#it may be ur cuppa tea if you wanna check it out :D
mc-survivalist-steven ยท 5 months
The crew may wanna think fast with the rescue..
Something seems to be about to go down at 0, 0 with some 'Empire' that's recently sprung up from the Nether.
(ooc: Mun here! Since it is a bit ooc i figured I'll give a tiny reply
Due to some background planned stuff, I will be opted out from the invasion(? I assume) event. There are just some planned major Steven stuff that I'll be revealing in the Nether Comet Arc, some sadly may clash with the aforementioned event. And since this is the "final" arc, I think having two massive things happen at the same time may be detrimental to both plots...
It looks mighty cool, don't get me wrong! I just can't make it this time. ; ;)
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