#it's not peaches n cream. it's rotten fruit and sour milk.
gendervapor14 · 6 months
figure i'll throw this out here to be safe but i've been having some trouble with two fights for freedom these past two months. i'm starting to find the time and energy to pick up the pieces i left behind and i decided i HATE all of it so i'm probably going to do a lot of rewriting. but don't worry, it's all drafted chapters that haven't been posted yet. so basically, behind the scenes, i'm gonna be heavy-editing six chapters that have yet to exist. i think chapter 14 might be fine but... i don't know. i'm on the fence. fifteen and on is pretty iffy so, bear with me.
the good news is, i won't be totally rewriting them from top down. i have plenty of scraps to reuse and move around. it's basically a puzzle with some missing pieces. just have to rearrange stuff and forge some new puzzles pieces to fill the gaps. one of those gaps is bell-mere's backstory, which i've decided i actually loathe and still haven't reconstructed yet so... uh.... pray for me i guess idk
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