#in many ways mentorship IS a good outlet for that type of thing. i cnat do it on track anymore but maybe i can teach you....
moonshynecybin · 27 days
Thinking for vale, now more than ever, with Marc racing the way he used to, it must feel more familiar but also the reminder must be more hurtful that vale isn't there riding next to him. Things like if I was there I wud have done this & this to to stop him. Because of course he has his vr46 kids to live vicariously through but they don't know about the age of aliens and they don't ride like them. And no matter what dani-jorge-casey-marc will always evoke different poignant memories than his other beloved riders
i DO think vale is a lovely and sweet mentor in a very unforgiving sports world its one of my favorite things about him. i do alsoooooo think about bezz flopping extremely hard this year until vale showed up in jerez and more or less fixed his issues on the bike in one conversation. what the hell. the difference between a generational superstar and a regular very elite athlete summarized VERY concisely imo. so yeah i do think it grates a little that he cant be out there actually stepping to the competition because that ‘swhat his entire life has been shaped around for many many years. and he LOVES it. you HAVE TO love it to do what he did. watching Q1 on his phone signing autographs even though his little babies are all in q2 kind of behavior.
so yeah! i think it eats at him in that same quiet tragic way that all generationally talented athletes have to deal with when they get older and are forced to confront the fact that their body cant quite do what it used to. all that strategy all that knowledge all of that impotent kinetic energy just coiled in his limbs without the ability to take off... ESPECIALLY when his little baby boys cant quite work one over on marc (or anyone really). like advice can only go so far ! and part of me wonders if he watches an overtake or a hard braking zone on the tv and starts thinking of about eight different strategies that wouldve been more effective....
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