#it got cruelly (but very financially helpfully XD ) interrupted by me getting hired to build The Tiny City
blackcatanna · 2 years
With all these timelapse videos, quick tips and "quick sketches" (that are actually beautiful fully rendered illustrations) constantly being waved in our faces on the internet, I thought I would issue a reminder to myself (and to others) that making good art takes a lot of time, effort and often it is hard.
Spending time with other artists I know, particularly my friend who is a full time concept artist, always helps remind me of this but the internet often makes me feel like all art should be completely effortless.
SO, if anyone else is scrolling through tumblr and feeling shit about their art, this is to remind you that often professional artists can spend even hundreds of hours carefully constructing and rendering a beautiful illustration. The best artists use references effectively; rarely do perfect drawings spring fully formed from the head of an artist with no references or construction.
This applies to all art forms as well. When I first started my career as a 3D artist, I was worried that I wasn't working quickly enough but was told to chill out because it is normal for making a nice prop to take a (40 hour) week or more. People who do art professionally get so much TIME to develop their craft so never beat yourself up if you feel like you are not measuring up. <3
Anything you create is beautiful and we are lucky to witness it! <3
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