#inkwall come back
cephiwyrm · 2 years
anyone else waiting for their mains to have noveaus / deco versions because Splatoon 3 mangled their kit??
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scipunk63 · 6 years
Wholesome InkWally: Fresh And Clean
Inspired by @disneyphantomlover. Here's some Wholesome InkWally.
I guess this technically would take place after "Wally's Second Job" shortly after Wally escapes the studio with Anne-Maria.
He had missed this. The smell of laundry detergent, the gentle hum of the washer, the feeling of warm clothes fresh from the dryer. It was all the things he didn't realize he had taken for granted nor that he would miss until he was parted with them for- however many years it had been.
His favorite sound was a timer dinging, may it be an oven, washer, dryer- Anything that made noise to tell him that it was time to move on to the next part of HIS day was simply amazing to him. At the moment, the next part of the day included folding up shirts and tucking them away. It was the least he could do to show his gratitude for his freedom.
"I never thought I'd actually enjoy doing a house chore." Wally muttered to himself. "I think I even enjoy it more than being a janitor!"
With an airy laugh, he gathered the fresh load of whites into a nearby hamper, revelling in the warmth as the soft cotton touched his arms, cooling off almost the instant it hit the basket. This time, an almost giddy laugh escaped his lips, and he hurried with his basket off to the bedroom he now took up residence with. One with windows and sunlight and- God, so much he hadn't had in so long.
"Fresh air, a sense of time- What more could I guy ask for?" The ex-janitor hummed as he all but tossed the clothing onto the bed and began to hurriedly fold, so enraptured in such a task that he hardly noticed anything else.
A couple of towels had been mistakenly tossed into the load, but that didn't bother him much. For the most part, the load consisted of workshirts, belonging to the other members of the house and himself. One in particular stood out to him.
"Those stains- I hope never come out." He hummed, holding a woman's blouse in both hands, creasing the fabric between his fingers.
It was a simple blouse. Pleated at the top and with darts at the bust and a collar that needed to be startched soon. What made it stand out was the faint, grey coloured handprints that littered the material, some missing sections of their outlines from the way the material had been grabbed and held.
"I'll never forget that night..."
The night he had discovered the TRUE effects his time in the studio- his time near that damn machine had really done to him. The night he nearly crashed his car into the nearest ditch from shock. The terrified woman who held him as he desperately screaming for any God out there who was listening to PLEASE change him back!
He still remembered her crying with him for hours in the backseat, the vehicle parked in some abandoned patch of road some distance from the Studio. That night, Wally considered turning back- leaving Anne-Maria Lawrence to find her own ride him and return to the studio on his own... But he didn't. The crying eventually ceased and they simply sat there holding each other.
It wasn't until later that night, in the privacy of the bedroom window that they were able to examine him, seeing how far his body had been effected and how solid his form still was. Much to his relief, he was still human enough to keep himself in one piece, and solid enough to take a bath without melting away.
Though, there was no amount of bleach that could unstain his skin- Or her clothes from that night, for that matter. At this point, neither of them cared. They were both alive and free of that place.
"Nothing could possibly go wrong now-"
"Talking to yourself again, I see?" A sudden, honey-sweet voice had Wally whipping around in fright.
"Annie! Don't scare me like that!" He laughed, picking the young woman up and twirling her around, her stained blouse still in hand.
"You're awfully sunny today." She smiled, hugging him gently around the neck before wiggling out of his hold. "And- seemingly absent minded."
"Well, can you blame me?" Wally asked, quickly wheeling back around to continue his folding. "Just, enjoying my freedom and my new chance at life."
"Mhm, yes, but do mind yourself." Anne-Maria began. "You'll stain the clothes if you hold onto them for too long, you know."
He stopped, noticing that the top now sported two, much blacker stains. "Son of a- Not again!"
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