#its an ecosystem out here in the treches
ego-meliorem-esse · 3 months
how do you choose what art you reblog and like? i want to tag my art more effectively so it gets seen but no matter what i do it doesn't really work
do you like scroll through the tags or only look at what your mutuals reblog?
Ngl though abt this one for a while.
I usually go through my dash and see what the mutuals are throwing around, but i do go through the tags every now and agin if i have the time. My schedule is crammed these past few months and for me to sit down and take the time to look up art is rare. But thats only me. I see people on here posting and rebloging new fantastic art everytime i log on.
Not that I’m an expert or smthn, but I do find that statistically my art does better when its posted alongside a story or my own thoughts and whatnot. And thats perfect for me cus i have too much lore stored in my shit doodles that getting it out and it being recieved well is a god damn miracle. I can do that less these days but regardless i find giving us the lore of the drawing and your hcs is the besstttt shitt. I know I love when a helltalia artis tdumps their (especially historical and related) hcs and stories with their art.
Everyone here has their niche and why they repost certain art types. I enjoy sorta semi relaistic art styles, historical/political integration of these characters, a good sad angsty hc/story etc…
I think the best way really is just finding your niche and working it through, developing your hcs, sharing them, interacting with people whose posts you really like… tags are good but i personaly dont really think you can rely on them. Maybe even reblog your own art every once in a while. You can also do that for it to be seen more.
But then again im not sure im the person to ask. I started drawing an posting n shit cus my brain was gonna explode if i didnt share it with someone and i didnt rlly care to tag it that well :/ maybe it does work and maybe it doesnt idk
In any case gl <3
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