#it's a child god w/ a violent background and protector of children god combo
sketching-shark · 7 months
What is RSDS? I know Fei Ren Zai, is RSDS a related series?
It stands for Rénshēng Dàshì, or Lighting Up the Stars! It's a film about a little girl named Wu Xiaowen (who's heavily Li Nezha coded) who loses her beloved grandmother and, since the rest of her family don't care about her, eventually gets foisted onto the fresh-out-of-prison mortician Mo Sanmei (who's heavily Sun Wukong coded) and his friends. They clash a lot at first but spoiler alert do form a really lovely daughter-father bond that legit made me cry. For me it was particularly neat to see the "angry destructive child" aspect of Li Nezha being utilized for Wu Xiaowen to show how it's actually completely understandable for kids to throw tantrums and act out when no adult will give them the love they need or take the time to explain things, especially things like the death of a family member. And Mo Sanmei definitely stands no contest as the best cringefail loser Sun Wukong out there on account of the plot pulling no punches to show what a legitimately shitty and pretty pathetic guy he was BUT also showing his gradual and sincere change into a kind and caring man, including all the the hard work he put into making the lives of those he loves a little bit better.
You can watch it for free on Youtube here!
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