didn’t plus my earbuds back in.
Class seemed like it ended sooner than usual. 
“So have you always gone to this high school?” Jihoon nonchalantly started conversation with me, which made me envious of him. I had never been the type to make friends so easily. 
I lowered my head so that he could see my entire face. “Um, yup. Been going to school with basically the same people since elementary school.” His face scrunched up in disgust and I let out a bark of laughter. “Yeah, it’s as horrible as it sounds.” 
I noticed lots girls were staring at the new boy who was standing next to me, a nobody with two hot best friends. I tried to not look at the crowd but it was hard.
“So, math next. Love that subject.” He grit his teeth and pretended to look angry. I let out a small chuckle at his childish antics. I couldn’t help my laughter, he was a funny dude. He gave me a small smile in return. “I hate math too, it’s my worst subject.” He nodded but narrowed his eyes at me. 
“That’s surprising considering you seemed like you were falling asleep throughout our entire history period.” I gasped at his accusation while he rolled his eyes. “Ok, in my defense, I already read the chapter, I don’t need to pay attention. I’m only there ‘cause our ass of a teacher has attendance as 20% of our total grade.” 
Jihoon’s eyes widened while I patted him on the back, a habit I picked up from being around Hyunsuk and Seunghun too often. Jihoon didn’t seem to mine it though. “Yeah, I know, that’s I just sleep in it. He usually doesn’t even care besides today since you showed up.” 
Jihoon shrugged and said nothing else as we walked to our next class. 
The day went by quickly and soon it was nearing the last period of the day. 
“Hey, y/n!” I heard Hyunsuk yell my name faintly across the busy hallway. I felt my heart jolt a bit in surprise as I stopped in the hallway. Before I could explain to Jihoon who was yelling my name, he was running at me at full speed. 
Hyunsuk quickly embraced me in a hug, twirling me around. “AAAH HYUNSUK, LEMME DOWN!” I shouted into his ear, yet I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. As Hyunsuk set me down, he locked eyes with Jihoon. “Oh, uh, hey, I’m Hyunsuk, you one of y/n’s friends?” Hyunsuk obnoxiously wiggled his eyebrows which made my mood deflate. I hated when he teased me about other boys, even though I knew it wasn’t his fault he didn’t know my feelings.
Jihoon didn’t tease me but instead laughed and shook Hyunsuk’s hands. “Actually she’s my guide, but I’m sure we’ll be close friends by the end of the day.” Jihoon winked in my direction which made my cheeks turn a bright red. 
Hyunsuk gasped and slapped me on the shoulder. Suddenly, I felt Hyunsuk pull me closer to him protectively. My blush, that was already bright pink, deepened at the contact. “Gasp, the only people y/n is close with is with me and Seunghun, the tall blonde tree over there.” Jihoon peaked over my shoulder to take a look at Seunghun. “Huh, interesting.” Jihoon mumbled.
I felt Hyunsuk’s arms grow looser around my body which made me sigh in relief. Jihoon raised a brow at me but said nothing to my odd behavior. 
“Hyunsuk, over here!” I saw another group of boys calling Hyunsuk over which meant he was leaving me. He gave me a pat on the back and glared at Jihoon before walking away. “I’m watching you boy, no funny business with y/n or else you’ll...” Hyunsuk did the cutting neck motion to which Jihoon responded with raised brows. Hyunsuk ran over to the other guy and molded quickly into the group. He was always really good at fitting in.
I noticed Jihoon was already looking at me when I turned to meet his gaze. “Um, sorry about that, Hyunsuk and Seunghun, the tree, are sort of protective of me. We’ve been friends for a long time now.” I explained to him. Jihoon gave me a soft grin.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets and glanced over to Hyunsuk. “So, does he know that you like him?” I choked on my own spit at his accusation. Wait, what? How did he guess that? 
Lie. You have to lie. “Um, what? I do not like Hyunsuk.” I spat out fake laughter and shook my head nervously. Ok I was a terrible liar. 
Jihoon gave me the look. That look someone gives you when they’re calling you on your bullshit. I sighed and gave in. “Ok, yes, maybe I do have a tiny crush on him but he doesn’t know, and he shall never know, got it?” I glared at the taller boy as he raised his hands in surrender.
“I’ll never tell another living soul, you’re secret is safe with me.” He pretended to zip his lips and throw away the key, making me chuckle in response. 
We walked into our English class together, sitting near the back of the class, where I usually sat. 
Jihoon abruptly turned to me. “Ok.. are you always this angsty? You sit at the back of classroom with your hood up and earbuds in in every single class. You act like you don’t know anything but somehow you answer every question a teacher asks you right.” He moved closer to you. He gently whispered in my ear, “and you fall for your best friend and never risk telling him because hmmm you’re probably too scared to get too close to somebody. What’s your story?” 
I should be getting upset at his mention of my crush, but all I could focus on was how close he was to me. Snap out of it, y/n, your hormones are just whack because all the guys you see are Seunghun and Hyunsuk. Chill. 
I leaned back in my chair, trying to calm my racing heart. His face wasn’t judgmental, but rather curious. “Hm, that’s a loaded question, or questions I guess. I don’t know how to describe my angstyness or where it came from. Also I can’t give you a reason as to why I like who I like and why I choose to hide it besides that it’s embarrassing.” I said the last two words louder and smacked his arm playfully. He laughed and clutched it like he was in pain. 
“Ouchhhh,” He whined and held it out to me. “Kiss it and make it feel better.” He jutted out his plump bottom lip to act cute. I gasped and hit his arm again. 
He, in return, laughed and pulled his arm away. “See, we’re practically best friends now.” He said softly. I had nothing to say because the teacher started class already but I had to admit, he had a way at making my cold facade warm.
It was the end of the day, finally, and Jihoon and I parted our separate ways. We exchanged numbers and he made me promise I wouldn’t drop him after the first day. To be honest, I don’t think I could if I tried. 
I walked to the parking lot, my familiar hood up and earbuds in. Even though I expected it, I felt two hands on my shoulder that pushed off of me, making me stop in surprise. I paused my music and took out my earbuds to face an excited Hyunsuk and Seunghun. 
They both slung an arm around me, which made me greatly suspicious. “So, boy.”
“Cute boy.”
“Nice boy.” 
“Oh would you two shut up?” I shoved them away and walked faster to the car. I heard them both laughing, even though their teasing wasn’t that funny. Especially when I still had feelings for Hyunsuk.
“Aw c’mon, it’s just I’ve never seen you with other guys... or other people besides us... willingly... like ever.” Hyunsuk babbled. Seunghun nodded in agreement. “He’s right. You always keep to yourself, I swear you were never going to make friends with anyone besides us your entire high school career.” Seunghun admit. I rolled my eyes and tried to get in my car. But the two stopped me to question me some more. 
Suddenly, in the corner of my eye, I saw Jihoon walking out, probably walking to his car as well. Somehow, the boy caught my eye and immediately waved and smiled. I didn’t want to be rude so I obviously reciprocated his actions. As he turned away, Seunghun and Hyunsuk looked at me with wide eyes.
“Woaaahhhh that was the nicest I’ve ever seen you act to someone. Are you sure you’re y/n??” Hyunsuk pressed his hand to my forehead which now burned because of his gentle touch. “Hey, you’re actually warm. Are you getting sick?” He stood closer to me and examined my face. I could tell he was worried because of his furrowed brows. 
Before he could think too much into it, I pulled his hand off. “Maybe I’m warm because I’m so angry at you two for being annoying assholes.” I spat and then proceeded to jump into the drivers seat. “Bye, Hyunsuk.” I pulled out of the driveway quickly and ignored Seunghun’s stare.
“Y/n, are you really getting sick? It’s almost Christmas, I don’t want you to miss out on our annual movie marathon.” Seunghun said, concern laced in his voice. Out of the two boys, I was closer to Seunghun. Yes, I loved Hyunsuk as much as I loved Seunghun, but Seunghun and I had a history together. He got me and I got him. It was painful to keep this secret from him, but knowing Seunghun, he would tell Hyunsuk immediately, not to be a prick, but because he would think it was the right thing to do. And I could never let Hyunsuk know how I feel about him. Ever.
I slapped his hand away playfully. “Shut up, it’s like a month to Christmas, I’ll be fine by then even if I am getting sick. And if I am getting sick, it’s because you two had the smart idea to have a water balloon fight in the middle of December.” Seunghun burst into laughter at the memory. I couldn’t help myself chuckle as well.
“You’re right, I take full responsibility along with Hyunsuk. We will cater to your needs if you do get sick.” He pretended to bow and I just shoved him away. Bantering with him like this felt normal, and I liked normal.
Normal did not last long. 
I curled up in my bed, reading to read a trilogy I had been looking forward to getting into during the week. I felt my bed vibrate which signaled that I got a text. 
As I saw who the text was from, my eyes widened. “What the heck.” I whispered to myself, praying my parents didn’t hear me having a mental breakdown at 11pm. I took a deep breath and opened the text.
‘what’s fun to do around here? i’m dying of boredom x_x’ I chuckled at the use of his self-made emoji. He even texted cute. 
I waited a few seconds to not make me seem eager and replied ‘um... read a book?’ 
He read it. My heart was pounding. ‘... r u joking?’
I tried to conceal my laughter. ‘no... that’s what im doing right now’
‘wow... how sexy’ This time, I couldn’t help the giggles that flew from my mouth. Hopefully my parents were in deep slumber. ‘too strong?’ He texted back quickly.
‘no, you have the same humor as seunghun and hyunsuk tho lol’ 
‘wow the same humor as your two besties ,, im flattered’
‘is that sarcasm i detect?’
‘no sarcasm here captain’
I chuckled at his cute humor. I couldn’t help but feel like I’ve known this guy for years, yet I just met him yesterday. 
Suddenly, I saw those three dots appear. I gulped in anticipation. ‘are you ok?’ he texted randomly. I furrowed my brows in confusion.
‘why wouldnt i be?’
‘... you know...’
‘... hyunsuk asked kyungmi to the dance.’ he deadpanned. Somehow, that thought had completely left my mind. And for some odd reason, I didn’t feel all too upset about it anymore. 
Fuck, that’s going on? You like Hyunsuk. You should be feeling upset. 
‘oh yeah, im fine, ill get over it tbh’
He read my message, but took a little longer to respond. I grew nervous at his next words. 
‘can i call you?’
Suddenly, my conscious just flew out the window. “What the... shoot what do I do?” I whispered to myself. It wasn’t like I didn’t want to call him, or that I was weirded out by it, but because I was nervous. 
“Fuck it.”
‘sure’ I waited for him to read the text. I heard my phone ring and I immediately picked it up so my parents wouldn’t hear. 
“Hi.” He said. His voice was deeper than usual and I heard lots rustling, meaning he was probably in bed. 
“Hey.” I replied back lamely. I had never really done the phone call thing. Seunghun lived right next door to me, so if he wanted to talk, then he would just pop over. Hyunsuk would just drive to one of our houses and force us to hang out with him. I guess I’d never experienced a normal high school friendship.
“So...” He trailed off. I held in my laugh. It seemed like everything he said was funny to me. “So...” I trailed off as well. 
“What are you wearing right now?” His voice dropped a few octaves, but his tone made me burst out into laughter. I covered my mouth quickly. 
“What the fuck, Jihoon??” I whispered hurriedly. I heard him holding in his laughter as well. “Sorry, it was an innocent question.” He joked.
There was a moment of silence for a second. “Polar bear pajamas.” I finally answered. 
“I’m wearing my boxers.” I spat out laughter at his truthful response. “What? Guys don’t really sleep in lots of clothes.” I covered my face, trying to not imagine what he looked like. 
“You’re an idiot, Jihoon. But, I need to hang up because you’re making me laugh too hard and my parents are in the room next to me.” I said truthfully. I heard him whine over the phone and I couldn’t almost visualize a pout.
“Then why did you agree to call in the first place?” He whined. “Because, I was curious on what you had to say.” I said truthfully. 
He paused for a moment, probably trying to soak in my words. “Good point. But, ok, I’ll let you go then so your parents don’t hunt me down for making their daughter laugh.” I bit my lip, hiding a smile at the declaration. 
“Goodnight.” He whispered softly. 
“Goodnight, Jihoon.” I waited a few moments til I hung up the phone, setting it on my counter.
What am I doing? I like Hyunsuk.
I admit, I was a bit nervous to see Jihoon on Monday again. After our talk on Saturday, I felt like we got closer. I’d never bonded with anyone so fast before, well besides Seunghun and Hyunsuk. 
I sat down in our history class and listened to music. I felt a tug on my shoulder, which made my eyes shoot open. I was glad he didn’t tug out my earbuds as most people did. I paused my music and set down my phone.
He was wearing an oversized sweater with dark jeans. His hair was styled today and framed his face nicely. “Hey.” He smiled at me. I noticed how his teeth were perfectly straight, meaning he probably just got his braces off. How cute.
“Hey, you do the history reading?” I started the conversation to show I was friendly. He leaned his backpack against his desk and organized all his things on his desk. He narrowed his eyes at me while I chuckled. “What do you think? I was too busy chatting up pretty girls on the weekend.” For some odd reason, I felt my heart sink at that statement.
He was texting other girls besides me? I crinkled my nose awkwardly, a habit I had when I was uncomfortable. 
“For the record, the only girl I texted over the weekend as you." I looked into his eyes and saw his eyes softly gaze into mine. His brown eyes looked so doe-like that I wanted to reach over and kiss his cheeks. 
Jihoon then switched gears and gave me a goofy smirk to show he was kidding. My nerves died down at his teasing. “Shut up. I’m sure you tell that to all the girls you text.” I fibbed nervously. Jihoon didn’t take his gaze off me when he shook his head. “Think what you want, y/n, but one day you’ll fall for my charms.” He gave me a shy smile that contradicted his confident words. 
"Hyunsuk! Stop, just go to class!” The high pitched voice caught my attention with the name of my best friend. I took a look to the door and saw Kyungmi coming in, with Hyunsuk backhugging her. I felt my heart clench as I saw the two together. I knew they had been somewhat “official” after Hyunsuk asked her to the dance and she accepted, but it still felt weird and upsetting.
I felt my mood deflate when looking at them and it was obvious. “Hey.” I heard a faint whisper to my right. I pulled my strong gaze away from the two lovebirds who were laughing loudly and sharing intimate eye contact. Jihoon had his brows furrowed and concerned looking. 
“Yeah?” I whispered. I hated people pitying me and tried to play off my sadness as fatigue. Jihoon didn’t fall for it. Instead of speaking, he took my hand and gave it a light squeeze. Usually I hated when people touched me without my permissions... or at all. But with him, it felt normal.
Hyunsuk barely spared me a glance when he was with Kyungmi although he knew my schedule to a T. Or at least I thought he did. I tried to catch his eye, but it was no use.
“Why do you even like him?” Jihoon mumbled close to my ear, so that no one could hear it. I scoffed at the question. What was there not to like? Hyunsuk is attractive, athletic, a good rapper and dancer, funny, kind...he was basically perfect.
I didn’t realize I said those attributes outloud until Jihoon leaned back in his chair in annoyance. “Well, that’s not what I asked. Why do YOU like him?” 
“I just told you.” I spat. Jihoon shook his head slightly and pulled his hood up, copying my style. 
“Sure you did.” 
I opened my mouth to he meant by that, but before I could say anything, the teacher started spewing fact about the Korean War, making me lose my chance. 
A couple weeks had passed and soon the winter formal was right around the corner. 
Jihoon and I were chilling in my living room, watching Infinity War as we ate pizza. I had grown close to the boy and found myself hanging out with him more than I hung out with Seunghun and Hyunsuk. Which they complained about constantly, but I couldn’t help if I hated seeing Hyunsuk and Kyungmi or hearing talk about her. It was a constant reminder that I wasn’t his to talk about.
“I feel like Dr. Strange is the most underrated of them all. Like deadass the man saw a gajillion outcomes of the future where they all died... what a traumatic experience.” Jihoon mumbled while stuffing a pizza into his mouth. I nodded in agreement.
“You right, bro. I would legit die if I saw myself die.” Jihoon paused at my dumb statement but just threw a piece of popcorn at me. 
By the end of the movie, we were sobbing into our blankets while the boxes of pizza were strewn everywhere. Jihoon grabbed the tissue box and wiped his tears. I felt him dab my tears politely which made me laugh. 
“Hey, at least you’re a pretty crier, some of us are less fortunate.” He joked while wiping his tears. He paused the movie so we could compose ourselves and mourn over the multiple losses. I threw my tissue at him. “Shut up, everyone is an ugly crier.” 
“Nah, I mean, you’re pretty so that’s why you’re a pretty crier.” I felt him lean closer to me which made me feel nervous. “I’m not even pretty.” I mumbled. Honestly, I didn’t feel like I was stunning but I wasn’t ugly. I could be looked at for more than 5 seconds without pure disgust but it’s not like I was drop dead gorgeous.
“Hm, that’s debatable.” I heard his voice drop into a low whisper and suddenly he was leaning in. My heart beat picked up and goosebumps formed on my arms. Out of instinct, I backed away.
Immediately, I regretted it after seeing the dejected look on his face. “Jihoon, I’m sorry I just.” I sighed in panic. “I just still like Hyunsuk.” I whispered. I saw him turn away in sadness which broke my heart. 
I thought we were going to sit in silence the entire time until he turned to me with slight anger in his eyes. “Or so you think.” He mumbled. He turned to stand and walk out. I furrowed my brows in confusion. I shot up from my seat and followed him to the door, thankfully, he didn’t make it too far. 
“Woah woah woah, what do you mean by that?” I demanded. “Of course I like Hyunsuk, he’s like...”
Jihoon turned to face me and scoffed. “Let me guess perfect?” 
Suddenly, with great timing, my door flew open.
“HO HO HO ! DID SOMEONE NOT INVITE US TO THE PARTY?” Before I could comprehend what was happening, Seunghun ran at me and scooped me into his arms. 
Hyunsuk plopped on the other side of Jihoon and slung an arm around him. “Hey, is this your first date or something, sorry to intrude.” Hyunsuk wiggled his eyebrows and nudged Jihoon slightly.
Jihoon forced a smile and shrugged. “Nah man, we’re just friends.” For some reason, I felt my heart deflate at that statement even though I just turned him down a few seconds ago.
Seriously, what’s wrong with me?
Hyunsuk ‘awwed’ at Jihoon and pinched his cheeks to where Jihoon ignored him. Jihoon still stared intensely at me like there wasn’t even anyone around us. 
His arms were crossed across his chest and his breathing was heavy. 
I assume Seunghun and Hyunsuk realized the situation and took a few steps back. Jihoon finally released some stress in his body and took a few steps to the door.
“Just.. Just call me when you’re ready to be real with your feelings.” Jihoon smoothly slipped on his shoes and opened the door. He gave me one last final look before shutting it softly which matched the shattering of me heart as well.
Seunghun, Hyunsuk, and I stood in silence at the awkwardness that rose from Jihoon’s farewell. I reached up to touch my face, realizing that it was wet with my tears. At the sight of them, I only broke down harder. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be-” I stepped away from Hyunsuk’s hug and held out my hands to distance myself. 
“Can you guys just go? I don’t wanna see anyone right now.” I felt my voice break on the last note and tried to hold in my tears. At first, I didn’t think they were going to leave, but I felt Seunghun pat my back before hearing the door shut, leaving me alone to deal with my thoughts and insecurities.
It was finally the winter formal. 
It was five pm and the dance started at nine. I wasn’t going though. 
I pulled the covers over my head and drowned out my sorrows with silence.
I had thought long and hard about Jihoon’s words, wondering what he meant. I liked Hyunsuk still... 
but did I really ? 
And what do I feel about Jihoon? 
Do I even care about who Hyunsuk dates anymore? 
I mean, I was staying inside crying over Jihoon and not even thinking to remember Hyunsuk and Kyungmi. I groaned and hit myself in the face with a pillow.
As I was laying still in my bed, I heard a knock on my door. I raised a brow as my parents knew not to bother me when I was in my room. “Are you decent?” 
I held in my eye roll as I recognized the voice. “Define decent.” I snapped back. The door opened, revealing a very dapper looking Seunghun and Hyunsuk. Suddenly I felt like a loser next to them. I buried my face in my pillows again. I heard Hyunsuk chuckle and suddenly the both of them were sitting on my bed, patting my back. “What are you guys doing here?” I mumbled.
“Where else would we be when our best friend is here, dying in her room?” Seunghun knocked my head gently with his fist, something he always did to me when I was a kid. My eyes swelled with tears at their kindness. I really didn’t deserve friends like them.
“Now, since we are here...” Seunghun started.
“Would you tell us what you’ve been hiding for so long? You’ve been acting so distance and out of it... it’s obvious y/n. Just talk to us normally, we’re your best friends. We will understand no matter what.” Hyunsuk finally said. I could tell when he was frustrated as Hyunsuk could never hide his emotions. 
“Yeah, what happened to the truth and nothing but the truth y/n?” There was a teasing tone in Seunghun’s words, but I could tell he was upset at me too, which made me feel like a bigger jerk.
Which is why I had to man up and tell them the truth.
“Fine.” I sat up from my bed and closed my eyes. Here goes nothing.
“So, basically, I had a crush on this dude. Who is not important. Anyways, Jihoon found out and I told him to hide it and he said he wouldn’t tell anybody. Long story short, I’m pretty sure Jihoon likes me and I am very, very confused on what I feel about him as I don’t know if I still like this dude. And also, I don’t really know what I like about the dude without what’s on the surface. And I guess I am losing romantic feelings for the dude as well. And with Jihoon, I feel so comfortable around him. Like everything is so natural and yeah I don’t know I hate myself.” I ranted before throwing my face down back on a pillow.
The two boys were silent for a moment until bursting into laughter. I lifted my head in confusion.
They both patted my backs and headed for the door.
“W-what? Where are you guys going?” 
Seunghun walked out first and gave me a shrug. As Hyunsuk turned to shut the door, he gave me a knowing smile. 
“Y/n, it’s obvious. I think you know what to do.”
Before I got a chance to say anything, Hyunsuk slammed the door in my face.
I sat there in a daze for a few short moments until I came to the realization. 
“Fuck I have to go talk to Jihoon.”
I reached for my phone in a rush and texted him.
‘hey um, what r u doing right now?’ I texted off quickly before I lost my confidence. 
My hands were shaking in anticipation as I saw him typing. 
‘im getting ready to go to dinner before the formal’
I felt my heart drop at his response. I lost my chance... great. 
‘why?’ he texted back. 
‘just wondering,, have fun at the winter formal’ 
A one word response, that meant he wanted the conversation to end. I set down my phone with a deflated ego. 
He already had a date. I guess he didn’t like me as much as I thought.
I sunk down in my bed and flopped over in my bed. I wasn’t the girl boys fought for, I was the girl you looked over, the girl you didn’t want.
I laid in silence to wallow in my self pity until I heard my doorbell ring. I groaned, thinking it was Hyunsuk and Seunghun coming to tease me again. I waddled down the stairs with a huge blanket wrapped around my arms. I flung open the door, ready to tell the boys to go away.
I was in great surprise when I saw Jihoon staring back at me instead of the two older boys. 
My eyes widened in surprise as he was dressed in normal clothes but I could tell his hair was styled and he put on cologne. 
“Hey.” His hands were in his pockets and his stance was really casual. 
“Um, h-hi.” I stuttered out. Obviously I was more nervous than him. He gave me one of his familiar smiles. “Can I come in?” I nodded and shuffled out of the way for him to enter my house. 
“I thought you were going to the dance.” I whispered, as if he wasn’t real. Humor danced through his eyes as he shrugged. 
“Nah, I sort of lied.” I raised my eyes in surprise. 
“Um, why would you do that?” 
“So I could do this.” 
Suddenly, he leaned down and captured my lips with his. The kiss was soft and sweet, yet passionate; it was everything I had imagined Jihoon would kiss like and more. His hands were gentle on the back of my neck and my hands moved to hold the belt loops on his pants. 
I heard him sigh as he pulled me closer. I could feel my heart racing faster at the close proximity. When Jihoon pulled away, I felt like I was missing something.
“Hm, just like I imagined. You’re so perfect.” He whispered closely to my ear. 
I shook my head shyly before pulling him down for another kiss. He was surprised at my action but melted into it.
“No, you’re the one who’s perfect for me. Not Hyunsuk or anyone else. 
Just you.”
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mvssmallow · 6 years
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Cloudy With A Chance
Chapter 29 Part II: …of swimming pools
Everyone tells them that she has his dimples and eyes but every time he looks at her face, all he can see is Jiwon’s toothy smile and cheeky smirk. They paint her room pale blue but her shoes are always red, like the shade of shiny ripe apples.
He tells himself, time after time, not to take anything for granted. And he doesn’t. Not Jiwon’s undivided attention, or how he always asks for advice (as if there weren’t more qualified people in his life to give them), or texts and phone calls about nothing. On top of that list is waking up next to that familiar warm body with all it’s reassuring weight, living and breathing beside him.
He knows that soon enough, in the not too distant future, all these things will fade and become few and far between. He knows it’s coming, like stormclouds on the horizon. But you can’t get on top of the mountain without shedding a few things. Sacrifices and compromises will have to be made and if he has to be the one doing most of that, so be it.
I guess that’s what you get for being in love with someone so amazing.
It’s so easy to love Jiwon in his mind and in his heart but it’s still difficult to say it out loud, he doesn’t pretend that it’s getting easier as the months go by, because it doesn’t. If anything, it’s even worse because the stakes keep getting higher and higher.
Love is for crazy people. Crazy brave people. He doesn’t want to admit that it’s hard but it is. Acknowledging all their feelings makes everything real. To accept that he’s in love is to accept that he’s now got a weakness and responsibility. To be attached to someone is to leave yourself vulnerable to the possibility that they might one day leave. But it’s all or nothing, he can’t have all the good parts without accepting the bad. Love takes all kinds of courage. There’s no bravery in being alone, there’s just survival, which isn’t the same thing. Before Jiwon, he’s pretty sure he wasn’t living at all, just merely surviving.
Maybe Jiwon’s trip to Japan wasn’t such a bad thing. He can get used to being alone again and wean himself off needing Jiwon so much. Not that he wants to admit that either but one day, he won’t get to decide anymore. He won’t be in control of their lives and wanting Jiwon won’t be as easy as just reaching out across some crumpled sheets and wordlessly demanding it. At some point, he won’t be the most important thing in Jiwon’s life and he’ll have to wait for the sun to shine his way, like everyone else.
Right on cue, as if Jiwon heard him waking up, a text message buzzes on his phone.
[morning baby, its freezing here! its gonna be sunny in sk tho]
[thnx for packing the coat, wearin it now]
Yeah, he’s going to miss this so much one day, especially being called baby. Nobody has ever called him that before. He hates it; how much he loves hearing it. Yes, call me baby. I am your baby.
[hey, you’re welcome. How are you feeling? How’s the hangover?]
[im ok. headache tho]
[did you take the tablets I packed?]
[yeah i did, thanks]
[wish i was there with you]
[you are]
[took you with me]
There’s a photo that loads on his screen. It’s all the layers of clothes on Jiwon’s chest: a pink t-shirt underneath a familiar gray hoody underneath that caramel coloured coat that they both share.
He knows what Jiwon’s doing, the implication and explanation coming in a photo because he can’t articulate it in a text message. It fills him with so much fondness that his chest constricts violently and he can feels the start of a tear in the corner of his eye. How are you supposed to respond to something like that?
[great, now what am I supposed to wear?]
[lol idk go naked]
[south korea isn’t ready for that]
[haha! you can practice when i come back, ok?]
[you wish]
[i do actually]
[shut up Jiwon]
[lol, i gotta go. Jin’s glaring at me]
[Good Luck with your meeting]
[Thanks baby. Love you.  xj]
[You too. xxh]
[have a good day]
[go to your meeting, you loser]
[say something nice at least]
[ok, how’s this: I’ll be thinking of you and I hope something good happens to you today.]
[yeah, not bad, whatever. talk to you later]
[lol jk jk. I miss you. Have a good day baby, do something crazy]
He can’t stop smiling after that. What would Murakami write about him right now? Laying naked in bed with the sun streaming through his curtains, smiling like an idiot at his ceiling. Is this what contentment feels like?
He reads Jiwon’s last message again and scrolls through all the photos that Jiwon has sent him from Japan. He scrolls so far back that he lands on a photo of his little sister, holding her ballet trophy proudly. He hasn’t seen her in a long time, too long really, and no matter what he does, there’s no ignoring the guilt.
His self esteem is managable at best and diabolical at it’s worst. He doesn’t want to be one of those guys who constantly waxes lyrical about love but in all honesty, it really does heal a lot of things, some that he didn’t even know were broken in the first place. Jiwon’s love is no ordinary love though, it must be the extra-strength-triple-fortified-eternally-lasting kind because it gives him courage at times when he has none.
His sister is still smiling at him through his phone screen and before he really knows what he’s doing, his fingers have already hit the dial button.
“Hi mum.”
Yeah, love might give you courage but it takes a crazy kind of courage to get involved with it in the first place.
He fingers the soft gray fabric of Hanbin’s hoody and tries not to feel completely underdressed in the room full of slick designer rappers. Clothes don’t mean shit. He knows that but there’s no escaping Jin’s sigh when he climbs into the car and the fact that he looks like the odd one out.
Doc McKinney was surrounded by a crowd 3 people deep. The meeting is over in an anti-climatic ten minutes. Everyone wanted to meet the famous american producer and on the hierarchy of importance, he was right at the bottom. He might be known in Seoul’s underground rap scene but here, he was just another fish in an even bigger ocean. He’s not entirely sure why Beatbox wanted him to go because Doc Mckinney doesn’t even know who he is but at least they could speak English and ended up talking about Bob Marley. That was something.
He’s standing at one of the big windows afterwards, trying to take a photo of the Tokyo skyline to send home, thinking of how much he wants to take Hanbin here one day.
He turns to his left to see a tall thin man with long black hair, a straggly beard and thick glasses. He doesn’t remember meeting him but there’s something in that voice that he recognises. The stranger doesn’t even look at him, preferring just to stare out the window.
“Yes?” He replies, both curious and cautious.
“Get dressed in the dark this morning, kid?”
He looks down at his outfit and yeah, okay, he really did get dressed in the dark this morning. It doesn’t stop him from feeling defensive about Hanbin’s grey hoodie and their caramel coloured coat. Who does this guy think he is?
“Excuse me? I don’t-”
There’s a quite snort next to him. “Relax. You look fine. Stood out like a sore thumb though didn’t you? In that sea of Supreme? Couldn’t tell one guy from the other.”  
“Oh, I guess?”
“What’s with all the pink? Your girlfriend dress you? ”
He smiles at his reflection in the glass window. “Yeah, something like that.”
“What company you with?”
“Ahh, Jin. He’s been looking for his Neo all these years. I’m surprised he didn’t dress you up himself.” The guy chuckles. “Must have a lot of faith in you to bring you all the way here for a pointless trip.”
He’s just about protest when the guy turns to face him with a pensive look on his face. “They treating you alright? You gotta watch out for these big companies.”
Whatever he was about to say gets swallowed back down, his mouth opening and closing comically to the point where he gets laughed at again. He doesn’t have much of a temper but there are time where it grates on his nerves a little too much. But even then, he wasn’t raised by wolves, his mother did teach him some manners and he doesn’t want to let Hanbin down by burning any bridges.
“Yeah, things have been good so far.” He kicks himself, unsure what the protocol is when a stranger asks him about Beatbox. This was one thing that Jin hadn’t finish coaching him on. “I haven’t released anything yet though.”
There’s another laugh followed by the shake of a head. “Yeah, he’s really putting all his money and reputation on you, huh? Smart guy though. Indie company mentality with corporate company ambitions and money. Just don’t let them blindside you guys.”
He’s seen those eyes before, the watery thoughtfulness that always looks like it’s watching and reading you the entire time. And that voice…..he knows that voice. Why can’t he place it?
“Sorry, have we met?”
The guy shrugs. “Doubt it, kid. What’s your name?”
“That your rap name?”
“No…no, it’s Bobby.”
“Of course it is.” The guy smiles but doesn’t bother to introduce himself. “How are you liking Japan?”
This entire conversation was like a car driving in and out of traffic; constantly changing lanes, veering sharp lefts and abrupt rights. He has no idea where it’s going or what the agenda is. It’s almost like talking to Hanbin.
And just like that, his focus shifts back to South Korea, where it’s sunny, and to that pokey little apartment, where there’s a sleepy neurotic writer still tangled in their sheets. His fingers come up to absentmindedly smooth over the soft fabric of his coat.
“It’s really nice. Kind of a waste to be here for business in some ways.” He laughs. “Wish the person who dressed me was here.”
“Ahhh.” The Guy says quietly, like he understands the context. Maybe he does. “Well. Work hard. Write often. Learn everything, especially when to shut up. Don’t let anybody change the part of you that makes you you. That’s always the first thing they’ll try to do. But I got a good feeling about you, kid. Put in the work and maybe next time you’re here, you can bring that girl of yours.”
He wants to correct the assumption but there’s someone calling him.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, kid. I’ll see you around.”
There’s a brief pat on his back before the Guy disappears through the sea of Supreme again.
Jin eventually catches up with him. “Who were you talking to?”
“I have no idea.” He says earnestly. He really had no idea and maybe he just hallucinated some kind of rap yoda. God, he needs either caffeine or sleep.
No such luck. Jin has him sitting through another meeting with a smaller company this time and as tired as he is, he hears the words of Rap Yoda and Hanbin echoing in his ears. He doesn’t really want to be there but he’s going to act like he does. Hanbin would probably find out if he’s slacking off and kick his ass when he gets back home.
So he turns on the charm, laying it so thick that no-one will ever forget that they met him. Jin and the team seem happy, so he guesses he’s doing something right. They eat at some barbecue joint that serves ice cold Asahi. He wants to avoid more alcohol but chicken without beer is like Jiwon without Hanbin and that just goes against the laws of the Universe.
Everywhere they walk is just another place he wants to show Hanbin one day. The tiny hedgehog cafe (with real live hedgehogs!). The waffle shop that makes dog shaped desserts. The toy store with a life sized Rilakuma at the entrance. The endless bookstores with original Murakami and scrolls of beautiful traditional brush calligraphy on the walls. The parks lined with cherry blossom trees and ivy.
He takes photos of everything and sends them all to Hanbin’s phone.
He feels like a stranger knocking on the dark red door and he feels like it was a lifetime ago that he used to live here. They were a happy family once, so he knows it’s possible but he doesn’t know if they will ever be like that again. Some wounds are just too deep.
But there was always his sister. She has nothing to do with all their mess and deserves some kind of normalcy. And it’s really that thought that drove him here today. Maybe his relationship with his parents will never go back to normal but at least he still has his sister.
“HANBIN!!” He hears her before he sees her and for all her ballerina’s grace, she has the tendency to crash into him at 100kph and hang off his neck like she was still 5 years old. He’s glad that hasn’t changed.
“Hey Peanut.” He smiles, half breathless by the tiny monster truck that just crashed into him. “Missed me?”
Hanbyul lets go and grimaces, her words directly contradicting her actions. “No.”
“Yeah sure.” He chuckles and flicks one of her ponytails. “Did mum tell you why I’m here?”
“She just said you were visiting.” Hanbyul says, eyes inquisitive but with a shade of melancholy that shouldn’t be natural at her age. “Are you visiting? Are they still mad at you?”
He sighs inwardly, telling himself to keep it together. When he spoke to his mother this morning, the request was simple: he just wanted to take his sister out for the day. But like everything that seems to happen in their family, a simple request can turn into a drama production.
“Don’t worry about that. I’m gonna go talk to them for a bit. I’m come get you after okay?”
She’s 9 years old now but when he leaves her standing in their hallway, she still looks like the toddler that he remembers following him around everywhere.
He doesn’t have to search very far for his parents, they’re both in the kitchen table when he walks in, his mum pouring tea (like he was some kind of guest) and his dad sitting at the table with a grave look on his face (like someone died).
“Hi. Mum…..dad….” He greets them awkwardly.
“Hanbin, come in. Sit sit.” At least his mum was trying to be kind. He feels a surge of love for her then and doesn’t know why he ever doubted her support. “Are you hungry? I know you want to go out for lunch but well, you aunt brought over some cake so here, have some cake.”
He nods absentmindedly, flashing her a small smile even though he really wasn’t in the mood for cake. He can see the strain on her face but she’s trying and so should he. “Thanks mum.”
The clock ticks too loudly as they just sit and stare at the grains of wood on the dinner table. His dad clears his throat eventually and they all hold their breath.
“So, how are you?”
Stay calm, Hanbin. You can do this.
“I’m fine, dad. How have you been?”
“Oh you know, the blood pressure is no good. Dr. Park has got me on too many medications. Something about my risk of a heart attack and decreasing my salt intake. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
Part of him expected this, the overly mundane conversation, and part of him is relieved that they weren’t shouting at each other from the moment he set foot in the house.
“He’s a good doctor.” He says, trying to keep the facade going. “He doesn’t really think you’re going to have a heart attack does he?”
His dad snorts derisively. “ He’s just trying to scare me. He wants me to cut out soy sauce but this is Korea, what a ridiculous request.”
“Are you taking the medication at least?”
“Oh god, not you too.” His dad sighs loudly. “First your mother and now you? For the record, yes I am taking my medications.”
There’s a long silent pause and he knows what’s on all their minds but doesn’t know how how to start talking about it.
“How’s work?”
“We’re on holidays at the moment but it’s been great.”
“You know, there’ll always be a job at my company if you want it. It’ll be a pay rise, if you ever want to move out of that shoebox you live in.”
He frowns again, fingernails digging into his palms under the table. There will never be a time where his dad isn’t disappointed in him.
Keep it together, Hanbin. Think of Hanbyul. This isn’t about you.
“I’m fine where I am. I’m getting help with the rent now anyway.”
His words, and all its implications, hang in the air between them. They all want to talk about Jiwon so they might as well just get it over with.
“Is that still…..” His dad trails off, pausing for a beat before finishing his sentence. “How is that going?”
He hears it, the strain in his dad’s voice, the way he almost had to force the words out in some kind of neutral civil tone. That must be his mother’s influence. He knows they both really want to ask, “Is it still going?”
“It’s going great.” He says, looking at the dense chocolate cake his mum pushes towards him and avoiding any other eye contact. “He’s in Japan right now.”
“Japan? What for?”
Does he want to do this now? Start telling Jiwon’s life story to a man who might never accept them? But if not now, then when?
“For work. He’s um….he got a record deal. He’s a musician. He’s over there for some business meetings.” They can all hear the shakiness in his voice but nobody mentions it, so there was at least that.
“Oh.” His dad says. “Your mother said he worked in that garage downtown. Since when was he a musician?”
He looks up in surprise, first to his mum, who gives him an encouraging smile, then slowly to his dad, who is wearing a genuinely shocked expression.
“He’s always been one. He just got signed recently.”
There’s another long heavy pause and then all pretend to eat the cake that nobody has an appetite for.
“Did you read the contract?” His dad asks suddenly, eyes now serious and focused, like he must be in all his business meetings. “Before he signed it, did you read it?”
He almost feels like smirking, if his dad wanted to talk business, then they will talk business. It’s the one topic where they have some common ground. “Of course I did.”
“What company did he sign with?”
“Beatbox. It’s a new subsidiary of Globalkore.”
“Which law firm is representing them?”
“Lee & Ko.”
His dad hums in what he knows is approval. It gives him emotional whiplash.
“Did you have to re-negotiate any terms?”
“Only a few. We got them all. It wasn’t really that hard.”
He eats more of the cake, finally able to swallow some of it down. He can see his dad’s mouth opening with hesitation before closing again with resignation. Being good at business and law is one thing but wanting to make a career out of it is an entirely different thing. They’ve had The Family Business conversation so many times over the years. It always begins with his dad disappointed by his refusal to put that business-law degree into effect. It always ends with him storming out of the house, shouting about how art isn’t a worthless pursuit.
They’re all shocked when the conversation veers off somewhere else altogether.
“Is he pulling his weight? Helping you out? You’re not doing everything are you?”
He looks across at his dad, surprised that they were back to talking about Jiwon. It’s been some time since he’s really stopped and looked at his parents and their lives. His dad works hard at a job that carries more high stakes and stress than one person should be mentally permitted to. He’s not perfect, he’s hurt everyone in the family with his blunt words and careless actions but right now, there’s just a weary father with too many deeps lines on his face, worried about blood pressure tablets and his son’s future.
Something melts inside him. It’s not forgiveness, not even close, but it’s a small step in the right direction.
“Yeah dad, he’s helping out.”
There’s a crash outside the kitchen that makes them all jump. Hanbyul’s ponytails swing into view, along with the pot plant she tripped over. Their mum is up in a flash, sighing and gently scolding as she dusts the soil off Hanbyul’s jeans and leads her off into the bathroom to wash her hands.
“That’s your cue to go.” His dad says, getting up to help with the cleaning. “Have her back before dinner.”
He’s nodding and is just about to bend down to help when his dad waves him away. “No, I’ll take care of this. Go entertain her, she’s been bored of us for weeks now.”
“Okay. Um, thanks dad.” He says, feeling every bit like a child again.
“We haven’t told her anything about your….situation. If you insist on going through with all that, just think about what you say and who might end up hearing about it, not just for your sake but for everyone else’s too.”
Part of him wants to automatically snap back. Of course he knows all this. Of course he’ll be cautious. But he keeps his mouth shut and just nods again. It’s longest conversation they’ve probably had in 6 months that didn’t end in a some kind of argument or shouting match. It’s unsettling and foreign and he’s almost forgotten how to deal with it but sometimes you have to take a few hits in order to win the war.
“Come on Hanbin! I want to go to the pet store!” Hanbyul is tugging at his sleeve impatiently and he only has a brief moment with this mum on the way out.
“Thank you.” He whispers.
“For what?” She smiles mysteriously.
He pulls out of the driveway feeling off-balanced in a good way (if there was such a thing). There are more questions than answers and he still doesn’t know where his dad stands on the topic of Jiwon but at least they were all talking and his sister seems to be doing okay. So for now, that’s enough.
“What were you talking about with mum and dad?” Hanbyul asks over lunch. “Why did you look so serious?”
“They’re just worried about my life. That’s what parents do.” He says with a smile. She is even more inquisitive than he ever was at this age. “They’ll worry about you too, when you decide to grow up.”
She scowls at him with the fury only a 9 year old girl can generate. “I’m not a baby!”
He reaches over to pull her hair away from her face so it doesn’t get stuck in her food. “Nah, you’re always gonna be a baby peanut. Better get used to it.”
Hanbyul glowers a few more times before suddenly deciding that it just wasn’t worth the energy to get upset. Kids these days.
“So they’re not mad anymore?”
“I think mum’s okay. Dad’s just tired, you know. I don’t think they’re as mad as they were before, there’s just some adult things we need to figure out right now.” He kicks himself immediately as soon as he gets the words out because his sister pounces on them without missing a beat.
“Like what? What things?”
He sighs. He is never going to come out of this conversation alive. His sister had concentrated Kim genes- all the tenacious charm of their mum mixed with all the cunning intelligence of their dad. It’s a potent combination in a tiny 9 yo human.
“Like my job and my apartment. Stuff like that. It’s boring. You don’t want to hear about it.”
She wipes her mouth daintily and stares lasers at him. “Do you have a girlfriend that’s a boy?”
He’s so taken aback that he can only laugh. “What?! Where did you hear that?”
“My friend Mina said that her brother has a girlfriend that’s a boy because some people have girlfriends who are girls and some people have girlfriends who are boys. So do you have a girlfriend that’s a boy?”
Kids these days.
“That is the weirdest question.” He says, shaking his head. “You know that having a girlfriend whose a boy is just like having a boyfriend right? It’s the same thing. Some people like boys and some people like girls and some people like both.”
He kicks himself again. His parents will kill him for introducing their innocent daughter to the idea of bisexuality. He might as well start digging his own grave now.
“I know that Hanbin!” Hanbyul says, rolling her eyes condescendingly. She’s just a baby, when did she learn to roll her eyes? And where the hell did she learn about bisexual dating?!
“How do you know? Who told you that?”
“Mina’s brother picks her up from ballet and sometimes there’s a boy and sometimes there’s a girl with him. And Miss Lee said that some of the famous ballet dancers are like that and it doesn’t make them bad or weird. Oh! Do you know Tiler, Hanbin? She’s my favourite dancer! Mum let me watch her videos on Youtube, she’s the best.”
He just shakes his head. This whole time, he was agonising over how to explain to his sister that he was gay and in 10 minutes, she’s already explained the concept back to him.
“No, I haven’t heard of her. You need to show me one day.” He reaches across to tuck more wayward strands of hair away from her face. “Does it bother you that some of your favourite dancers like boys or girls?”
Hanbyul shrugs. “I don’t know. It’s weird sometimes.”
He knew it wasn’t going to be all smooth sailing. Maybe his sister understands that more than one type of couple exists but beyond that is harder to come to terms with.
“Why’s it weird?”
“Because it’s weird!” She says, exasperated by her 9 yo brain’s inability to articulate its own thoughts.
“What if it was me? Would you think it’s weird?”
She looks at him with wide eyes for a moment but slowly shakes her head. “I don’t think you’re weird.”
“Well, good. You shouldn’t hate people or tease them because of who they like, okay? You wouldn’t want someone hating you for liking ballet and Tiler right?”
She’s nodding her head but too fixated on her food and chopsticks so he doesn’t really know how much sinks in but this is enough for one day. There’s no point ruining their day together with social politics, there’ll be plenty of time for that when she’s older.
Jin finally releases him at 5:30pm.
He goes straight to the hotel room and falls face first onto the bed. There’s the temptation to just crawl under the sheet and sleep but he knows it’ll mean waking up in the middle of the night because he’s missed dinner.
Hanbin hasn’t replied to any of his photo messages, which makes him irrationally worried even though he knows there’s probably a good reason for it.
To distract himself, he decides to check out the rooftop pool in the hotel. It’s dinner time for most guest and he’s relieved to find the 25 metre pool empty.  It’s an indoor pool but encased by glass windows so you can see everything outside, including the evening sky.
After attempts at some hard and fast laps, he’s too exhausted to do much more than just float on his back and stare out the glass ceiling. The sky was violet, it reminds him of the colour of the sky on his birthday. It wasn’t the first birthday he’s had with a boyfriend but it was the first birthday where he was given a gift that meant something.
He still can’t get over the mixtapes. Nobody has ever made him anything like that before. Teenage confession letters were one thing but four mixtapes with handwritten tracklists were another thing altogether. 1 hour per tape equals four hours of music and probably days or weeks of thoughts and consideration on Hanbin’s part. That’s his favourite present. It wasn’t so much about the tapes themselves or the songs on them, it was really the knowledge that Hanbin sat down and put so much effort into something just for his birthday. It hits him in the gut when he thinks about it and lyrics start forming in his head as he floats in the warm water.
Locked with your thoughts I’m swimming With u right here I’m swimming With no-one else I’m swimming Wanna be with u
He eats dinner with the windows wide open so he can stare at the glittering night lights of Tokyo and listen to the ‘Before Sunset’ tape at the same time. The sky was dark indigo now and even though Hanbin was still not replying, he sends a photo of the night skyline anyway.
He recognises the song through his headphones, it’s something he remembers hearing somewhere before. Maybe when he was younger, when his family was still in America and they had long hot summers down the West Coast with the radio playing in the car. He lets the nostalgia wash over him, wondering how the hell Hanbin managed to find a song that incapsulated his childhood without even being there.
He’s playing with the little cardboard insert in the cassette case when he sees something written on the inside of the spine.
“I’m not good with words, so I’m using this to tell you instead.”
He wants to laugh because he’s read Hanbin’s articles and knows a talent when he sees one but on the other hand, Hanbin has always had trouble saying what he means and meaning what he says. Some people are better writing words and some are better verbalising them. Hanbin is the former and he himself is definitely the latter.
And right on cue, as if Hanbin heard his thoughts, there’s a message that buzzes on his phone.
[Hey sorry, had a big day. How did it go over there?!]
[Gonna look at all the photos in bed later]
[its was ok, we got along but it was only a quick 10 min thing. Hallucinated a Rap Yoda tho]
[was takng a photo to show u and this dude just starts talkn to me like yoda in the sw movies]
[who was he?]
[IDK! super weird]
[That is weird. How’s the headache, feeling better?]
[yeah its fine. how was ur day? do anythng crazy?]
[omg what]
[Talked to my dad]
He stares at the words for a full 5 seconds before attempting to think of a reply. With his chest thumping, he dials Hanbin’s number instead.
“Don’t ‘hey’ me! What happened?!” He nearly shouts down the line.
“Tell me about your day first?”
“Fuck no. Yours is more important!”
“Jiwon….” Hanbin was using his Responsible Adult Voice.
“Hanbin….” He echoes in his own serious voice.
There’s a sigh from the other end. “Okay, fine. Well, I was in a good mood this morning so I rang mum to ask her if I could take Hanbyul out for lunch and she said I had to come over and talk to dad about it because they probably think I’m going to introduce her to being gay or something. Anyway,  I went over and we talked and nobody punched anyone in the face. So it was a pretty good day.”
There’s a pause then but Hanbin stays silent.
“And then what?” He asks impatiently. “Did he say anything about us? Or me?”
“He offered me a job again but mostly he wanted to know about your contract with Beatbox. He was worried about us not reading fine print and signing a dodgy deal. It’s a business school thing.” Hanbin says, almost distractedly.
“You told him about my contract?”
There’s a quiet intake of air before Hanbin speaks again. “Shit. Did you not want me to? I’m sorry Jiwon! I just thought that-”
“No, it’s fine! I don’t care that you told him. It’s just, why would he be interested in that? Last time you all talked, there was shouting and they stormed out.”
“Yeah I know.” Hanbin says wearily. “I think mum got to him. Wore him down as usual. I didn’t ask her to do that but I think she did it anyway.”
“So, are they just okay with us now?”
His heart jumps with hope but he’s been in these situations before, with equally homophobic parents, and he knows that false hope is the cruelest of them all.
“I wouldn’t go that far. I don’t know what my dad thinks. They’re both trying and that’s all I can honestly say right now.” Hanbin finishes earnestly. “Hanbyul seems okay though, thank God. At least they haven’t messed her up too badly yet.”
“Oh yeah? That’s good. I want to meet her one day.”
“I know. I want you to meet her too but….”
“…just not right now. It’s fine Hanbin. Don’t stress about it, it’ll happen when it happens.”
Hanbin hums a vague response and there’s another pause.
“So tell me about your day?”
He sits in the chair facing the big window and watches all the lights flicker over the city in the distance. Hanbin doesn’t even interrupt him, he’s known for awhile that Hanbin finds his voice soothing and he wonders if he was ever read to as a child.
He’s half way through describing the hedgehog cafe when his body gives up being in an upright position.
“Sorry babe, I need to get into bed, gonna crash soon.”
“It’s okay, me too. My chest is killing me. Talk to you tomorrow.”
“I’m coming back tomorrow.” He says with a tired laugh. “Why’s your chest killing you?”
“It’s nothing.” Hanbin says quickly. “I’ll let you go. Get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow? Your flight lands at 4pm right?”
“Yeah, I’ll call you.”
“Okay. You want me to hang up first?”
“Yeah.” He laughs quietly. “Night baby, love you.”
“I…..me too.” Hanbin says, only slightly tripping over the words. “See you tomorrow.”
His eyes are already half closed by the time he gets in bed but he doesn’t sleep straight away, instead he scribbles all the bits of lyrics that seem to flood his head all the sudden. He dreams of swimming pools, dimple smiles, violet skies and mixtapes. He can’t think of a title, that’ll just have to wait till morning.  
He hangs up first because Jiwon still can’t do that for some reason. His chest is aching but there’s something about the pain mixed with everything good that happened today that makes him itch to write it all down. His laptop glows into life but the words don’t look right on the sterile whiteness of the computer screen. Instead, he opens up the playlist he made for Jiwon and reaches for the notebook he jammed under the mattress all those months ago. 
It’s cold and smooth underneath his finger tips, the paper old and slightly yellowing with age. His favourite black pen still glides over it just like it used to. This feels better. It feels familiar. 
So he writes. 
Cloudy With A Chance: Chapter 0....
Soundtrack: Tiny Dancer -Elton John | Your Song -Lady Gaga (cover)
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myfirstandlast · 6 years
the louvre by lorde, 365 by SHINee and It must be autumn by Jonghyun and Go YoungBae!!
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
i have this album in my library but idk why i never listen to it… i feel bad bc i know she has rlly innovative lyrics n stuff i know shes good im SURE shes good but i never….care that much IM BORING IM SORRY :( tbh i dont mind it tho the boomboomboom thing is making me laugh but the song itself isnt too bad and as im listening more it gets better the thing about being in the back? cheeky i smiled… THE BOOMBOOMBOOM I CANT GET OVER KJHBHJF T SOUNDS WEIRD that sorta ruins it for me BUT i think i can kinda get w this she isnt the worst 
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading (? if it’s possible since its jpn) immediately | already in my library
it’s shinee so if i say something bad i immediately die which i would of course deserve
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
i know jjong is perfect at sweet songs which is just! so not my style but im listening to the whole thing bc how can i not and my style aside it is. really sweet and pretty honestly he sounds lovely especially when they harmonise its quite nice and it makes me think of like. taking a walk down the street w your love in wide brim hats and theres flowers everywhere and petals in the air like PEAK ghibli nature scene just. very very very pretty thank u 
send me song recs!
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1800-seungshine · 7 years
the hearts’ aftermath.
member(s): park woojin & bae jinyoung genre(s): high school!au, fluff, hoobae!au summary: a simple cliché high school love story, may not be special for others but it’s special for park woojin and bae jinyoung. epilogue of ludic and responsible (requested - bullet point format) word count: 1.4k
note: a requested scenario that took me forever to write bc of my indecisive ass hahah ;; i’m really sorry if it took a while and i hope you like it! i actually had more ideas in mind but couldn’t put them bc i feared it would be too long and it’d make the entire thing more messy sighpies bUT ANYWHO i actually have no idea how this works..?? like lmao you can be either woojin’s girl or baejin’s girl or you can be both bc two is better than one! i apologise if it may seem messy too but other than that, enjoy and happy reading! < 3  p.s. idk whether y’all get tired of me saying thank you but i can’t help that bc it doesn’t amount to how much i really am grateful for the numerous support esp with the likes, follows and reblogs! thank you so much for the love ;; i will continue to work even harder < 33
guess who’s back 
back again 
woojin’s back 
tell a friend 
ok sorry i got a lil carried away whoops 
so anyways 
woojin got in trouble after your shenanigans
like yeah sure a detention and his ass whooped from his parents 
that wasn’t the big deal 
i’m referring to something bigger 
yknow that tiny crush he had on you before?? 
yeah that grew 
and it still continues to do so
because after that one fine day in which you accidentally dragged him into your own trouble 
he entered your life and you entered his
it was a gradual progress though 
at the start, it was simply a form of acknowledgement whether through grins, eye contact and waves
then it became small conversations that occurred whenever you encountered each other 
and eventually you ended up sitting with his group of friends 
sometimes you even drag him along to your schemes of skipping classes or pranking people 
everything was all fun and games 
until it came to feelings 
he has this mini-hate for you whenever it came to that subject
you kept things ambiguous that he can’t pinpoint anything 
there are times when you say things to him that feel like they hold a lot more meaning than you let on 
or those times when he catches you shyly glancing at him
yet all in all, nothing
either you were good at hiding feelings 
or you didn’t have any
yet one thing still remains
never did woojin think that he’d fall for someone as troublesome as you 
but he did anyway 
and he can’t say he hates it 
bc boy oh boy does he enjoy every second of it 
there’s this sort of thrill that he gets liking you 
but lol even if he does enjoy liking you 
doesn’t mean he’d enjoy getting rejected 
so he kept his feelings to himself and decided not to speak to anyone about it 
until someone pointed it out 
there were two new members in his friendship circle consisting of bae jinyoung, lee daehwi, park jihoon and lai guanlin
one of them was you 
and the other one? 
jinyoung’s tutor/girlfriend
the school’s blessing - everyone’s angelic sunbae 
(which can also be you bc why the hek not yknow why just be woojin’s crush when you can be baejin’s gf too)
yeah 11/10 his ass got exposed when you decided to skip classes one day
“so woojin, when are you gonna make a move?”
everyone literally stopped, dropped and rolled bc wth boi never told them
while guanlin legit jumped up from his seat, clapping his hands happily and the entire cafeteria was blessed with his yelling and dolphin laughs
did they make a bet on chicken nuggets without him??
hek yeah they did (#worthit)
woojin choked on air and he became a stuttering mess, “n-no! where d-did you hear th-that?! h-hahaha that’s s-so funny! i d-don’t like y-y/n!” 
"we never said it was y/n though...?”
“. . . . . .”
he grabbed his things and ran away from them never to be seen again 
j u s t  k i d d i n g 
in the end, it took woojin a while to muster up the courage to confess to you 
(well, it was more like it took daehwi, guanlin, jihoon and jinyoung to verbally gang up on him to confess bc they were tired of the never-ending push and pull between you two cos it’s so obvious you liked each other so just date already gosh.)
most of the work was all thanks to jinyoung’s girlfriend who constantly encouraged him and gave him actual advice
she even helped him make a move on you by becoming close to you
unlike some other snakes who he calls friends, whom if you recall put his feelings on the line for chicken nuggets 
eventually you and woojin began to date 
the news quickly spread around the school and it made a number of the male students sad 
bc firstly, bae jinyoung stole the angel of the school 
and now woojin took the badass of the school 
but somehow no one’s mad about it cos baejin and his girl are the school’s new couple goals 
while you and woojin are the ideal “dream team” 
now y’all might be thinking those are the best otp the school has 
but jokes on you 
the best pairing around is you and baejin’s girlfriend 
a duo so great you can probably beat ongniel
you two got really close bc she helped your relationship with woojin become more than friendship
it was a weird sight at first bc two polar opposites are suddenly hanging out; one was well-loved for being a responsible and kind role model whilst the other one was loved for being cheeky and having a mischievous mind 
such contradictory that ended up as an awesome friendship
bc yknow as they say, opposite attracts
and nowadays it actually feels like you and baejin’s girlfriend are dating instead bc you two always hang out
which leaves woojin and jinyoung sulking to themselves 
like every time jinyoung’s girlfriend is on the phone texting 98% of the time she’s talking to you 
“stop two-timing, angels aren’t supposed to be cheaters.” jinyoung would complain as he’d wrap his arms around her
while she’d only laugh at him, “yah- you shouldn’t be talking especially when you scammed me into this relationship despite have such an innocent and angelic face.” 
“that’s a strategy okay! this is a different situation like seriously, are you dating me or are you dating y/n??” he’d ask her with a slight frown
“well then seems like i have to break up with you then-” she would always reply 
11/10 it works every time and baejin would end up sulking until she'd kiss his cheek 
“just kidding - i wouldn’t replace you for anyone else, baejin.”
and tbh you two have gotten so close it’s gotten to the point where baejin got jealous and decided to whip up a plan with woojin about taking you and his girl away from each other 
let me tell you it didn’t work bc y’all were inseparable after instantly clicking
srsly she got your back and vice-versa bc yknow angel-devil duo is science maths
so whenever you and woojin bicker, you two mostly result to threatening about how you’d leave one another 
woojin: i swear i’m gonna go back to jihoon if this continues >:( 
you: ye well go ahead cos jinyoung’s girlfriend is my real soulmate lmao bye felicia xx 
woojin: . . . .i was kidding ;; you know that right? 
woojin: OK OK IM SORRY 
yeah you end up winning bc duh brotp ftw 
ofc there are even times when woojin and jinyoung bicker on whose girlfriend is better 
smh this isn’t a competition idiots 
so whenever they do that, you two just look at each other and leave 
which ends up to jinyoung and woojin eventually coming together to sulk by buying banana milk to “drown” in their sadness bc remember kids, y’all shouldn’t be drinking alcohol underaged 
but even so you love woojin more than anything in the world 
he makes you laugh and smile, your days are brighter when he’s around and you miss him when he isn’t there 
and it’s the same for jinyoung and his girl 
four different individuals with miscellaneous personalities 
which equals to two couples with different stories and different ways of affection
hence to end the story
there is no actual ending 
and no it isn’t bc i’m lazy ok shh don’t misunderstand me smh
the true ending remains a mystery bc the future is unclear and who knows what will happen to these two couples let alone these four individuals 
i mean that’s totally up to you cos duh it isn’t just me controlling this ok 
but these four have no care what happens tomorrow or the day after 
bc they live in the here and now, enjoying every second and every moment they share with their friends, their family and with their special one
and every day is a new day to create fresh and happy memories for them to cherish and remember in their hearts forever
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
i know it’s been literally over two hours since i said i was starting the episode but my laptop started acting weird 6 minutes in (just before the drop in the intro wtf THAT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!!!!) and i had to restart it. twice. but oh well here goes my opinion on episode 7:
PETE DID HIS SPEECH!!! even if it wasn’t what he was supposed to say lmao it shouldn’t be funny how much i can relate,,,, bUT MY BOY DID IT AND HE DIDN’T STUTTER ONCE!!!!!!! SO PROUD OF U BABY
that shower scene i was like *eyes emoji*
the only other shower scene in bls i’ve seen was from tharntype so yall already know where my mind went KFHLSJKKSJKSHFLSJGS
sunmork in this episode was ... weird to say the least,,,, mork feeling uncomfy at first but then feeling jealous over sun speaking with his ex comfortably ??????? idk man sort ur shit together
sad how we only saw rain here because of mork asking about them
also sandee and thada being the best couple alive? yes i very much agree
the way he looked at her when she was speaking in front of the high schoolers pLEASE i want someone to look at me like that
pete being a lil shit towards that annoying ass kid is my favourite thing ever sorry you can’t tell me it’s not okay i’m the same age as non(t) and would PAY pete to act like that to me :-)
KAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ROMANTIC BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS SO CUTE PLEASE THREE YEARS TOGETHER!!!!!! THAT LITTLE NOTE AND ALL THOSE “BAD” PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE KISSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE MUTUAL KISSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM GAY AND I AM EMOTIONAL
and of course there was something a bit .............. in it
kao said that he would come back later to clean it up and i just know someone will discover it and that someone will most probably be non(t)
and i would hate it if it happened but of course this is a drama and it needs, well, drama
also the preview showed those dudes who fought with sunmork entering their cafe and im just really fucking tired of them iT WAS LITERALLY A SOUP DUDE CALM THE FUCK DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
i just want rain and manow scenes is that too much to ask for
also more cute and wholesome and fluffy petekao
is it that much hhhhhhhh
ANYGAYS i’m done with the episode now,,,, im hungry so bYE
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hazah · 6 years
henlo ss here! apologies for being mia for legit years i was dealing with shit. my whole family is catholic too (zippidy-do-dah) and i believe in god, just i dont go along with traditional catholics beliefs? i cant fucking articulate omg. like all the stuff about how being gay is bad? yeah no. anyway sorry about all the hamilton stuff lol. im so pissed because lin (manuel miranda) fucking CREATED A STRAIGHT LOVE TRIANGLE WHEN THERE WAS ALREADY A GAY ONE! hold on i need another anon~
~i’m back! k so lin manuel miranda as u may know wrote the musical and stuff. BUT! he made up this love triangle between angelica (schuyler) church (she WAS ALREADY MARRIED LIN HOW THE FUCK DO U FIGURE), eliza schuyler, & alex ham. there was no love triangle. angelica was already married. they had a bro sis relationship smh @ the straights. THERE WAS STILL A LOVE TRIANGLE THO LIN DO U HEAR THAT ITS THE SOUND OF GAYNESS! alex hamilton + john laurens. they loved each other i kid u not~
~THEY SENT EACH OTHER LOVE LETTERS! LOOK IT UP IF U DON’T MIND LOSING UR HEART! alex (u hoe) legit sent john “Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships, I wish, my Dear Laurens, it might be in my power, by action rather than words, to convince you that I love you.” that is some r o m a n t i c s h i t. AND AND AND HE ALSO SAYS IN THE SAME LETTER “You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affections without my consent.” what the fuck. i am shook. new anon~
in closing, john and alex loved each other and if it were a time where gayness was accepted (also john dies at like 25 so ._.) they would have lived happily ever after. oh alex was bi or pan idk and john im p sure was just gay or like 99%. whatevs. my main point is that there was ALREADY A LOVE TRIANGLE BETWEEN JOHN, ALEX AND ELIZA SO WHY LIN WHY? the letters between angelica and alex were cheeky but not at all like alex and john. anyway that concludes this week’s wild conspiracy theories. byeee
ps this ur ss sorry for sucking haha and not sending notes :(
oh my god this whole set of messages is magnificent im dying 😂😂 but it’s ok!! hope everything is good now!!! ok but yeah my whole fam is catholic and im the same way as you, i believe most of the shit but some of that crap old white catholics throw in about gay people and shit like that makes me so pissed bc like?? it’s not even in the bible??? like the quote they use as “proof” is out of context lmao… one of my cousins is gay (he’s like 45 and lives in chicago and is my favorite cousin and also he’s the only family member who knows im pan lol) and his parents (my aunt and uncle) are like “love the sinner, hate the sin!!1” and im like!!! shut the fuck up!!!!! and like he told me when i came out to him how they still don’t accept him (especially my aunt but she aint blood related to me so like,,, i dont need her lmaooo) and how sad it makes him and how he doesn’t want that for me but that my mom is very accepting of him so i should be fine on that front and just???? he’s an angel i love him sm…
ANYWAYS that is?????????? so fucking GAY and ROMANTIC and GAY oh my GOD!!! i think i’ve heard some of that before but like i don’t remember if it was them or someone else… i REALLY wish lin would have done the Gay love triangle though, that would have been so much more interesting (and historically accurate) than what he did do :/ *sigh* i guess you’ll just have to make a “hamilton 2.0: the gay awakening” so we can all be graced with this magnificence!! bc, as we all know, everything is better when it’s gay
and ps it’s totally ok :-)
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