#it's totally okay bb i'm excited to have dakota around!
chrryshqs · 2 years
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welcome to cherry falls, dakota ! dylan, you have already submitted your blog. we’re excited to get to know your new character !
⟨ dylan o'brien, male, honey tea, restless nights, alien socks⟩ - hey, do you hear〖MOONSHADOW〗playing ? that must mean〖DAKOTA HARPER〗is nearby ! that〖TWENTY-EIGHT〗〖OMEGA〗is so〖ATTENTIVE & RESPECTFUL〗you know, but they can be〖DISTRACTABLE & STUBBORN〗too. they’re from the〖RIVERFELL PACK〗and if they’re not working as a/an〖SERVER AT GOOD MORNINGS〗then you can usually find them〖READING〗around the city. overall they’re pretty cool, you should say hello ! (i’m sorry that this isn’t another person. it’s dylan again because i’m trash and someone had to bring my bby dakota)
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