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mslawuaecom · 2 years
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Al Madhani & Al Shamsi Advocates & Legal Consultants (MS Law UAE) where I'm responsible to provide legal guidance on business-related matters, assisting in business planning and formation operations, and managing labor laws, property laws, civil laws and environmental laws for the company.
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hlootahlaw · 9 months
Bridging Legal Frontiers: Unveiling Dubai’s Expert Civil Lawyers
The legal landscape can be intricate, and when civil matters come into play, having a skilled legal navigator by your side becomes essential. Introducing civil lawyers – the architects of resolutions in Dubai's legal terrain. In this exclusive article, we delve into the realm of civil lawyers in Dubai, with a spotlight on HlootaLaw, a beacon of expertise in the legal field.
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The Craft of Civil Lawyers
Civil lawyers are the pillars of justice, adept at handling diverse legal issues that individuals and businesses encounter. Their expertise goes beyond legal know-how; they're problem-solvers who advocate for your rights and seek just resolutions.
1. Versatility in Specialization: Dubai's legal challenges span a spectrum of civil matters, from contracts to property disputes. Leading civil lawyers, such as those at HlootaLaw, exhibit versatility, with experts specializing in various facets of civil law.
2. Navigating Complexities: Civil cases often involve intricate details and nuanced interpretations of the law. Proficient civil lawyers simplify complexities, ensuring you comprehend the legal landscape and enabling informed decisions.
3. Tailored Strategies: Just as no two cases are identical, no legal strategy should be uniform. Skilled civil lawyers take the time to understand the intricacies of your case, devising tailored strategies for optimal outcomes.
4. Advocacy for Justice: Beyond legalities, civil lawyers advocate for justice. They champion your rights and interests, using their legal acumen to ensure your voice is heard in legal proceedings.
5. Effective Communication: Transparent communication is pivotal in legal matters. The best civil lawyers convey legal nuances in a comprehensible manner, keeping you well-informed throughout the process.
6. In-Depth Analysis: Civil cases often require meticulous analysis of evidence and legal precedents. Expert civil lawyers delve into the details, identifying critical points that can sway the case.
7. Negotiation and Litigation: Whether it's negotiation or litigation, adept civil lawyers possess the skills to navigate both paths. Their judgment guides you towards the most effective route.
8. Time and Resource Management: Legal battles can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Proficient civil lawyers optimize the use of time and resources, streamlining the process for efficiency.
9. Experience as a Guide: Experience is an invaluable asset in the legal world. Skilled civil lawyers draw from their history of handling cases to predict potential challenges and preemptively address them.
10. Client-Centered Approach: Exceptional civil lawyers prioritize your well-being. They understand the emotional and financial implications of legal matters, offering support while pursuing favorable outcomes.
In conclusion, civil lawyers in Dubai serve as trusted legal allies, guiding individuals and businesses through the labyrinth of legal complexities. HlootaLaw, with its unwavering dedication and mastery, stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of civil law. Visit their website, hlootahlaw.com, to explore how they can transform your legal challenges into resolutions. Remember, with the right civil lawyer, Dubai's legal avenues can be navigated with confidence and success.
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proconsultantsblog · 2 years
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‘Exposed and wanted’: Controversial Canadian-Indian businessman Sri Ram Tumuluri
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DUBAI: Controversial Canadian-Indian businessman Sri Ram Tumuluri was recently arrested by the Dubai police – as part of a financial corruption investigation – over several bounced cheques. He remains on bail and under investigation in the Middle Eastern state.
The Government have said that the investigation is ongoing, and that Tumuluri will be banned from the country if he doesn’t settle his debts.
Following his arrest, this report takes a deeper look into the murky world of Ram Tumuluri’s business dealings across the world. Indian and American media have this week written in detail about a trial of deception and lies which traces its roots to Canada and India.
The journalist’s killing: The report mentions how Celebrated Malta journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, who was killed in October 2017 in a car bomb near her home within weeks after announcing that she would be exposing several financial scandals of controversial Canadian-Indian businessman Sri Ram Tumuluri, spent several years investigating Ram Tumuluri till her tragic murder.
Although Maltese national brothers George Degiorgio and his brother Alfred have confessed to the killing but close associates of Daphne Caruana Galizia have said the Malta authorities have not investigated the murder properly and several questions remain unanswered.
The murdered journalist had written in detail about the financial crimes of Sri Ram Tumuluri. The journalist, who had also worked on Panama Papers scandal, had written dozens of articles on Sri Rama Tumuluri and was set to release a big story when she was killed. Her assassination rocked Malta.
Through her “Running Commentary” blog, Daphne Caruana Galizia dedicated a considerable amount of time and resource to exposing Ram Tumuluri. Before her untimely death, in various articles on her popular site, she described Ram Tumuluri as:
Ram Tumuluri “a fraudster with a shedload of unpaid debts in Canada” https://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2017/05/memory-box-muscat-sacked-godfrey-farrugia-made-konrad-mizzi-health-minister-instead/ and Ram Tumuluri “ultra-shady Ram Tumuluri” https://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2017/05/heres-picture-head-civil-service-celebrating-labour-hq-2013/ and Ram Tumuluri “corrupt incompetent” Ram Tumuluri https://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2016/11/told-moment-ever-one-ill-gracious/ and Ram Tumuluri “the man of questionable repute” who corrupted nurses https://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2017/01/ram-tumuluri-gives-doctors-nursing-staff-zara-vouchers-free-drinks-buy-support/ and Ram Tumuluri “the fraudster and cheat from India by way of British Columbia” and Ram Tumuluri “the shyster from British Columbia” who had “stolen $400,000 from hotel bank accounts” in British Columbia and “destroyed the accounting books and left”
Mark Pawley is known for running Oxley Capital out of Singapore and doing shady deals. Recently, Ram Tumuluri has claimed that he had to flee Malta because a senior politician threatened him with a similar fate as the assassinated journalist.
However, the office of the politician has said that Ram Tumuluri’s claims are ludicrously wild and plainly false and he is lying in order to save his skin by throwing others under the bus. While working in Malta, the local media reported that Ram Tumuluri had an affair with Deborah Chappell, Maltese lawyer and former director of Technoline. Local intelligence has said that Daphne Caruana-Galizia was also in the process of writing on this matter and the involvement of another politician in it but she was killed.
Corrupt payments to Govt official: Ram Tumuluri was recently thrust again into limelight after evidence emerged that his UK-based Causis Group made several undeclared and corrupt payments in 2015 to Carmen Ciantar, the chief political advisor of Malta’s health minister Chris Fearne.
She resigned from her role after evidence was released that Carmen Ciantar received a total of €443,500 Euros from Gozo International Medicare Ltd – part of the VGH group. The money came from the firm’s account at the Dubai-headquartered Emirates NBD Bank.
Within a few months of the transfers, according to local daily the Times of Malta, she had gone to work as the head of Fearne’s election campaign – during which time he also appointed her CEO of FMS.
It’s understood that Malta authorities are seeking to speak to Ram Tumuluri but he has refused to go to the country to cooperate with the inquiry. He has said through his lawyers he has done nothing wrong by making these payments which were, according to his words, for a business deal.
Permanent deceptive pattern: In all his operations, Ram Tumuluri has a consistent pattern: he presents investors with deals he does not himself have the funds to invest in; portrays them as easy money opportunities; sets up an opaque offshore corporate structure; pulls in his associates and past business connections; obtains partial funding for the project; walks away from the project with any funds invested, having purposefully failed to file accounts; and moves on to an alternative project.
By maintaining a low level of tangible assets (i.e. renting rather than owning property), even in litigious situations, the plaintiffs are unable to make claims against any significant resources owned in Tumuluri’s name. An analysis of public records shows Tumuluri has consistently failed to file annual returns in companies he incorporated in India, the US, Canada and Singapore thereby not accounting for where the funds have gone. https://www.apnnews.com/unmasking-the-enigmatic-ram-tumuluri-a-saga-of-deception-and-failed-ventures/
Early career: Ram Tumuluri was born in the Indian city of Hyderabad to Satynarayana Tumuluri and Bharti Tumuluri, a Brahmin middle class family with no business history. Ram Tumuluri has claimed he received an undergraduate degree from Osmania University in Culinary Arts. Osmania University said it does not offer culinary courses. The controversial businessman has claimed that he went to the London School of Economics (LSE) but the LSE administration has said it has no record of Ram Tumuluri ever enrolling in any discipline or ever graduating from the prestigious institution. The LSE says it has sent a letter to Ram Tumuluri to stop making false representations.
After filing for bankruptcy in Canada in 2014, Ram Tumuluri was in such dire situation that he joined the “stay with a stranger for free network” in Singapore, without having to pay hotel bills or rent. Couchsurfing is an internet-based network by means of which members look for somewhere to stay for free, a complete stranger’s home, when travelling or moving to a new place. So in 2014 Tumuluri was looking to sleep on strangers’ sofas when he left Canada (and his financial troubles there) for Singapore but in January 2015 he was cutting big deals, gaining funds and later running them in the pit.
Indian failures: In India, Ram Tumuluri established the Ayucare brand under his company Holistic Healthcare. The businessman has fostered the impression that his company had taken the country by a storm; in reality one of the main spas was a bungalow in a residential area and the business folded after a few years after making huge losses. In 2008 his vehicle Tumuluri Hospitality Inc invested INR10m (equivalent to US$230k) in the company.
At the time this was a significant investment considering only a few years before, Ram Tumuluri had left Marriott Hotels in Alberta, Canada to work as senior manager of the Wickaninnish Inn in Tofino, Canada. The investment ended in a failure and today there is no signage for Ayucare or Holistic Health and a banner advertising the leasing of the property hangs outside. Tumuluri and his wife Sonya, the only two registered officials for the company, never fulfilled any of the mandatory filing requirements of the Canadian companies registry after registering the company. The Canadian authorities then dissolved the company for non-compliance.
United States of America: In the United States, Ram Tumuluri married Phrasavath Douangmala and they divorced in April 2003. His history in the US spans from approximately 1998 until 2004. He resided in Chicago, Illinois. In the divorce records, Tumuluri’s date of birth in the Milwaukee County divorce court documents is recorded as September rather than May 1975. It is unclear whether this was a deliberate attempt to avoid leaving a trail.
Corporate registries in the US have Tumuluri as director of a real estate development company struck off in 2014 for not filing annual returns. Tumuluri is identified in US records with social security number 340 ***1 issued in Illinois in 1998. Phrasavath Douangmala runs an assisted living facility named Douangmala Phrasavath Adult Family Home for individuals with disabilities, which appears to be located at her residence.
Corporate directorship checks record Tumuluri as previously the president and director of Venturex Hawaii Investment Corporation, incorporated in Hawaii in May 2003 and dissolved in December 2014 for not filing an annual report. The other individual listed, Mamoru Hamanishi, traces back to British Columbia and is linked to Tumuluri there.
Canada bankruptcies and failures: Tumuluri subsequently moved to Canada, where his business practices set the hallmark for a pattern of behaviour repeated throughout his career to date. All his firms were dissolved due to non-filing of company accounts. Litigation records spell out the details of claims such as misuse of company funds and failure to provide accounting information to business partners. His projects all failed and left behind a string of claims by creditors ranging from mortgage providers to smaller unpaid suppliers. Notably, throughout his period in Canada, Tumuluri owned a property on only one occasion.
Federal and state documents in Canada record Tumuluri having incorporated seven companies since 2006. Only one remains active; the remaining six were dissolved for failure to file company records. Between 2005 and 2010 he became involved in the purchase and management of two hotel projects in British Columbia; one at Nita Lake Lodge (NLL Holdings) where he teamed with Praveen Varshney, a venture fraught with allegations of financial mismanagement and misuse of company funds, and the other at Cable Cove Inn & Spa which led to legal proceedings due to defaulted mortgage payments. Both became embroiled in litigation proceedings.
In registering the seven Canadian companies Tumuluri utilised several physical and postal box addresses. They were all temporary as none were found to be owned by him, his wife or their associated businesses. Ram Tumuluri took over the Nita Lake Lodge in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada in March 2010, and in December of the following year he had declared bankruptcy.
The Russia connection: Investigation in an American publication has revealed that Sri Ram Tumuluri’s partner in the Indian Rs2,800-crore electric buses deal, Thomas-Christan Seitz is known for close ties with the Kremlin and has worked for the interests of Russia’s feared spy agency KGB – now called the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).
Two years ago, Ram Tumuluri’s England & Wales registered Causis Group Ltd won a tender for supplying The Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) with 1,400 electric vehicles. Causis, registered in the UK but without any operations, is wholly owned by Tumuluri. Its operating entity is India-registered Causis E-Mobility Pvt Ltd. The Russian connection of Ram Tumuluri was covered very widely.
The Causis scandal: According to a forensic study by the publication, Causis acquired a 100% stake of German-registered Eurabus GmbH in September 2021. Eurabus was founded and formerly owned by Thomas-Christan Seitz. Eurabus has previously claimed to be in the process of opening EV factories in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Georgia and possibly Tanzania.
Causis Group Ltd was incorporated in England and Wales on 11 June 2021 under company number 13452464 and the company is 100% owned by Jersey-incorporated New Horizons Investments Limited, which in turn is 100% owned by Tumuluri, papers show. Causis Group’s statutory Directors are Tumuluri, Peter Knez, Charles Paul Rowan, Thomas-Christian Seitz and Gary Anthony Dugan.
Examination of original German corporate filings reveals that Eurabus GmbH was registered on 02 July 2015 under company number HRB 168446B. Eurabus GmbH’s initial share capital was €25,000 and was 100% owned by Euracom Group GmbH, a company managed and controlled by Seitz. On 31 October 2019, Eurabus GmbH increased its share capital to €1.105 million. On 30 September 2021 Causis Group Ltd acquired 100% stake in Eurabus GmbH from Euracom Group GmbH.
Seitz grew up in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) and attended the infamous Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), where 50% of the graduates are alleged to have gone into the Soviet diplomatic service and 50% into the KGB, said the publication.
A journalist who knew of Seitz and wrote a story about him and his activities in 2008 noted that Seitz graduated from the MGIMO in 1992. The journalist’s article, entitled “The Russians are Coming” in the daily newspaper Die Welt, described Seitz as associated with two Russian “security foundations” closely linked with Vladimir Putin.
In the article, Seitz is described as “Vice President” of the “Security Academy Waldmünchen” in Bavaria that was a branch of the “Academy for Legal Order, Security, and Defense Matters” in Moscow. The Academy was founded by Vladimir Putin himself. Putin is described as “Member No. 1”.
The article also states that Seitz and the academy were closely connected to an organisation called the “International Counterterrorism Association,” also in Moscow. That organisation in Germany, the article notes, can be connected to Karlshorst, Berlin where the KGB had its headquarters.
Expose in Indian media: Ram Tumuluri’s latest The Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) project is a big scandal. He signed with the Indian govt in October 2021. The project was set to start within two months but to date there is no sign of the project making any headway and Indian authorities have briefed media that Ram Tumuluri has failed to raise funds of around $8 billion to implement the Rs2,800-crore electric buses deal with the Mumbai authorities.
Indian govt sources said: “Causis is using the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Maharashtra Government as a security but banks are demanding sovereign guarantee from the state government, which has not been approved by the government. Causis is struggling to arrange debt and their efforts are ongoing but it is evident Causis has so far failed to find any credible lenders. On paper, there are lots of promises but there is zero delivery so far.”
The Mumbai authority fears that Ram Tumuluri may defraud his investors and business partners as Causis does not have manufacturing or technical capabilities.
According to an article by Indian news outlet The Indian Express, Causis won a tender for supplying The Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) with 1,400 electric buses. In October 2021, the Maharashtra state government, in the presence of environment minister Aaditya Thackeray and industry minister Subhash Desai, signed the contract for Rs 2,800 crore ($370,000).
Maltese news outlet The Shift News reported Tumuluri’s Electrical Vehicles venture in an article titled “Ram Tumuluri suspected of replicating ‘fraudulent’ Malta VGH model in Mumbai” – a reference to a big health scare scandal in Malta.
Dubai investigation: Tumuluri claims to have two UAE entities, Mount Everest Global Trading and VGH Dubai. Records show he did attempt to raise funding in the UAE for the Malta PPP project but this was not successful. He was facilitated in this through the office and contacts of Mohammed Hanif Shaikh, Chairman of Emirates Holding Group. Both companies have shut their operations after failures. Intelligence reports say Ram Tumuluri has recently been questioned by the Dubai authorities for using the country as a pad to do corrupt deals. The intelligence source said that the Dubai govt acted over intelligence reports from its western counterparts.
Montenegro dealings: Tumuluri secured a Public Private Partnership (PPP) contract in Montenegro, allegedly as a result of corruption coming from the inner circles of the Presidency, according to media reports in the country. The deal was cancelled when it transpired that he had paid bribes to local politicians. Investigation shows that several business associates of Ram Tumuluri have been accused of questionable business dealings or been linked to fraud, misappropriation or stock exchange manipulation. None of them have a proven track record of significant commercial success, despite their claims to the contrary.
The modus operandi of Mark Pawley and others matches that of Tumuluri: they all promise their investors lucrative investment opportunities which after the first round of investments is then declared as unsuccessful. The investors are left bearing the loss. Tumuluri et al move on to set up new projects.
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nestaboardimmigration · 4 months
Top Immigration Consultant in Chandigarh- Nestabroad Immigration
Punjab, a north Indian state, is home to many aspiring immigrants who are looking to settle in countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA. While the immigration process can be a long and complicated journey, hiring the right immigration consultant in Chandigarh can make the process smoother and increase your chances of success. In this article, we will explore some of the best immigration consultants in Punjab like Nestabroad who can assist you with your immigration goals.
List of the best Immigration Consultant in Punjab
The best Canada Immigration Lawyer In Punjab is available from us because we are Punjab's most seasoned immigration consultants. Contact a Nestabroad immigration consultant in Chandigarh to get started. Since the future is global, we have been working hard to expand opportunities in Canada. They help you start living the life of your dreams in Canada. They will support you all the way through the Canadian immigration procedure.
By developing your understanding of learning, you can increase your options for acquiring knowledge. They offer thorough and well-planned support to students who want to study in Canada and get ready for a job anywhere in the world. Increase the company's global reach. Investors, businesspeople, and entrepreneurs alike can invest and grow significantly in Canada.
WorldWide Immigration Consultancy Services (WWICS) is a well-known immigration consultant in Punjab with over 26 years of experience in the industry. They have offices across the world, including in Canada, Australia, and Dubai. WWICS offers services such as visa application assistance, immigration consultation, and job placement services. Their team of experienced professionals provides personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a stress-free immigration experience.
Abhinav Outsourcings
Abhinav Outsourcings is another top immigration consultant in Punjab that has been providing immigration services since 1994. They offer services such as visa consultation, job placement assistance, and settlement services. Their team of experienced professionals ensures that their clients receive accurate and up-to-date information throughout the immigration process.
Canam Consultants
Canam Consultants is a leading immigration consultant in Punjab with over 25 years of experience in the industry. They offer a wide range of services, including visa application assistance, immigration consultation, and job placement services. Canam Consultants has a team of experienced professionals who provide personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a smooth and hassle-free immigration process.
Y-Axis is a well-known immigration consultant in Chandigarh that offers a wide range of immigration services, including visa consultation, job placement assistance, and settlement services. They have offices across India and the world, including in the USA, Canada, and Australia. Y-Axis has a team of experienced professionals who provide personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a smooth and successful immigration journey.
Future Link Consultants
Future Link Consultants is a top immigration consultant in Punjab that has been providing immigration services since 1996. They offer a wide range of services, including visa application assistance, immigration consultation, and job placement services. Future Link Consultants has a team of experienced professionals who provide personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a smooth and stress-free immigration process.
Eminence Immigration
Eminence Immigration is a leading immigration consultant in Punjab that offers a wide range of immigration services, including visa consultation, job placement assistance, and settlement services. They have offices across India and the world, including in Canada, Australia, and the UAE. Eminence Immigration has a team of experienced professionals who provide personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a successful immigration journey.
AEC Overseas
AEC Overseas is a top immigration consultant in Punjab that has been providing immigration services since 2005. They offer services such as visa consultation, job placement assistance, and settlement services. AEC Overseas has a team of experienced professionals who provide personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a smooth and successful immigration process.
Aspire World Immigration
Aspire World Immigration is a leading immigration consultant in Punjab that offers a wide range of immigration services, including visa application assistance, immigration consultation, and job placement services. They have offices across India and the world, including in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Aspire World Immigration has a team of experienced professionals who provide personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a successful immigration journey.
Hiring an immigration consultant can greatly increase your chances of success in the immigration process. The consultants listed above are some of the best immigration consultants in Punjab. Find a top-rated immigration consultant for immigration to the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, or Dubai. It is essential to locate the best immigration consultant in Punjab so that you can easily exchange documents and/or meet with a lawyer about your case.
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xtruss · 7 months
The BBC has revealed the names of the inspiring and influential women on the BBC 100 Women list for 2023. For the first time, to recognise the disproportionate impact of climate change on the lives of women and girls, this year’s BBC 100 Women list specifically highlights a group of women leading the battle against the climate crisis.
By naming 28 Climate Pioneers from all corners of the globe, the BBC 100 Women list 2023 celebrates those inspiring and leading their communities to tackle and adapt to the devastating impact of climate change in their regions.
The announcement of this year’s list kicks off the BBC’s 100 Women 2023 season – focusing on women’s right and diverse life experiences around the globe, with special content including interviews, documentaries, features, digital and social journalism, across the BBC’s UK and global TV and radio services, BBC iPlayer and BBC.com.
The season will look at the practice of child marriage, as 12 million underaged girls are forced into marriage every year. It will explore the spike in climate anxiety concerns with a data-led project, and hear from women whose reproductive choices have been impacted by environmental concerns. It’ll go on the road with Mexican truck drivers in a heavily male-dominated and dangerous business, and also travel up the mountains with a group of shepherdesses who brought wealth and transformed their community in less than a generation.
“It is fantastic to see the truly remarkable women named on this year’s BBC 100 Women list. This diverse list of influential and ground-breaking grassroots women, who have been making a difference in their field – from community level to international politics – are an inspiration to us all.”
— Liliane Landor, Senior Controller, BBC News International Services
Notable names from the BBC 100 Women 2023 list include former First Lady of the United States, attorney and campaigner Michelle Obama, footballer Aitana Bonmatí, human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, actresses America Ferrera and Dia Mirza, beauty mogul Huda Kattan, AI expert Timnit Gebru, campaigner Ulanda Mtamba, writer Oksana Zabuzhko and feminist leader Gloria Steinem.
Yet it is the new names that make the BBC 100 women list so unique. Among them are the 28 Climate Pioneers, announced to coincide with the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP28, starting later this month in Dubai.
They include Indian photographer Arati Kumar-Rao, Paraguayan sprinter Camila Pirelli, South African freediving instructor Zandile Ndhlovu, Pakistani midwife Neha Mankani, Nigerian mental health advocate Jennifer Uchendu and Thai campaigner for indigenous and LGBTQ+ rights Matcha Phorn-in.
Other women celebrated for their work tackling the climate crisis in different fields, include Brazil's state minister Sonia Guajajara, firefighter Sofia Kosacheva, and climate advisers Iryna Stavchuk and Christiana Figueres.
Liliane Landor, Senior Controller of BBC News International Services says: “It is fantastic to see the truly remarkable women named on this year’s BBC 100 Women list. This diverse list of influential and ground-breaking grassroots women, who have been making a difference in their field – from community level to international politics – are an inspiration to us all.
“In a year where extreme heat, wildfires, floods and other natural disasters have been dominating headlines, and where wars have weighed heavily, it is more important than ever that the BBC World Service continues to shine a spotlight on women globally and their fight back against climate change.”
Alongside the list, BBC 100 Women will present a season of specially commissioned content and documentaries, featuring the untold stories of some of this year’s BBC 100 Women, including:
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Arab News: This combination of photos shows two profiles from BBC’s list of 100 inspiring and influential women from around the world for 2023, featuring Pakistani shepherdess Afroze-Numa and Neha Mankani, a midwife who provided life-saving care during the 2022 floods. (Photo courtesy: BBC)
In Conversation
BBC News will broadcast exclusive conversations with some of the most globally recognised women on this year’s list:
BBC 100 Women In Conversation: Amal Clooney, Michelle Obama and Melinda French Gates
Each year, 12 million underaged girls are forced into marriage – a crisis that at the current rate will take over 300 years to fix, says the UN. Now, three of the world’s most high-profile humanitarians have vowed to tackle the issue together. In a BBC 100 Women exclusive, Michelle Obama, Amal Clooney and Melinda French Gates talk about the work they do to combat child marriage and amplify the efforts of grassroots organisations.
Airs on BBC News on Saturday 25 November at 01:30 and 08:30 GMT, and Sunday 26 November at 07:30, 14:30 and 21:30 GMT
BBC 100 Women In Conversation: Gloria Steinem
The face of the women's rights movements in the US during the 1970s and an icon of feminism, Gloria Steinem has spent the last 50 years focusing her efforts on advancing women's political participation and reproductive rights. Her activism followed her career in journalism, where she was the co-founder of Miss Magazine, one of the first US publications to focus on women's issues beyond the perils of housekeeping. Now at 89 years old, Steinem has sat down with BBC 100 Women to discuss how feminism has changed over the decades, the impact of cancel culture, and what the future might look like for women's rights around the world.
Airs on BBC News on Saturday 2 December at 12:30 GMT and Sunday 3 December at 00:30, 07:30 and 19:30
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BBC 100 Women Documentaries. Rising Tides, Shifting Futures
With sea levels rising fast, women are leading grassroots efforts in coastal areas to help mitigate the effects of climate change. From Miami’s increasingly gentrified Little Haiti neighbourhood, to the fishing villages of eastern Ghana and the outskirts of Cape Town in South Africa, BBC 100 Women meets the women at the forefront of the climate battle – working against the odds to secure a future for themselves and their communities.
Airs on BBC News on Saturday 25 November at 02:30 and 15:30 GMT and Sunday 26 November at 00:30, 09:30 and 18:30 GMT
Ride Above It
Balance, stamina and sequins: BBC 100 Women enters the show-stopping world of disabled equestrian vaulting. A small-town troop of disabled children and women in Italy train hard all year and compete to find glory in the ring, doing gymnastics and coordinated dances on a horseback. But the rewards of the sport go well beyond the medals – as they work to deal with stigma and overcome their own fears, one pirouette at a time.
Airs on BBC News on Saturday 2 December at 02:30 and 15:30 GMT and on Sunday 3 December at 09:30 and 18:30 GMT
On The Road with Mexico’s Traileras
Clara, Liszy and Paty are breaking gender barriers in the male-dominated cargo transport industry – they are some of Mexico’s traileras, women truck drivers travelling distances on the country’s dangerous routes. Robberies and abuse are part of the hazards they face in the job – but the traileras are determined to overcome adversity. BBC 100 Women rides with them as they work to make a better life for their families and change the face of the next generation of drivers in Latin America.
Airs on BBC News on Saturday 16 December
The Last Wakhi Shepherdesses
Deep into Pakistan’s Karakoram mountains lies the scenic Shimshal Valley, home to the Wakhi shepherdesses. Every year, over many generations, these women have taken their flocks to high pastures, where they prepare dairy products to barter while their animals graze during the warmer season. Their income has brought prosperity to the village and allowed them to build roads and provide an education for their children – but their tradition is about to end. BBC 100 Women follows the last shepherdesses on their journey up the mountains, on a dangerous trek 4,800m above sea level.
Airs on BBC News on Saturday 23 December
BBC 100 Women at COP28
BBC 100 Women will be present at the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference COP28, from 30 November to highlight the strand's commitment to telling the climate story. We will be holding a TV broadcast from Expo City, Dubai and from Nairobi, bringing some of our grassroot pioneers together to provide a space to share their thoughts and deeply personal experiences of living life right on the forefront of the climate crisis, amidst a growing sense of climate anxiety.
This programme will air on BBC News on 3 December and will also be available on The Climate Question podcast from 10 December.
BBC World Service Radio
The Conversation - BBC 100 Women special: Climate Pioneers
Kim Chakanetsa meets two women on this year's BBC 100 Women list: Basima Abdulrahman, founder and CEO of KESK, the first company in Iraq to offer green building services and products, and Jennifer Uchendu, founder of SustyVibes in Nigeria, a youth-led sustainability organisation, and The Eco Anxiety Project, an initiative promoting awareness and research into climate change and its impact on young Africans’ mental health.
They’ll discuss their commitment to the environment, the challenges of getting their messages across, the impact that climate change is having on their mental health and their hopes for the future.
Airs on BBC World Service Radio Monday 27 November at 11:30 GMT
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legalland · 9 months
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Services in-depth: We provide in-depth immigration services that are suited to your specific needs. We handle everything under one roof, from visa applications to employment-based immigration, investor visas, and more. Our attorneys carefully evaluate your eligibility and plan the best course of action to accomplish your immigration objectives. Personalized Attention: At our company, we place a high priority on giving each client our full attention. We recognize that every situation is different, and we take the time to comprehend your goals, worries, and difficulties. Our immigration attorneys will collaborate closely with you throughout the process, offering tailored advice and answering any questions you may have. Indian sports lawyer.
Navigating Complex Laws: The immigration laws of many nations can be complicated and constantly evolving. Our attorneys stay informed ensuring that your application complies with the particular needs of the destination country, keeping up with the most recent developments and legislation. You may relax knowing that your immigration process is in good hands thanks to our experience.
Efficiency and promptness: We are aware of how crucial prompt outcomes are to the immigration process. Our team works hard to speed up the application process, cutting down on hold-ups, and making sure that your application is filed quickly. We work hard to make your trip as quick as simple as we can. Delhi immigration attorneys.Company formation in UAE
Pricing that is Reasonably Priced and Transparent: Our company supports transparency in pricing. We ensure that you receive the most value for your money by offering reasonable and competitive pricing for our services. There are no additional fees, and we offer a full disclosure of all costs involved.
Our Services for Immigration:
Visa Support: Our immigration attorneys are experienced in dealing with a wide range of visas, including business, spouse, tourist, employment, and student visas. From document creation to submission, we can walk you through the application process and make sure you adhere to all standards.
Immigration Based on Employment: We help you acquire work permits and navigate the employment-based immigration procedure. We will collaborate closely with your business to make sure all immigration laws are followed.
Our immigration lawyers can help you navigate the complexities of investment visa programs and other business immigration channels, easing the way for your success.
Citizenship and Permanent Residency: Our organization can assist you in submitting an application for permanent citizenship in the nation of your choice. In order to assist you in finding a new home away from home, we will carefully consider your eligibility and work assiduously to speed the application process. Strategy consulting in Dubai
Awaiting You Are Global Opportunities!
At our organization, we think that immigration is about embracing new chances and experiences, not just about crossing borders. To ensure that your move is quick, easy, and stress-free so you can concentrate on creating a better future for yourself and your loved ones, contact our devoted immigration lawyers in Delhi. Strategy advisory in Dubai
UAE company formation
To schedule a consultation and begin the process of realizing your aspirations of living abroad, get in touch with us right away. Allow our knowledgeable immigration attorneys to be your dependable guides on your life-changing trip!
Your Reliable Corporate Law Firm in Delhi is Legallands.
Businesses that want to succeed and grow must be able to negotiate the legal complexities of today's fast-paced, fiercely competitive corporate world. In Delhi, Legallands is a renowned name in the field of corporate law. For companies looking for all-encompassing corporate legal support, Legallands stands as a beacon of competence and dependability thanks to its unwavering dedication to offering top-notch legal solutions and an exceptional track record.
A Meeting of Innovation and Expertise:
Legallands has quickly become a dominant force in the industry with a mission to transform corporate legal services. The company is home to a group of exceptionally qualified and seasoned attorneys that bring a wealth of expertise and innovation to the table. Legallands has successfully served to businesses of various sizes, from start-ups to established ones. to a wide range of clients, assisting them in navigating the challenging field of business law.Trade consultants in Dubai
A client-centered strategy
Legallands' everlasting dedication to its customers is one of its defining qualities. The firm fully believes that providing successful legal solutions depends on having a thorough understanding of the particular requirements and difficulties faced by each client. This individualized approach not only makes sure that clients' issues are fully handled, but it also helps to create solid, long-lasting partnerships based on mutual respect and trust.
Specialty Areas:
Legallands' expertise in corporate law spans a variety of practice areas, including:
Business Formation and Structuring: Legallands provides experienced advice at every stage of the formation process, from selecting the best legal structure for your company to ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
Mergers and Acquisitions: Careful legal experience is required to navigate the complexity of mergers, acquisitions, and other corporate transactions. The staff at Legallands helps customers efficiently structure and carry out these transactions.
Corporate Governance and Compliance: Maintaining compliance with the constantly changing legal and regulatory requirements for corporations is essential. Legallands offers thorough legal advice to make sure firms adhere to the law.
Commercial Contracts: For efficient corporate operations, commercial contracts must be carefully drafted, negotiated, and reviewed. With Legallands' experience, contracts are made to be both legally sound and suited to the individual requirements of the parties.
Helping businesses overcome legal obstacles:
In addition to providing legal counsel, Legallands acts as a strategic partner for businesses, assisting them in making decisions that will promote growth and reduce risks. the company's keen International Trade Consultancy
Understanding the business environment enables it to offer comprehensive advice that extends beyond legal considerations, ultimately contributing to the success stories of its customers.
Dedication, creativity, and client pleasure were key components in Legallands' development from a startup to a reputable corporate legal company in Delhi. Legallands continues to be a dependable partner, offering excellent legal support and direction as firms navigate the ever changing corporate world. Legallands is ready to change the corporate legal environment and enable companies to achieve new heights thanks to its unwavering commitment to the success of its clients.
What Makes Our Immigration Services the Best?
Vast expertise: Our immigration attorneys have handled a variety of immigration matters and have vast expertise doing so. Our team has the knowledge to meet your unique needs. Numerous individuals that we have successfully assisted in obtaining visas, work permits, permanent residency, and citizenship in various countries. attorneys for online gaming in India. Contract conveyancing services
Services in-depth: We provide in-depth immigration services that are suited to your specific needs. We handle everything under one roof, from visa applications to employment-based immigration, investor visas, and more. Our attorneys carefully evaluate your eligibility and plan the best course of action to accomplish your immigration objectives. Personalized Attention: At our company, we place a high priority on giving each client our full attention. We recognize that every situation is different, and we take the time to comprehend your goals, worries, and difficulties. Our immigration attorneys will collaborate closely with you throughout the process, offering tailored advice and answering any questions you may have. Indian sports lawyer.
Navigating Complex Laws: The immigration laws of many nations can be complicated and constantly evolving. Our attorneys stay informed ensuring that your application complies with the particular needs of the destination country, keeping up with the most recent developments and legislation. You may relax knowing that your immigration process is in good hands thanks to our experience.
Efficiency and promptness: We are aware of how crucial prompt outcomes are to the immigration process. Our team works hard to speed up the application process, cutting down on hold-ups, and making sure that your application is filed quickly. We work hard to make your trip as quick as simple as we can. Delhi immigration attorneys.Company formation in UAE
Pricing that is Reasonably Priced and Transparent: Our company supports transparency in pricing. We ensure that you receive the most value for your money by offering reasonable and competitive pricing for our services. There are no additional fees, and we offer a full disclosure of all costs involved.
Our Services for Immigration:
Visa Support: Our immigration attorneys are experienced in dealing with a wide range of visas, including business, spouse, tourist, employment, and student visas. From document creation to submission, we can walk you through the application process and make sure you adhere to all standards.
Immigration Based on Employment: We help you acquire work permits and navigate the employment-based immigration procedure. We will collaborate closely with your business to make sure all immigration laws are followed.
Our immigration lawyers can help you navigate the complexities of investment visa programs and other business immigration channels, easing the way for your success.
Citizenship and Permanent Residency: Our organization can assist you in submitting an application for permanent citizenship in the nation of your choice. In order to assist you in finding a new home away from home, we will carefully consider your eligibility and work assiduously to speed the application process. Strategy consulting in Dubai
Awaiting You Are Global Opportunities!
At our organization, we think that immigration is about embracing new chances and experiences, not just about crossing borders. To ensure that your move is quick, easy, and stress-free so you can concentrate on creating a better future for yourself and your loved ones, contact our devoted immigration lawyers in Delhi. Strategy advisory in Dubai
UAE company formation
To schedule a consultation and begin the process of realizing your aspirations of living abroad, get in touch with us right away. Allow our knowledgeable immigration attorneys to be your dependable guides on your life-changing trip!
Your Reliable Corporate Law Firm in Delhi is Legallands.
Businesses that want to succeed and grow must be able to negotiate the legal complexities of today's fast-paced, fiercely competitive corporate world. In Delhi, Legallands is a renowned name in the field of corporate law. For companies looking for all-encompassing corporate legal support, Legallands stands as a beacon of competence and dependability thanks to its unwavering dedication to offering top-notch legal solutions and an exceptional track record.
A Meeting of Innovation and Expertise:
Legallands has quickly become a dominant force in the industry with a mission to transform corporate legal services. The company is home to a group of exceptionally qualified and seasoned attorneys that bring a wealth of expertise and innovation to the table. Legallands has successfully served to businesses of various sizes, from start-ups to established ones. to a wide range of clients, assisting them in navigating the challenging field of business law.Trade consultants in Dubai
A client-centered strategy
Legallands' everlasting dedication to its customers is one of its defining qualities. The firm fully believes that providing successful legal solutions depends on having a thorough understanding of the particular requirements and difficulties faced by each client. This individualized approach not only makes sure that clients' issues are fully handled, but it also helps to create solid, long-lasting partnerships based on mutual respect and trust.
Specialty Areas:
Legallands' expertise in corporate law spans a variety of practice areas, including:
Business Formation and Structuring: Legallands provides experienced advice at every stage of the formation process, from selecting the best legal structure for your company to ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
Mergers and Acquisitions: Careful legal experience is required to navigate the complexity of mergers, acquisitions, and other corporate transactions. The staff at Legallands helps customers efficiently structure and carry out these transactions.
Corporate Governance and Compliance: Maintaining compliance with the constantly changing legal and regulatory requirements for corporations is essential. Legallands offers thorough legal advice to make sure firms adhere to the law.
Commercial Contracts: For efficient corporate operations, commercial contracts must be carefully drafted, negotiated, and reviewed. With Legallands' experience, contracts are made to be both legally sound and suited to the individual requirements of the parties.
Helping businesses overcome legal obstacles:
In addition to providing legal counsel, Legallands acts as a strategic partner for businesses, assisting them in making decisions that will promote growth and reduce risks. the company's keen International Trade Consultancy
Understanding the business environment enables it to offer comprehensive advice that extends beyond legal considerations, ultimately contributing to the success stories of its customers.
Dedication, creativity, and client pleasure were key components in Legallands' development from a startup to a reputable corporate legal company in Delhi. Legallands continues to be a dependable partner, offering excellent legal support and direction as firms navigate the ever changing corporate world. Legallands is ready to change the corporate legal environment and enable companies to achieve new heights thanks to its unwavering commitment to the success of its clients.
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mortgagemarketa · 1 year
How fascinating it is to live in Dubai! Want to buy a property in the UAE?
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Over two hundred different nationalities are represented in the workforce and the population of Dubai. It's a city full of contrasts, where old and new coexist, where high-end and low-cost mix, and where the desert and the sea meet. Opportunities abound in Dubai, a city with a rich culture, a diversified population, and a low tax rate. Here are some of the benefits and drawbacks of owning a home in the United Arab Emirates that you should consider if you are considering relocating to Dubai.
 What are the advantages of Life in Dubai? 
✅The weather in Dubai is often warm and sunny, with temperatures between 20 and 40 degrees Celsius. The summers are hot and humid, while the winters are warm and pleasant. Beach sports, golf, hiking, and camping are all possible throughout the year.
✅Dubai is one of the world's safest major cities due to its low crime rate and stringent security procedures. The city's judicial system is highly effective in upholding the law and safeguarding the rights of its citizens and visitors. Public and private hospitals in Dubai offer first-rate care and state-of-the-art amenities, making the city's healthcare system among the best in the world.
✅Dubai's economy is diverse, serving as a center for international commerce, tourism, finance, and creativity. Foreign investors and skilled workers are drawn to the country because of its secure and diverse economy. Expats in Dubai can take advantage of generous pay and benefits, as well as a tax-free salary. Dubai is a convenient location for both saving and sending money home.
✅Dubai offers a diverse and inclusive environment, with something for everyone. There are many places to go for fun, such as theaters, movie theaters, amusement parks, museums, and cultural events. There is a wide selection of restaurants serving both traditional fare and more exotic fare from around the world. Bars, clubs, and restaurants in Dubai all have live music and other forms of evening entertainment.
✅Education in Dubai is good, and international students can choose from a wide range of programs that adhere to international benchmarks. Select among schools that follow the International Baccalaureate, British, American, Indian, French, or German curricula. In addition, Dubai is home to a number of illustrious educational institutions that provide access to higher education and specialised training.
How to do Real estate purchases in Dubai?
The following are the necessary procedures to know if you want to buy a home in Dubai:-
1) Consult with a reliable real estate agent who will help you navigate the market and locate propeties that meet your needs.
2) Pick a home that works for you in terms of price, convenience, square footage, and other criteria.
3) Haggle with the seller or builder about the price and terms.
4) Have a lawyer look over the contract to make sure it follows all state and federal guidelines
5) Put down a deposit (often 10% of the total price) and sign the dotted line.
6) If you need money, apply for a mortgage (up to 75% of the purchase price is typical for non-natives).
7) Make the final payment (often upon property handover or completion).
8) Pay the Dubai Land Department (DLD) the registration cost (about 4% of the purchase price) and then register the property.Get your hands on the deed from the DLD.
Capital appreciation, rental income, residency rights for some properties, and a sense of accomplishment are just a few of the benefits you may reap from investing in real estate in Dubai. If you are interested in Mortage brokers in dubai than Mortgagemarket can help you with it!!! 
Conclusion:- Expats looking for a new experience, a thriving economy, and a high quality of life will find enough to love about living in Dubai. However, there are also drawbacks that necessitate adjustment, caution, and vigilance. If you've finally reached the point where you can invest in real estate in Dubai than Mortgagemarket can help you with it. 
Source URL: https://techplanet.today/post/how-fascinating-it-is-to-live-in-dubai-want-to-buy-a-property-in-the-uae
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welidot · 1 year
Kamal Haasan
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The Biography is about one of the best celebrity of the world Mr Kamal Haasan including his Height, weight,Age & Other Detail... Express info Real Name Parthasarathy Srinivasan Nick Name Universal Hero Profession Actor, Director, Producer, and Philanthropist Age (as in 2023) 68 Years old Physical Stats & More Info Height in centimeters- 170 cm in meters- 1.70 m in Feet Inches- 5’ 7” Weight in Kilograms- 76 kg in Pounds- 167 lbs Body Measurements Chest: 40 Inches Waist: 34 Inches Biceps: 14 Inches Eye Color Black Hair Color Black Personal Life of Kamal Haasan Date of Birth 7 November 1954 Birth Place Paramakudi, Tamil Nadu, India Nationality Indian Hometown Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India School Sir M.Ct.Muthiah Chettiar Boys Higher Secondary School, Chennai Hindu Higher Secondary School, Chennai College N/A Debut Film Debut (as a child artist): Kalathur Kannamma (1959) Film Debut (as an adult): Arangetram (1973) Family Father- D. Srinivasan (Lawyer) Mother- Rajalakshmi Srinivasan Brother- Chandrahasan and Charuhasan (Actor) Sister- Nalini Raghu Religion Hindu Home Address N/A Hobbies Rading Favourite Things Of Kamal Haasan Favourite Food Karimeen fish Favourite Actress Sridevi and Sripriya Favourite Actor Nagesh, Shivaji Ganesan, M.G. Ramachandran and Rajesh Khanna Favourite Film Bicycle Thief, Mughal-e-Azam and Sholay Favourite Book Amma Vandhaal by Thi. Janakiraman and Marapasu by Thi. Janakiraman Favourite Sports Tennis Favourite Destination Dubai Girls , Affairs and More Of Kamal Haasan Marital Status Divorced Affairs Gautami Tadimalla (Actress, Partner) Wife Vani Ganapathy (Dancer,1978–88) Sarika Thakur (Actress,1988–04) Children Daughter- Shruti Haasan (Actress), Akshara Haasan (Actress), and Subbalakshmi Earning Money of Kamal Haasan Net Worth $100 million Salary per Film 30 crore/film (INR) This Biography written by www.welidot.com Read the full article
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flyworldmigration · 1 year
The Easiest Way to Get an Australian Visa for Indians
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Looking for the best agency for Australia immigration in Kerala that can help you easily migrate to Australia? Australia is an excellent destination to migrate to and settle down. But how does one accomplish this?
How do you get an Australian Visa? Who is going to help you in the process?
How do you choose the best consultancy?
Well your search ends here with Flyworld. Flyworld is a pioneer in the field of Australian immigration and legal affairs. A decade of experience in the immigration sector and a dedicated team of experts make Flyworld one of the top Australia PR visa consultants in Kerala.
Now, before beginning the process there are various factors that you need to consider. There are various factors and subclasses that you must be aware of in order to decide on the most suitable Australian visa for you and reduce your chances of visa refusal. All visas have certain qualifications and requirements upon which your application may qualify or disqualify.
Let us look at the important types of Australian visas.
Important categories of an Australian visa:
The general skilled visa
The General Skilled Visa is available to those considering migration to Australia and settling in the nation based on their skills. Employers within the country sponsor this visa. You can look for career opportunities that match your skill set. General Skilled Migration, also known as skilled migration, allows skilled workers and professionals to make an application for permanent residency in Australia through three subclasses: SC 189, SC 190, and SC 491. Applicants must choose an occupation from the Department of Home Affairs' skilled migration occupation list. A positive skills assessment from a qualified skills assessment body is required for the candidate.
Employer-sponsored Visa
Employers in Australia can sponsor highly trained people from other countries to live and work permanently in Australia through the Employee Nomination Scheme (ENS).
Employer-sponsored visas in Australia are intended for individuals who meet certain conditions.
Both the employee and the employer must go through assessments. The company wishing to sponsor will be asked to prove its authenticity. Following which, the personnel profile will be evaluated.
Different Types of Employer Sponsored Visas: Nomination Visa (186 employer sponsored visas), Occupational Trainee Visa (442 employer sponsored visas), Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (482)
Business visa
By applying for an Australian business visa, business owners and investors can gain permanent residency for themselves and their family members. Our team has years of expertise in obtaining visas for clients from a variety of industries and skill levels. Our immigration lawyers can increase the possibility of your visa approval while reducing the likelihood of visa rejection. Different types of business visas are: skilled independent work visa (subclass 188), business talent (permanent) visa (subclass 132), and subclass 189.
Partner Visa
Individuals who are married and have a permanent Australian visa can apply for a Partner Visa 820 or a Partner Visa 801 for their partner. The migration and legal experts at Flyworld, the best agency for Australia immigration in Kerala, can give excellent guidance and help you get a partner visa easily.
Migrate with the best agency for Australia immigration in Kerala
Flyworld Migration and Legal Service is the best choice if you are planning to migrate to Australia. Flyworld has a team of expert lawyers who are experienced in the field of Australian immigration and legal procedures. So they will be able to provide effective guidance throughout the course of your immigration journey.
Flyworld has regional offices in Australia and Dubai and has an excellent track record of serving thousands of happy customers. Our Melbourne-based immigration lawyers try their best to offer comprehensive details on visa application procedures. Changes may be made in accordance with the latest regulations and rules.
Being the leading Australia migration agency in Kochi, our licenced migration consultants will assist you with personalised guidance, give you a checklist of paperwork, and make a visa application with a legal submission. This procedure will let case officers cross-check your application with applicable legal requirements and ensure a successful migration process. So hurry up and contact our experts now.
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llminukmeridean · 1 year
Future Careers May Be Launched By A Legal Degree From The Uk
Why should Indian overseas aspirants choose to study Law in the UK? At which stage should they seek such opportunities?
A growing number of Indian students, who fall into two primary categories, want to study law in the UK. First, students with an Indian law degree may apply to study for a master's degree in law (LLM). The UK's one-year PG program, which is shorter than India's typical two-year llm in uk program, gives students access to a variety of global options.
Second, students may arrive in the llm university in uk right out of high school to get a three-year LLB UG degree in law. This is especially enticing because it is feasible to earn a fast-track law degree at a young age, which again opens up some foreign prospects. Several UK colleges, including the University of Birmingham, provide undergraduate law degrees that are acknowledged by the Bar Council of India as the first stage towards being qualified to practice law in India. Students would still need to fulfill a few additional prerequisites and pass the Indian Bar Exam, though.
Which fundamental legal concepts and useful abilities are taught to students at your university?
The University of Birmingham offers a wide selection of law courses that cover both the fundamentals of the subject and several other, more specialised topics. International Commercial Law, Environmental Law, Human Rights, International Law, and Law & Technology are some of the areas where the Law School excels academically.
To help students gain the practical skills needed to succeed as lawyers or in other professional fields, the university also places a high focus on extracurricular activities. Students can engage in endeavours like internships, pro bono work, and advocacy through our Centre for Professional Legal Education. Additionally, because the Law School has an international concentration, we allow all students to partake in free international summer schools that concentrate on legal practice in several overseas locations, including India, Singapore, Canada, and Dubai.
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How does a UK law degree benefit students' resumes globally?
Although the value of a UK law degree varies depending on the curriculum, both postgraduate and undergraduate programs provide substantial value for students. The key draw is the high calibre of UK law schools and the widespread application of English law, which makes an English legal degree an excellent springboard for future jobs. Additionally, all students who get a degree in the UK are eligible to apply for a two-year UK work visa after they graduate, giving them the option to "stay back" and pursue a career in the country while acquiring additional beneficial global experience.
Most students who choose to pursue a master's degree in the UK do so to obtain a highly regarded international credential that will expand their options for employment in the UK, India, or other nations. Students typically qualify in India based on their undergraduate degree rather than their UK master's degree because the latter does not in and of itself qualify students to practice there.
Has the Fall intake across streams registered pre-Covid numbers at your university and elsewhere? Will international student mobility be on the rise?
International student mobility in the UK has significantly increased over the past year, and it is expected to continue to rise and surpass pre-Covid numbers. Despite Covid's difficulties, the University of Birmingham has been providing students with a complete campus experience since September 2021. Students are grateful for the chance to once again attend classes in person and have expressed their appreciation for this.
Numerous Indians travel to the UK to study law each year. What were the statistics over the past two years, despite the effects of COVID and the reintroduction of work visas that followed?
In the next two years, the number of Indian students studying law in the UK is expected to surpass that of Chinese students, who are now the largest international student population in the country. The reintroduction of post-study work visas in 2020 appears to be a particular draw, with almost one-third of applications for these visas in 2022 coming from India originally. Students so benefit from not only the academic experience of attending a top UK university but also the potential to advance their careers by gaining foreign job experience both during and after their studies.
Read More-: job opportunities after llm in uk for indian students
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hlootahlaw · 9 months
Indian lawyer in Dubai for divorce
Seeking an Indian lawyer in Dubai for divorce proceedings? HlootaLaw has experienced legal experts who understand the cultural nuances and legal complexities. With empathy and professionalism, we guide you through the process. Explore our website to find the right support for your divorce case.
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Professional legal translation service in Gulf Region
Legal translation is a service that allows you to translate legal documents and other legal materials, such as contracts, bills, and other documents. This can be done by using a translator who is familiar with the language. Legal translation services in the Gulf Region are available at various prices. Affordable legal translation services can be found online at Ideal Translation. Our services ensure that your documents are translated accurately and promptly.
Legal translation in the Gulf region is available at a variety of prices, depending on the language you need to translate and the amount of text you need translated. Some of our services include:
Arabic legal translation, English legal translation, French legal translation, German legal translation, Indian legal translation, Spanish legal translation, Turkish legal translation, and more.
Legal translation can be critical in the Gulf region. Using a translator who is familiar with the language can ensure that your documents are translated accurately. When you need to translate legal documents, you can rely on Ideal Translation for affordable services and accurate translation.
The quality of legal translation services in the Gulf Region depends on several factors, including the cost of legal translation services and the quality of the translator. However, as a general rule, cheaper legal translation in the gulf are more likely to be effective than expensive legal translation services in the Gulf Region because cheaper translators have access to more resources and can more quickly respond to client requests for help with their work.
When choosing a best legal translation Dubai, it is important to look at the translator's qualifications. Most translators have degrees in translation and have worked as translators for many years. Therefore, these are the best legal translation services.
As a general rule, it is better to get legal translation services from a translator who has experience working with your type of document before. This way, you can be sure that the translator can translate any documents accurately because they will already know how to translate those documents.
Legal translations are very expensive because they often require specialized skills and specialized knowledge of the subject matter being translated. The best way to save money on your legal translations is by using an experienced translator who works quickly and accurately so that your work does not take much time or money.
It is also a good idea to hire an experienced translator who has experience working with client-level language issues. One way to ensure that your legal translations are effective is to use a reliable and experienced lawyer who has experience working with clients from all over the world. Additionally, you must consult an experienced lawyer before beginning any work that involves translating documents or contracts into any language outside your native country.
A legal translation company in Dubai can review your documents and tell you whether or not they are legally binding in any part of the world. Making sure that you have a good lawyer on hand can save you a lot of money because it will prevent you from losing money by entering into contracts that are not binding in any country. An effective translation companies in Dubai will also help you avoid costly malpractice cases by examining contracts in advance of the fact. You can also reduce the risk of contract errors by hiring a contract law firm for legal translation services in Dubai.
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v-dwi--alemaari-v-1 · 2 years
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Respected Sir,
⚫ BJP MP TEJASVI SURYA & his uncle RAVI SUBRAMANYA who stayed just 7️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ metres from my HOME, ordered my HARASSMENT by ACP KV SRIDHARA for WHOLE last year‼️
WHY has your BJP BLOCKED me from POSTING on INSTA HANDLE ➡️ truthyawatchin and TWITTER HANDLE dwichakra_alemaari, after I asked BJP LEADERS about them HARASSING me because I'm  from SCHEDULED TRIBE, by their CRIMINALS in my old BUILDING and continue it even around my NEW HOUSE , for EXPOSING their MAFIA TRUTH❓
For EXPOSING their DRUG MAFIA and CRIMINAL CELEBRITIES, BJP BLOCKED my 6️⃣ TWITTER ACCOUNTS back to back on SEPT 3️⃣0️⃣th and OCT 3️⃣Rd, 3️⃣ on each day 🤭
BJP just BLOCKED my insta account dwichakra_alemaari_2 for EXPOSING their DRUG MAFIA and their CRIMINAL CELEBRITIES 😂
Tell your FANS about the women whom you TRAPPED in your PROSTITUTION RING 😎
BJP is ABUSING its power & using its CREW for HARASSING me as I'm from SCHEDULED TRIBE, from past 7️⃣ months, for EXPOSING their MAFIA TRUTH.
WHAT are YOU doing about this INJUSTICE❓
Your ENTIRE FAMILY are FILTHY CRIMINAL PIMPS who should be ARRESTED for the SUICIDES of those WOMEN and their FAMILY members 😤
CHIRU, DISHA, SUSHANT, SPB and LOTS of people had CONFESSED their CRIMES and wanted to EXPOSE you. So you KILLED them ☠️
The MAFIA that you're a PART of is HEADED by the BJP🕷️
MODIJI is the KINGPIN of the LOTUS CARTEL for now 💣
COVID LOCKDOWN was a SMOKESCREEN to HIDE the LOTUS MAFIA connections by BJP and use it as an EXCUSE to KILL those who are EXPOSING their DRUG MAFIA 🤖
I SHIFTED to a NEW HOUSE, but the HARASSMENT around my building and surrounding ROADS continues.
BJP BUGGED my house with HELP from PHILIPS bulbs SOLD by AMAZON, HACKED my phone, desktop and ALL online accounts 😑
PROOF - They are DESPERATE to STOP ME from putting further names as these same CRIMINALS are INVOLVED with BJP in their DRUG MAFIA.
BJP has kept PEOPLE in and around my BUILDING to make NOISE and HARASS me for REVEALING their DUBAI MAFIA roots 😈
Since, I put BJP LEADER names in my POSTS and as I'm from a SCHEDULED TRIBE, from early MORNING...
💣 BJP CRIMINALS in my OLD ENTIRE building who were HIDING in the LIFT & STORAGE ROOM on my TERRACE were continously BANGING on my TERRACE and pulling HEAVY TABLES.
💣 BJP CRIMINALS in my OLD ENTIRE building & adjacent building were continously making NOISE right beside my ROOM WINDOW.
💣 BJP CRIMINALS in my surroundings are constantly making NOISE, even around my NEW BUILDING.
TEJASVI SURYA ➡️ ALL this ATROCITY & HARASSMENT was happening just 7️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ metres from your HOUSE. What were YOU doing as a LAWYER & a PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVE❓
BJP CRIMINALS around my old BUILDING were continously HARASSING me from past 7️⃣ months for being from SCHEDULED TRIBE and EXPOSING their MAFIA TRUTH and CONTINUE it around my NEW HOUSE also.
BJP was continously cutting POWER in intervals from MORNING to THREATEN ME for REVEALING their DUBAI MAFIA roots and BJP CRIMINALS hiding in my TERRACE were HARASSING me by BANGING on my TERRACE, pulling HEAVY TABLES, making NOISE right beside my ROOM WINDOW and in my ROAD 😁
CONFESS your SINS and SURRENDER to the LAW ma'am 🤫 SAVE those WOMEN from your PROSTITUTION RING 🤡🥶🤡
I KNOW you're planning to KILL me.
I'm ready to DIE for my TRUTH. Are YOU ready to undergo an INVESTIGATION and face the LAW for your LIES❓
BJP CRIMINALS in and around my BUILDING HARASSED me from past 7️⃣ MONTHS in my OLD house and doing the same around my NEW house also.
They were HARASSING me day and night EVERYDAY and ALL this was HAPPENING right in the BUILDING where ACP K.V. SRIDHARA was staying and also in ALL SURROUNDING buildings.
REAL REASON for KV SRIDHARA being SILENT about my HARASSMENT from past 7️⃣ months - HE was sent by BJP to HARASS and THREATENED me for EXPOSING their CRIMINAL DRUG MAFIA 💥
ACP KV SRIDHARA and his BJP CRIMINALS kept BANGING on my TERRACE AND in their HOUSE to THREATEN me. WHEN will the POLICE DEPARTMENT ARREST him and his CRIMINALS ❓ I have enough PROOF to prove this.
Even now, BJP SHAMELESS CRIMINALS continue HARASSING ME in and around my building.
Even after ALL this, POLICE DEPARTMENT is SILENT means...
I got my ANSWER.
#JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #JUSTICEforeveryVICTIMofLOTUSandDUBAImafia #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput
#Revolution4SSR #WorldUnitedforSSRjustice #CBIEnquiryForSushant.       #CBIMustForSushant.       #CBIInvestigationForSSR                    #Warriors4Sushant  #whokilledsushant #WorldFight4SSR #worldSushantEarthday #302ForSushant.      #SSRCulpritsRoamingFree #Oath4SSR #BoycottBollywoodMovies
#BoycottBrandBollyWood #Sandalwood #sandalwoodmovies #SandalwoodActress
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Top Immigration Consultant in Punjab- Nestabroad Immigration
Punjab, a north Indian state, is home to many aspiring immigrants who are looking to settle in countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA. While the immigration process can be a long and complicated journey, hiring the right immigration consultant in Punjab can make the process smoother and increase your chances of success. In this article, we will explore some of the best immigration consultants in Punjab like Nestabroad who can assist you with your immigration goals.
List of the best Immigration Consultant in Punjab
The best Canada Immigration Lawyer In Punjab is available from us because we are Punjab's most seasoned immigration consultants. Contact a Nestabroad immigration consultant in Chandigarh to get started. Since the future is global, we have been working hard to expand opportunities in Canada. They help you start living the life of your dreams in Canada. They will support you all the way through the Canadian immigration procedure.
By developing your understanding of learning, you can increase your options for acquiring knowledge. They offer thorough and well-planned support to students who want to study in Canada and get ready for a job anywhere in the world. Increase the company's global reach. Investors, businesspeople, and entrepreneurs alike can invest and grow significantly in Canada.
WorldWide Immigration Consultancy Services (WWICS) is a well-known immigration consultant in Punjab with over 26 years of experience in the industry. They have offices across the world, including in Canada, Australia, and Dubai. WWICS offers services such as visa application assistance, immigration consultation, and job placement services. Their team of experienced professionals provides personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a stress-free immigration experience.
Abhinav Outsourcings
Abhinav Outsourcings is another top immigration consultant in Punjab that has been providing immigration services since 1994. They offer services such as visa consultation, job placement assistance, and settlement services. Their team of experienced professionals ensures that their clients receive accurate and up-to-date information throughout the immigration process.
Canam Consultants
Canam Consultants is a leading immigration consultant in Punjab with over 25 years of experience in the industry. They offer a wide range of services, including visa application assistance, immigration consultation, and job placement services. Canam Consultants has a team of experienced professionals who provide personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a smooth and hassle-free immigration process.
Y-Axis is a well-known immigration consultant in Punjab that offers a wide range of immigration services, including visa consultation, job placement assistance, and settlement services. They have offices across India and the world, including in the USA, Canada, and Australia. Y-Axis has a team of experienced professionals who provide personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a smooth and successful immigration journey.
Future Link Consultants
Future Link Consultants is a top immigration consultant in Punjab that has been providing immigration services since 1996. They offer a wide range of services, including visa application assistance, immigration consultation, and job placement services. Future Link Consultants has a team of experienced professionals who provide personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a smooth and stress-free immigration process.
Eminence Immigration
Eminence Immigration is a leading immigration consultant in Punjab that offers a wide range of immigration services, including visa consultation, job placement assistance, and settlement services. They have offices across India and the world, including in Canada, Australia, and the UAE. Eminence Immigration has a team of experienced professionals who provide personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a successful immigration journey.
AEC Overseas
AEC Overseas is a top immigration consultant in Punjab that has been providing immigration services since 2005. They offer services such as visa consultation, job placement assistance, and settlement services. AEC Overseas has a team of experienced professionals who provide personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a smooth and successful immigration process.
Aspire World Immigration
Aspire World Immigration is a leading immigration consultant in Punjab that offers a wide range of immigration services, including visa application assistance, immigration consultation, and job placement services. They have offices across India and the world, including in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Aspire World Immigration has a team of experienced professionals who provide personalised assistance to their clients, ensuring that they have a successful immigration journey.
Hiring an immigration consultant can greatly increase your chances of success in the immigration process. The consultants listed above are some of the best immigration consultants in Punjab. Find a top-rated immigration consultant for immigration to the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, or Dubai. It is essential to locate the best immigration consultant in Punjab so that you can easily exchange documents and/or meet with a lawyer about your case.
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