#imagine getting in the entire day’s quota of jackassery before the sun is even up
nothingweirdhere · 2 years
you walk into the kitchen at 5AM to find your stepson still awake, sitting at the table, the counter strewn with cleaning supplies and an assortment of reptile paraphernalia (he is doing a deep clean of his snake’s tank, and apparently it’s taken all night, seeing as he started at 9PM yesterday)
1. say something along the lines of “oh jeez, you’re still at it?! you’ve really got your work cut out for you huh. pets are a lot of responsibility; it’s good you put so much effort into taking care of yours, i know it hasn’t been easy” and carry on with your morning routine?
2. curse him out, ask why he doesn’t give a shit about other the people in the house (as evidenced by the “mess” he’s “left” on the counter), and demand he finish cleaning right that instant?
BONUS QUESTION: guess which option my stepdad chose
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