#in a kind of unreliable narroraatir kinda way
wow-an-unfunny-joke · 3 months
I don’t know shit about overwatch. I am not in the over watch fandom I’m in the Junkrat fandom. Which is to say that I have an idea and k really want to write it!!! But I don’t know how. I want to write about Junkrat and Roadhog getting out of junkertown and the outskirts, getting safe and like getting better. Healthy diets, less explodey, no more radiation.
Do you really think Junkrat treats his wounds properly? Do you really think they have the stuff to treat them?
I would love to write it, but I don’t know exactly how it would happen? Why would the two even leave? Why would they ever agree to anything like that? I mean I feel like it would have something to do with Overwatch but idk, I don’t know anything about this fandom.
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