#inside of you there are two characters inspired by Sadako
trixterdark · 1 year
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I feel like these two could be good friends but would never be on the same page
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ghostmiracles · 6 years
strategist lifepaths (part 2)
part 1 of this post is available here!
i made quite alot of revisions here, renaming all of the keys to make them fit the strategist theming a bit better.
the revised names are as follows:
Oak (I) – Key of the Caretaker
Belvedere (II) – Key of the Enemy
Yellow Acacia (III) – Key of Secrets
Anemone (IV) – Key of the Spinner
Dead Leaves (V) – Key of Deep Suffering
Split Reed (VI) – Key of Decadence
Pimpernel (VII) – Key of a Life Forever Changed
Harebell (VIII) – Key of the Caged Bird
Enchanter's Nightshade (IX) – Key of Scheming
Dogsbane (X) – Key of Mistaken Identity
Mandrake (XI) – Key of One Set Apart
Daisy (XII) – Key of Unbirth
Aspen Tree (XIII) – Key of Things Lost
Striped Carnation (XIV) – Key of False Hope
Persicaria (XV) – Key of Things Unchanged
Aconite (XVI) – Key of the Wanderer
let’s just pretend i had them that way in the first place, ok?
moving forward!
Now that you've picked your Keys and worked out what's going on there, we're going to start thinking a bit about where your character came from, and what's going on with them. Look over the following options, starting with the option or options associated with your two Keys, and think about which one you'll want to start with. You can choose any of the options, with these general rules:
First, find the rows with your Keys in them.This is where you want to start in your thought process. Usually you'll choose a row with one of your Keys in it. That strengthens the Purpose of the Key. Write a new bullet point in the Purpose of that Key. It should have something to do with the decision you just made about your character. Sometimes though, neither of the options attached to your Keys work. You can pick something else, but you'll have to strengthen the Sickness of one of your Keys to do it. Write a new bullet point in the Sickness of that Key. It should have something to do with the decision you just made about your character.
You are...
 Anemone (IV), Harebell (VIII), Daisy (XII), Aspen Tree (XIII)
Your role as an Excrucian Strategist fills you with a strong sense of purpose. You have a war against the world to fight. It must pay for its crimes against the void, and you're going to be the one to make it pay. You suffer, but you suffer with purpose, because your suffering gives you power to fight back against the world that ruined you.
Examples: Sadako Hayashi believes that it is her destiny to destroy the world. She believes that it's what she has to do to help the people she cares about, and she'll stop at nothing to see it done.
Mandrake (XI), Dead Leaves (V), Striped Carnation (XIV) Pimpernel (VII)
Your lot in life has broken you. You can barely function, much less fight. It's a war every day to get out of bed and get going. Grand schemes aren't really your sort of thing at all. You're just trying to make it through. You want to fight, and maybe even you try to, but everything is just too difficult.
Examples: Elisabeth Montaigne can barely muster the energy to leave her bedroom most days. She wants to fight the world, but she doesn't even know where or how to start.
Always a Step Ahead
Belvedere (III), Enchanter’s Nightshade (IX), Dogsbane (X), Aconite (XVI)
You're the sort of Strategist who gives the Strategists their name. You're always balancing dozens of schemes, with back-up plans and contingencies in case they fail. Most of them are probably even Xanatos Gambits, schemes that will benefit you and your cause even if they go wrong. Intellectually, no one can even come close to matching you, and you're probably extremely good at chess.
Examples: Lexiarchos Caducine always has a plan for any situation that arises, and it's always already in motion, even before it seems like it would be possible for her to know about what she's up against. An unstoppable strategy known as the Lexiarchos Strategem is named for her.
Oak (I), Yellow Acacia (III), Split Reed (VI), Persicaria (XIV)
You are a corrupting influence in people's lives. You try to change them, to make them like you. You try to make people see how wrong the world is, because they have to. The world is wrong, and anyone who can't see it isn't really even paying attention. Besides, you need pawns in the world, and what better way to gain some allies then making people believe you're on the right side of things?
Examples: Melanie Malakh tricked the famous glass-maker Hideo Hayashi into creating a glass dragon to help her fight the world. She seduced him and convinced him that fighting the world was the right thing to do.
Building Emmony (Part 1)
I draw the Avatar Diagram, then look over the list of Keys. While I'm doing this, I decide that my name is Emmony Leath. (This is something I could theoretically do later, but I decided to do it right now, while I'm thinking of it.) I pick Key I, the Oak, as my first Key – the Key of the Caretaker. I'm trying to protect or nurture something, but there's something complicated and painful behind it. I'm not just doing it for altruistic reasons. I pick Key III, the Yellow Acacia, as my first key – the Key of Secrets. I'm questioning my goals. I'm questioning my commitment to fighting the world. I can't let anyone know what I'm feeling, and it's got me all tangled up inside. I decide that Emmony has fallen in love with a mortal girl named Sadie. She reminds me of a younger version of myself. I want to protect her, because she's oh so frail and corruptible. She's such a kind and beautiful person, and she tells me that I could be good, even though I'm something wrong. I love her, but there's more to what's going on here. The Bleak Academy has sent me to corrupt her. I'm having a lot of doubts about that though. I'm starting to question the war, my goals, everything. Sadie is the only thing that makes sense, so for now, I'm trying to live for her, and hoping I can make sense of it all later. That's not a good answer for me, but it's what I have right now, so I have to make it work.
Building Emmony (Part 2)
My Keys are Key III (Yellow Acacia) and Key I (Oak). Both of these suggest that Emmony is a corrupting influence in people's lives, which isn't far off base at all for that I am imagining. I'm going to add a bullet point to the Purpose of Yellow Acacia, because that's the one that feels the most relevant here. I add a bullet point that says “She makes me want to do better.” Sadie makes her want to be a better person than she has been, and that keeps her going. Sadie is an inspirational force in her life. I realize that I haven't filled in the top bullet point of the Sickness of Yellow Acacia yet, and at this point, it's starting to take shape, so I write next to the top bullet point “I want to protect her.” Other people in her life want Emmony to corrupt Sadie, to hurt her, but she doesn't want to. She loves her too much. I could have theoretically picked a different option, perhaps Always a Step Ahead, and strengthened the Sickness of one of my Keys instead, but that didn't feel right here.
and that is where we will be stopping for today!
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