#im sorry if this sounds PREACHY i do not mean for it to come across that way
oh-katsuki · 1 year
Hiiiiiii Cal! I really like the way you write so that's why I'm asking you this, but don't feel pressured to answer if you don't know or just don't wanna.
Note: English isn't my first language.
I studied Latin a few years ago and I want to translate this lil quote thingy from Pompeii that roughly translates to "lovers and bees live sweet lives. I wish I could, too".
Now here's the question: could I say honeyed instead of sweet? Because the literal translation from Latin would be sweet like honey but I don't wanna use a whole bunch of words for it because it's just one word in Latin. When I googled it said honeyed is just about food and I don't want to accidentally use a food-word when it's supposed to be all ✨serious✨ so that's why I'm asking 🥲
Annnnnd the reason I'm asking a RaNdOm FiC wRiTeR and not my professor is because he would wonder why I'm asking and I cannot lie for the life of me and I don't want to tell him it's for angsty, sexually explicit fan fiction about a 2D man so. Yah
And yes I also could just google what the ✨official translation✨ to English is but I'm a stubborn bitch and I want to do it myself so I'm not gonna 🤪
Sorry if this is long 🥲
i'm actually so flattered that you came to me with this!! idk why i just am!! and thank you, im glad u like my writing <333
first of all, that's a REALLY nice quote. like so poetic and meaningful.
anyway, i think you definitely COULD substitute "sweet" for "honeyed". a lot of the times, when you look up english phrases like that, it will come up with really literal definitions despite the fact that they aren't always used that way (cultural context and whatnot). like with the word "honeyed" specifically.. yeah it usually applies to food (ie; honeyed ham), but there's also a phrase in English—"honeyed words"—that basically refers to something someone says that is sweet/kind/hopeful. similar to the way the phrase "sugarcoated" is used when referring to negative news/lies delivered in a way to not hurt feelings.
i use "honeyed" as a descriptor for things other than food in my writing all the time and while i don't think it would be exactly correct, i do think it applies really well to the specific quote you're using. it's honestly probably a closer translation in general since you said the original latin says "sweet like honey". also, the term "honeyed" in that context implies that it's coated in honey, not made of it, which i think suits the quote a lot if im interpreting it right.
if im being fr... i like using "honeyed" in that quote better than sweet. not sure why. sweet feels like there's very little longevity/weight to it (idk if that makes sense), whereas honeyed is a very sensory word to use. like idk it conjures up images and feelings and flavors. ya know?
anyway, im not really at all qualified to give a definitive answer on what's correct and incorrect (english is my first language but i literally never know what's going on with grammar or like... correct use of vocab. we go based on vibes alone). but for what it's worth, i think honeyed would work great there and that it's a good idea to use it. like it would def make sense. fuck it, we ball mentality.
(sometimes googling doesn't do much good bc google is SO wrong a lot of the time. AND translating things from latin and greek always has a MILLION different translations that all imply different things. i understand and support ur stubbornness. plus you can always look it up after ya know???)
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angelichl · 4 years
how am i in the wrong? saying that people who use the label Larry make you uncomfortable is just so odd to me as you wrote fics under that relationship but then you get to criticise others for using that term? like i just don’t think it’s that serious? and the fandom isn’t bullies?? idk, i think you getting pressed and righting essay responses is lowkey over the top when all I’m saying is that it’s shitty to be like Larry makes me uncomfortable and imply that the fandom is bullies/toxic
Anonymous said: like this community has been so positive, I’ve got to share my art through it and make friends with similar efforts and getting labelled as bullies/toxic/people that make others uncomfortable is shit. im sorry if I pissed you off but like your tone comes across as criticising a fandom and telling them they’re not as chill/respectful as you because them shipping Larry is “extreme”. can’t always get tone from writing tho so im sorry if i misinterpretated what you said
Anonymous said: also never threatened to dox you? and if that did happen, I’m sorry because that’s super fucked
ok first of all I’m glad your fandom experience has been positive!!! that’s really great
moving on- you’re twisting my words up / still not getting what I’m trying to say. I’ll try to word it differently. this all started bc I reblogged a post where someone screenshotted their inbox, which showed it was full of variations of people asking “are you still a larrie?” in different ways and I related to that bc that’s what my inbox looks like. I’ve always ignored those messages or replied to them vaguely (which makes some people mad) because of what I’ve been trying to explain: I personally don’t want to use the “larrie” label for myself. I’m not judging other people who claim that label, I’m not criticizing them, this has nothing to do with them, it’s all about me lol. the label comes with a set of beliefs that I personally do not follow, beyond thinking HL were probably/definitely in love at least at one point in time. I’m trying to be a more casual fan, enjoy their music and the content they create without getting wrapped up in their personal lives. thus I feel like the term larrie does not suit me, and that’s a personal decision, we’re just talking about me here, I’m not judging anyone else. what i am ‘judging’ or being critical of is the bullying that some people (not everyone! there are many kind people out there and I think you are one of those kind people!!) engage in, that I want no part of. thus I have, for the past year or so, distanced myself from that part of the fandom when I used to be very invested in it. I get that this can sound preachy or like I’m on my high horse or whatever but i promise that’s not my intention, I’m just trying to explain myself, the only people I’m being critical of are the people who are legitimately mean. in my experience this fandom is toxic (despite the many many lovely people!) but like, so is every fandom so idk. taking a step back.
also I get that it’s a bit murky in a fandom for real life people instead of fictional characters, but I personally prefer to draw a line between fan fic and real life stuff. what I’m trying to say is that when I write fan fic, I’m ‘shipping’ two people together like one would do to fictional characters, not writing about how I believe reality truly is. in my mind there are very separate parts of the fandom — writing fic vs. theorizing about the intricate personal details of harry and louis’ real lives. I used to do that but I don’t anymore, I am a more casual/chill fan, I’ve set boundaries for myself etc and the fun thing is everyone gets to decide where they set their boundaries. I’m not judging other people, just explaining that I’ve set my boundaries in a different place which is why I don’t reblog certain text posts which is why I then have people in my inbox (not you) demanding I declare I’m not a larrie anymore.
idk what I’m even saying anymore, but I think it would be nice if our side of the fandom was more critical of itself. I’m not saying you personally are bullying anyone. I’m saying that I’ve seen a lot of rude to straight up mean/cruel replies to otherwise harmless asks. I’ve seen a lot of name calling and pressuring/coercing everyone to believe the exact same thing (i.e. this all or nothing mentality where if you don’t believe HL did x y and z then you must be a solo stan). idk
and lastly, since the beginning of 2020 I’ve had 3 separate people threaten to dox me which like.. idk might not seem like a big deal but it made me super anxious and paranoid at first and now I’m just annoyed. I’m not even a big blog. I’m just here to listen to music, get excited for tour, and maybe write fic. I feel like doing none of that when I get bombarded with all these messages saying “just admit that you’re ___ and that you hate ___” and when people threaten to use personal information against me. so yeah maybe i am criticizing this fandom, but I’m doing it because I’ve witnessed and experienced some very concerning behaviors and im trying to fix it so that I don’t have to leave
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