#it's insane to be called selfish for not wanting this genocide to escalate into a bigger conflict that will destroy the Arab world more
eivor-wolfkissed · 14 days
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POV: I am a chronically online white American leftist who thinks my suffering under capitalism is worse and more important than the suffering of Palestinians because I'm an American so everything is about me actually?
These fucks are not in it for liberation. They will clap and cheer while the Arab world burns in hopes that it somehow negatively impacts the US. I have never seen a take so ridiculous as this one. No, you don't understand war, you don't understand how fucking horrific it is to watch your home, family, and community get completely destroyed by an occupying military force. They don't care about the millions of innocent lives caught in crossfire, they just want to throw a party while the world burns.
To my fellow Americans if this is all you're taking out of this genocide going on right now, I need you to stop pretending to care about Palestine and the Arab world at large, because you're clearly just inserting yourself and only caring about how this will affect you. Not about all of these kids who need help. And certainly you don't care about ethnic cleansing whatsoever- just your precious American self.
Are you in this because you want to stop a genocide? Or are you just using an active genocide as a talking point to benefit yourself because you've never deconstructed "America first" propaganda?
Do better than whatever this selfish bullshit is.
The only people who cheer for war are fools who have never witnessed the horror of war and who will never be directly affected by it. You have a broken moral compass if you can sit there and watch footage of children being slaughtered by an occupying military only to turn around and say Americans have it worse. I'm pretty sure your dick boss on the 9-5 isn't as oppressive as the IDF soldiers shooting up hospitals, massacring patients and doctors, and targeting aid workers. Sickening and shameful.
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offgridscribbler · 4 years
Sad Sunday
Cry for America.
At a time when it was clear America planned to unite–to come together to condemn a policeman’s heinous crimes over a defenseless man, the left had no intention of allowing that to happen.  White America, they have made clear, will not be allowed to “appropriate” this black man’s pain or his family’s pain — or to feel universal aversion to something everyone knows is wrong.
That is clearly not enough.
In order to “divide and conquer” and most of all, get rid of Donald Trump, all of America must bleed.  And bleed she is.  All innocent policemen will be sacrificed in this scorched earth policy and there will be no one standing at the end.  The numbers in no way reflect the genocide they want you to believe this act represents — it represents the act of one idiot or insane man (if in due process this video truly represents what went on) and nearly all of the left is walking in lockstep to do this.  Nine unarmed black people died in 2019 (even though that might mean they  had a gun on the front seat) and 19 unarmed white people died at the hands of the police in 2019.   The numbers of white people equal the number of black people overall killed in “police encounters.”  About 230 black people killed; same number of whites.  Most crime happens in inner cities where black people equal or outweigh numbers of white people, so those numbers are unexpectedly low.
Why don’t they post the number of dead police officers trying to defend you and me against violent criminals of all colors? The number was 106 in 2019.  During 911 they were some of the first to rush into that building, they die or are hurt regularly doing a thankless job and now for their efforts they will be fired, not served in restaurants, and basically demonized for the foreseeable future as white sports figures cave under the enormous pressure to get in lockstep.  My  husband, as mayor of our small town many years ago, hired a police chief, a white man.  Of course, you’ll say.  I came home one day to see him personally, not one of his guys, rolling around the ground with my neighbor, a mentally ill man who hadn’t taken his meds and had attacked his girl friend.  He was not making a sound, no shouting, nothing to escalate the situation, and when the man got tired, I watched Larry, nose bleeding and scratches all over his face, lead the man calmly toward his police car.   I was within ten feet of them and I never even heard him yell or order this man, pull a weapon, or do much to dominate this person.  It was hard to figure out how he even got control of the situation.  It was so strangely quiet, it was cartoonish. Previously, when they needed to make a drug arrest and the powers that be wanted swat teams, Larry walked up to the front door himself and calmly arrested the guy so that innocent people, and even the perpetrator, were not harmed.  He went with Larry without incident.
This, no doubt, is more representative of your average policeman.
If you condemn the violence of these rioters, even if you agree with all the peaceful protesting surrounding this tragedy, you are “part of the problem.”  That is what my “best friend,” a supposed life-long and at times judgmental Christian posts on her Facebook page about people like me.  Accept your collective white guilt — and all policemen symbolize such — even black police chiefs trying to do their jobs — or face the consequences.  Black Lives Matter, on their site, wants all prisoners released, reparations, a guaranteed income, free education and more.  And the progressive white elite want to use it to unseat Donald Trump when weaponizing the justice department and falsely accusing him of being a traitor failed to do it.
And it might.
What’s gone on here in the last three years to our country will likely never be repaired in my lifetime.
Disband police departments–that’s what the cry is now and it appears some of the major cities are doing just that.  And I see no reason for the police departments or security people to protect Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, or the rest of them.  I think the social workers they propose to send in on our behalf– should arrive for the progressive left politicians.   See how that works out for them. Let them live under that which they intend we live.
If you went through graduate school (and I have my MFA from a small school in Michigan Upper Peninsula–especially if you are an English major), you took what they call “literary theory.”  This is the class in which you learn that the author and the individual (and soon even the novel–which is an individual expression) is dead.  Universalism is dead.  This is the class where we throw out the baby with the bathwater.  For instance, if a minority person shares a story of pain from their life experience, and you as a white person, say, “Oh, I can understand that pain,” based on some close experience, a university professor will say, “Oh no you do NOT understand.  You are appropriating their pain and minimizing it just by your very empathy.”  Even though it’s what we have in common as human beings that led us to appreciate the uniqueness of everyone else in the first place.   That desire for freedom, love, family, food, a roof over our heads, and the pursuit of happiness. We are no longer allowed to feel that human connection.  And of course, divide and conquer is what the progressives need to achieve their socialist agenda and they WILL have it.
So the killing of George Floyd AND the violence in the street cannot both be wrong in today’s politically correct narrative.
I have never been a death penalty advocate because “free will” is hard to prove–I’m a mixed philosopher — so perhaps they had no choice–mental illness, poverty, other environmental influences caused them to behave that way and violence is not remedy for violence (Floyd had been arrested for armed robbery, was a drug addict, and –nobody knows — seems to have been passing counterfeit money).  But he is a product of our society, the left wails.  He is your fault.
And he is a martyr.
Well then, so is Chauvin.  But he, too, is the fault only of the white privileged, they argue.
It is all our faults.   I as a woman apparently am to blame for every crazy woman who kills her children or her husband for insurance money. We are all to blame and represent serial killers.  They are not aberrations and outliers–they are apparently us.  Black people kill more black people than white people do-again, our fault.
I beg to differ. We are ALL to blame here and that is what we have in common!
It’s what we have in common in the human condition and violence is never justified except in imminent self defense.  Not ever.   Progressives are ends justifies the means people, and there’s no end of individuals who must be sacrificed to the collective good of today for this globalist, socialist movement.
So I, according to my friend, am not allowed to cry for George Floyd at all unless I understand that this violence is necessary.  Peaceful protesting of America’s lockdown or the desire to peacefully gather in a church was murderous and selfish and not allowed; but mass gatherings –most of them at least partially violent — are fine in the name of a left agenda.  Breathe all over each other as long as it achieves our aims.
What it boils down to is the left has rights in any situation (all women are not believed anymore when it’s Joe Biden), and conservatives have none.  15% of them are “bad people,” according to Biden.  But George Floyd, who bears absolutely no responsibility for his actions or the situation he found himself in, is a martyr and certainly one of the “good” people.  A gentle giant, they say.
I, according to  my friend, belong in that 15%.
Louise Erdrich, a fabulous literary writer, is half German and have Native American.  She was criticized for caring more about postmodernism than she did about the abuses to –and marginalization of –Native Americans because she dared to see not only those of her ancestors who were lynched, but those that had done the lynching, as victims of a sad history.  Perhaps she was referring to the guilt she felt passed down by her white fathers who had behaved this way and nothing she can do about it–or perhaps she just has compassion for all people and the unfairness of the human condition.  As half white, half Indian she was searching for a way to heal, perhaps to reconcile all the pain of her heritage, to bring people finally together, but that was not allowed.   Even from her unique perspective.  She was not allowed an individual perspective, but must, instead, speak for the “other” as an oppressed group.  And if not, her work was nothing.
So how do I feel seeing my friend post garbage like this?  (And I have more liberal friends than conservative who are posting this stuff).  Helpless and betrayed.
And ineffably sad.  Words cannot express how sad.
“Groups” and the bloodless ideals of them, “causes” whether they are socialists or conservatives or Christians, dehumanize and separate us forever.  It is only an individual voice that has a chance of communicating with another individual voice–and that, it seems, is being silenced forever.  Become one of those sheep, part of our progressive agenda, part of that group, or you are part of the problem.   Burn it all down with us –even though this country is the best version of imperfect government there is –so much so that people flood our borders to come here — or you will burn individually because individuality and universalism is dead.
And so are you.
And so is America…
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