#in case youre like. on the fence abt reblogging it but would if it was somehow shorter
cakejerry · 4 months
Asks pt2 in the same night omggg cakejerry joblessss
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Too much negativity! Make your own blog. Also... Projecting much? 💀💀💀 Where did you get him hating solos from 💀💀💀💀 when will yall realize ot7 sells the best. Maybe focus on hating the fact that DESPITE ot7 selling best, antis still acted stupid and boycotted just bc it was jimin singing. So.
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Skill issue.
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Strong contender for stupidest ask I've ever gotten. Anon I'm sorry, I'm sure you're new here and all but the fact that I criticize jimin will never mean I'll unstan. (Not applicable to actual real-life stuff that matters like racism sex assault etc). And not only because I hate jk with my entire being and find him insufferable and find stanning him to be an exercise in futility. Y'all need to learn that stanning someone will never mean finding them faultless and shielding them from every bit of critique.
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He babygirled all over the place I'm sure that wnon who wants to suck his lips is very happy. I need to finger his ass.
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Glad you like it!! Another successful case of pjm self-gaslight syndrome!! Another satisfied customer!! Me personally I think his voice sounds rotten, like he's reading a horror story to a gaggle of children and doing funny impressions for the villain witch. Something very sour about it. Sheep-like. But I wish I was capable of hearing it your way!
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What genuineness towards jimin? Elaborate. Also, logical fallacy, too broad of a question. I think the truthers that pay for sasaeng info are insane, I think the people writing fics about jk raping jm should be jailed, I think the people writing fics about them that I PERSONALLY like are admirable. I think the people who are on the fence are ok. I think the ones that tweet 'ok I think jikook might actually be sus' whenever jikook do something in order to get clout but never commit fully to shipping them are vapid.
And some of them, I'm sure, are good people.
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Yeah! And if you want a longer answer than that, dm me so we can become friends.
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Silly typa guy 😭😭😭 just say he's stupid bb its ok. He is no match for jimin idk how they said they have the same IQ one of them lyin!!
And shipping minjoon would actually be so noble if only namjoon wasnt ugly. Oh well, 'ugly bastard' is a big fetish category in japan, ive heard.
But in all seriousness, I do love the plethora of occasions on which they both (minjoon) mentioned that they have late night deep talks about the nature of their jobs, life, the fact that they go to art galleries together, the way that namjoon really acts like a leader towards jm and jm treats him as such... And namjoon finds jimin soooo cute he doesn't even try to hide it its so fun WAIT I LOVE MINJOON ACTUALLY!!! also daddy kink!!! But yeah omg wait i soliloquied abt them once and I don't remember what I said lemme find it real quick and reblog
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LMFAOOOOOOO YOU CAME WITH RECEIPTS. respect... Respect. Lmfao thank you for reminding me of that that was sooo true he's so cringe my little jungkookie.
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othercat2 · 6 years
Hi! So let me start by saying I'm loving your fic! I hope you're still doing request and prompts for it, so, could you write about David's opinion about Karkat before vs his opinion on him after the talk they had over pesterchum about Dave's future? If you someday also write the discussion David had with Dave right before that conversation I would owe you my life.
(Oh sheet I forgot to say WHICH fic I was talking abt in my last ask, sorry about that! I was talking about two for mirth)     
TotallyValid Concern
Dave is an okay kid. (Okay he’s in his twenties, butstill. He’s a goddamn kid.) You aren’t at all sure what you expected when you startedtalking to him, and later, met him at the airport for his visit. You’d seen himon TV and online, but TV takes off a few pounds and most of your actualpersonality. (You wish you’d reached out to him sooner.) Dave is smart,apparently shares the family sense of humor and is really, really good at aswordsmanship style that seems vaguely European. (No katanas shitty orotherwise here.)
You were maybe worried the kid would be some kind ofbasket case outside of TV appearances and comments on social media. You’d metrepatriate activists, and while they never went into too much detail, it was alwaysenough to make you uneasy and angry that anyone had gone through the shit theyhad. (It was also pretty shitty they were still going through shit.) But heseems okay, if also really nervous.  
It is pretty much not Striderly to take notice of such things,so you spend a lot of time distracting him until he relaxes. He’s impressed byyour penthouse and immediately feels the need to text about it to the Emissary.He laughs about whatever the Emissary texts back and tucks his phone away.
You…really don’t know how you feel about that. It becomespretty clear that Dave likes the Emissary, and frequently texts him, or sendshim pictures. Framing it as some kind of survival thing or something didn’treally work. Dave acted exactly like someone in a relationship, not someonepretending to be in one for their own survival.
There’s a lot of discussion over dinner, the three of youfeeling Dave out, Dave trying to figure you out. He doesn’t talk about Bro,which you aren’t really surprised about. You wouldn’t want to talk about Broeither. He does talk about having been a gladiator, and a little about havingbeen sold to the Grand Highblood. He also gives Hali a little lecture abouttrying to get him in trouble. “It’s not just rude, it can get someone killed,”Dave says. “You don’t set people up like that. If you get caught, everyone’sgoing to be against you, when you could have had allies instead.”
Hali taps his chair leg with his heel. “It’s not like hewould have done anything to you,” he says.
“Yeah but you didn’t know that, did you?” Dave pointsout. “It’s the principle. Karkat’s an Emancipationist so I wasn’t in any dangerbut if I had been, it would have been your fault.”
The conversation goes on to other things, but you can’thelp but thinking about the Emissary. About what the guy was actually like.Dave seemed pretty fond of him, but you weren’t sure you could trust that. DidDave have the frame of reference to know whether someone was “dating material”?Was the Emissary actually as much of an “Emancipationist” as he talked upbeing? (Did it even mean the same thing?)
So you worry. You have completely valid concerns.
Dave talks up how the Emisssary, “Karkat” didn’t want aconcubine. He also talks about “trying to get his seduction on” and some of thetraining he went through. “I really liked the dance lessons. The other classeswere kinda dumb though,” he says, dismissing them. “I ended up meeting a bunch offacilitators and sex workers online, and they liked my dancing, so that waspretty great. I got reblogged a couple times by actinicFlame who’s a well-knowncourtesan who blogs about dancing, mostly.
Mona wants to see the dancing, because she’s a traitor.(Mona: “David, it’s obviously something he’s proud of, and enjoys doing.” You:“It’s some kind of sex thing. I do not want to see my nephew doing some kind ofsex thing.” Mona: “David, it’s clear the dancing is an art thing, not just a‘sex thing’ let him show off.”) You do not want to see the dancing, but areover-ruled by the boys, who are also traitors.
The kid takes it out to the roof. Under Mona’s directionyou and the kids have dragged up a few of the chairs that usually live out bythe pool. Dave performs a dance with a lot of leaps and spins with his sword, asecond slow dance with a lot of posing, and then something he refers to as his“victory dance,” which involves a lot of strutting around and posing andswinging his sword.
You can’t help but be impressed. You think he couldprobably do the dancing professionally, in the UPT. You think he could probablygo to school for it, and make your suggestion for it a few nights later. Hecould probably get into one of the modern dancing troupes, or maybe start atroupe of his own. The kid gives you a skeptical look.
“I didn’t really get an early enough start, Uncle David,”the kid says.
“I don’t necessarily buy that,” you say. “I think youhave the chops to go on and have a really successful career at dancing. I didsome research about schools you could go to, with good dance programs.”
“Karkat already has me enrolled in classes,” Dave says.“Mostly a bunch of literature classes. At school feeding institutes in theEmpire.”
“The ones you talked about him signing you up for out ofthe blue?” You ask. “That you complain about?”
“Like the dance programs you want me to sign up for?”Dave shoots back. “Which are in the UPT, not the Empire, where I actually live.With my master.”  
“Is the story about you being rescued by the GrandHighblood and put in the custody of the Emissary not true?” you ask. “I mean,that the concubine thing was completely fake, like the fake married trope?”
“It was a joke, which is different from being fake,” Davesays. “At least as far as I can tell from what the Grand Highblood thinks. Andwhat he thinks is what matters, and what he thinks is that I belong to Karkat.”
“So you belong to Karkat, but you also belong to theGrand Highblood, and you have to put up with what they want,” you say. “Wheredoes what you might want come into play?”
“Well, I want tobe able to fight in the ring, but that’s not going to happen,” Dave says withconsiderable amusement. “And you can’t exactly offer me that.”
“Hey, fencing is a thing,” You say. “Hell, there are allkinds of sword competitions out there. I’m sure we could find you something.The sky’s the limit, kid.”
“I still belong to Karkat,” Dave points out. “Who doesnot live in the UPT.”
“But you don’t have to,” you say. “Even with this GrandHighblood hanging over your head telling you where you have to be, if Karkatcared about you, he’d let you stay here, right?”
“There’s no ‘if,’” the kid says, a little angry, but alsostrangely amused. “I know he cares about me. He’s so careful it’s almost alittle annoying sometimes.”
“Well okay,” you say. “So say I buy you from the GrandHighblood.”
“No,” the kid says.
“What, you don’t think I got the money? I bet I could buyhim out a couple times.”
“Yeah, but then I’d owe you,” the kid says, glaring atme. “And I don’t know what you want.”
“You’re family,kid,” you say, feeling a little frustrated at this point. “I want to know you’resafe. I want to make up for not being around to call CPS on that asshole. Jesuskid, you got raised by my asshole brother and sword and sandal epics I have aconcern!”
The kid flushes red at that. “I’d still owe you, UncleDavid. You can’t just–argh!” His hands go up in the air, form a gesture, adiamond with the first two fingers of either hand. You know that symbol is theone for moirallegiance and “pale” feelings in general. “It’s appreciated UncleDavid, really. Don’t offer to buy me, don’t make an offer to the GrandHighblood for me. It will not go well.”
“Kid–” you start to ask if he is actually in danger buthe shakes his head.
“Nope, look,” he says, lowering his hands. “I can’t giveyou a reassurance you’d actually believe,” he says. “You don’t have anythingthe Highblood would want that would be more than making his moirail happy. Hethinks I can make his moirail happy, and I really care about his moirail. But Ican’t give you a reassurance you’d believe, because you don’t know any of the signs and I keep forgetting.”
“Signs, huh.”
“Codewords and handsigns,” Dave says. “Which I shouldn’tbe telling you about. There’s ones for ‘yes I really am safe,’ and ones for ‘noI am not safe’ and ‘can I trust you’ and things like that.” He gives you asour, irritated look. “And I can’t reassure you, so you need to talk to Karkatyourself.”
“Okay,” you say. “Kid, I really am sorry about Bro. If I’dknown the asshole had somehow reproduced…”
“You cut off contact, right?” Dave says. “How would youhave known?”  
“Maybe I shouldn’t have,” you say. Maybe Bro had cared about you in his own way.After all he named his kid after you.
“No, fuck that,” Dave says. “Don’t even think of feelingguilty about it. I would have cut him off eventually if he hadn’t died. I won’tsay it didn’t mess me up as a kid, but as an adult I can say he was a shittycustodian, and the cutting off contact was the only thing you could have done,okay?”
You want to argue that, and you do, a little. But the kidis pretty definite about what he thinks about your guilt. There’s some morearguing about the Grand Highblood, going to school in the UPT and the like, butthe kid eventually argues you into talking to Karkat.  
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