#its lurking beneath all the tiddies
koilarist · 1 year
I need you to know that every day I nearly infodump OC lore at you guys like an absolute madman. And I have the strongest raw self restraint on the planet for not having done it yet.
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yanban-san · 2 years
in regards to the little uncanny differences post; jokes on them, i can't make eye-contact to save my life and outright refuse to, for neurodivergent reasons. i usually look at a persons nose or at their forehead or behind them if i have to "make eye contact" with someone gsdhjKMGSDM--
but theres something to be celebrated about the differences between being human and being eldritch, isnt there? everyones teeth are different, and there are people are born with extra fingers, too! theres no helping it and its comforting in its own weird roundabout way that its like that for emmet and ingo, too. i also really like the idea of their hair being an extension of themselves because that makes hair petting when they're face deep in tiddy all the sweeter gshjJKMGDS-- that or like!! little kisses, pressed to the tops of their heads or along their hairline, even. i think they're more human than they give themselves credit for, but i might be a little biased.
that and im. realizing as im typing this that i may or may not have spent a little too much time with/on spot the difference games and catching a handful of every pokemon i could so i could find the gender differences (and ended up with no biney so theres another layer to that too so Yknow) buT!! something something im gonna start calling the both of them my night lights or the 'lights of my life' or something just as cheesy, because its nice and i love that i could be in a pitch black room with the both of them and still have some light. never has to be one or the other, the middle is just as good. - feather anon
CW: Mentions of angst so I'm putting it under the header as well as a little bit of body horror- But mostly cute fluffy goodness.
You might not be able to make eye contact with them but it's a little difficult to avoid making eye contact when they have literally hundreds of disembodied eyes they can encircle you with- :) They can't help it, you're just so nice to look at!
They're just, in their way, a little... upset by how their first meeting with you went. They don't want you to fear them, or hate them-! They want you to love them- Adore them-! As much as they do you! Be theirs- Forever and ever! Their inhuman-ness is a reminder that they have hurt you- And they still can. Which they hate. Their human mimicries are but a veil that prevents you from being hurt by them- So when their bodies start breaking/melting- When that veil is shattered- They get fearful. They aren't just concerned with safety checks because they're Subway Bosses, you know!
But it would make them melt to know their Darling adores them no matter what scary tentacle-eye-mouth-dragon-beast-incomprehensible geometrical structure-things lurk beneath their skin.
Emmet collapsing into your arms, staring up at you adoringly with a ring of his eyes opening around you languidly- Even if he's worried about showing you his true self, the fact you find it adorable that he wants to look at you so closely and be so close to you has him beyond blissful- A contented smile on his face as he looks up at you. His voidal, extraneous eyes look like hollow windows into darkness- glittering with some distant light in the very back of them. You feel his arms tighten around you, and you can feel something soft gliding around you, though- It's not visible.
Ingo holding you gently in his arms, seated on his lap- Worried that you might have just been being polite when you told him you'd love all of him, no matter what- You focusing on a book you're reading or something on your computer- Only to glance up and see enlarged, slitted pupils staring at you- Far too many to fit in Ingo's eyes, and that you're half submerged in inky shadows dripping and clutching at your clothing. He quickly apologizes, pulling his hat down- But you flick it off to look into his pretty, shadowy eyes, giggling at how bashful he's being! And the older demon's face softens in a way it hasn't in a very long time as he pulls you against him, nuzzling against you.
i also really like the idea of their hair being an extension of themselves because that makes hair petting when they're face deep in tiddy all the sweeter gshjJKMGDS-- that or like!! little kisses, pressed to the tops of their heads or along their hairline, even. i think they're more human than they give themselves credit for, but i might be a little biased.
They nuzzle into your tiddies and suddenly their knife-sideburns are also wrapping around your breasts as well, gently stroking and tickling- Their hair flexes and bristles with every touch, and, in their own ways, they get annoyed if you stop touching them-! Emmet grabs your hand and places it back on his head eagerly- Ingo, however, just looks up at you with the most pitiful expression- Wrapping his arms around you even tighter. A dark sigh leaves his form as he silently pleads for you to return to your ministrations- His hair flexing and twitching without your touch. At least he will use his words if you neglect him too long.
And if you kiss their hair? It elicits the rare happy whine from the two. Ingo leans into it, before trying to kiss you back- Emmet demands more kisses! He might as well be headbutting you- Give him more kisses!
i think they're more human than they give themselves credit for, but i might be a little biased.
They do become more human as time goes on; The longer they spend around you, the longer they spend among mortals, the easier it is to maintain their human appearances- Not that they want to, per se, but it does become easier. And Eldritch demons are more humanish in some ways- When mimicking mortal life, at least. They may be very powerful, and possess forbidden knowledge of the arcane and all that other weird jazz, but for all their greatness, they are imperfect. That imperfection is vital to understanding humans, whether they realize it or not.
buT!! something something im gonna start calling the both of them my night lights or the 'lights of my life' or something just as cheesy, because its nice and i love that i could be in a pitch black room with the both of them and still have some light. never has to be one or the other, the middle is just as good
This is really adorable Feather- Calling Ingo a light of your life when the only thing that really lights up on him is his eyes would actually be very endearing to him too.
And you think they want to be apart and only one on one with you? Of course not, they are sandwiching you in between their impossibly long tails and cuddling you in a big Demon pile! No better way to spend the night. Or the morning. Or maybe an afternoon nap. Or maybe an early night- Or even just laying together. Just- They really like holding you. Reallllly like holding you.
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Yep! The thing is their physical bodies are not internally at all like a human's body. It wouldn't hurt him a lot, but...
Ingo would be very upset for a host of reasons, irregardless of how much or how little it hurt- There may be personal, eldritch reasons for this, or Ingo could simply be being the overprotective big Eldritch Brother.
Emmet and Ingo both have many hands and claws and tendrils to kiss- And they'll adore every kiss you bestow upon them.
Just be warned they will return them a hundred fold. You will be kissed for a very long time. :)
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rhaegnarokmidwinter · 2 years
weird bleach headcanons part 2
Mayuri: doesn’t fuck. Its literally beneath him to even consider having intercourse of any kind. You’re fucking weird to even suggest it to him and if you did so he’d simply fix you with a patient yet patronizing and murderous stare for having the audacity to ask such an asinine question. Of course he doesn’t fuck.  Shuuhei Hisagi: The 69 on his face is absolutely an invitation everyone knows that. What’s funny is that if you were to perch upon his facial tattoos like the throne it is, its a completely 50/50 tossup what gets him to break first. You sitting on his face? Or the absolute Shining-esque tidal wave of a nosebleed he gets because of you sitting on his face? Only the gods know. Senbonzakura: Why, you may ask, is a zanpakuto on this list when that filler is not even wholly canon-confirmed. He’s on this list because unlike Byakuya, Senbonzakura is the kind of guy to get blackout drunk, piss on your lawn, rearrange your fridge, sort your sock drawer, break all your wine glasses, fuck your wife, and somehow you end up naked in bed with them both as well as the hot bachelor down the street. You’re not sure how you got here. Neither is Senbonzakura.  Grimmjow: This isn’t a sexy-weird headcanon. This is just a weird one. You’ve heard all the headcanons about him purring and liking ear scritches. Can’t confirm or deny but this boy does some other weird shit. Cat owners, you’ll understand. Grimmjow doesn’t like being ignored unless he wants to be ignored. Sometimes he wants your attention. He’s not gonna tell you outright though, no, what he does is lurk around your house, arms folded, tiddies out, fucking fuming for god knows what reason . And he just exudes irritation while occasionally oh so casually batting a fucking vase off a shelf, or a glass off the table, making prolonged eye contact the entire time daring you to do something about it. Because he’s bored, he wants a fight or for you to acknowledge him so he can snap at you for acknowledging him. Or he’s hungry. You don’t know. Grimmjow is a big angry cat and it manifests in weird ways.
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