#into dappers ninho room or even his house because he wouldn’t
guckies · 5 months
I feel like I get more and more pissed off anytime I watch q!Bad make a move. So here’s the rant after seeing the clip and following with what @/daisyychainssj said about Leo’s Ninho room:
Why on god’s green earth would he allow Bagi into Leo’s room and allow her to grab the warp into the room.
Yeah maybe it was to do with the size of the room but maybe they could have you know waited and asked to check Richas’ room or waited until her parent or Leo was online.
He also knows full well that there is hollow walls inside the Ninho that could be turned into unofficial/temporary rooms for those eggs and that Leo’s room doesn’t have to be touched at all.
But also since he remembers enough about the Ninho and how it works with his memory loss then he goddamn knows the significance of those rooms and he just broke the main fucking rule.
Which is that the ninho rooms are SAFE SPACES FOR THE EGG THAT OWNS THE ROOM, that ONLY the egg, their parents and TRUSTED individuals can reach.
Do Leo and Bagi know each other?? Hmm that’s looking like a solid no. How well does Leo know the new eggs? Wait they don’t know and neither does Leo because they just recently met. Do they forget Leo is shy and not always social? yes she trust the eggs she knows but how often does she get online for anyone but her family?? Looking like about 5% which is usually because Foolish or Roier have outside factors stopping them from taking care of her.
Also he’s not her parent, he doesn’t get to make decisions for Leo just because he took care of her like 2 or 3 times and he knows her parent. That’s stupid and demeans Foolish’s parenting.
In conclusion, Bad should have never stepped foot in Leo’s room with Bagi today. It makes no sense lore wise or even just him showing her. Despite his “respect” for all the eggs, he really needs to check himself first before he does anything. Because any time he’s messed with an eggs stuff it’s always been Leo and sorry but Leo isn’t Foolish. That dynamic should be keep completely separate and to say this isn’t disrespect is a lie because it is.
This isn’t even like bad roleplay anymore it’s just disrespect because how in lore will any of them know about it unless bagi uses it in front of them.
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