#is it because surnames are too formal for the conversation but calling him ryland is too strange after all this time?
catsafari25 · 6 months
My housemate (who thinks that I only (attempt to) write original stuff) (albeit slowly) walked in on me flicking through PHM (for fanfic research purposes) and assumed I was re-reading it, and I haven't had the heart to admit the speed at which I fall down the fanfic rabbit hole
(Also, not what I was looking for, but it looks like Stratt calls Grace "Dr Grace" at all times, all but for two exceptations: 1) when the research lab blows up and she's calling for him and 2) just as he's hustled off to isolation before the launch ("Just think of the kids, Grace"))
(In their very last conversation, she doesn't call him by any name at all)
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