#ive been thinking about bl4 a lot and what its gonna be about WHICH i might make a post about later cause i have a lot of Thoughts
krotiation · 17 days
I always assumed that the "catastrophic events" Zarpedon was talking about was referring to the Warrior and the havoc it would have wreaked on Pandora (and more since Jack definitely wouldn't have stopped at that) if it was let loose
But now I realized that no, she was referring to the course that the Seer talked about in the bl3 director's cut dlc. Zarpedon must have known about the course in some form and tried to destroy Elpis to keep Pandora closed, not Elpis' vault. The visions Jack saw before he got vault punched? That's just a snippet of what Zarpedon saw of the course and Jack actually was destined in some way, to play a part in this prophecy. The Eridians needed Jack to have this revelation so the vault hunters could discover the map in the Vault of the Warrior which would lead to the "prime instrument" reaching the Promethean vault, and so on. Or maybe Jack could have potentially been the prime instrument if he had witnessed the whole vision
Why would Dahl care about Pandora being destroyed by the Warrior when they abandoned it themselves? It couldn't have been because the eridium was a threat because then they could have just tried to destroy Pandora as well. Why only Elpis? Because "hundreds to save millions". If you break the key you can't open the lock meaning that if Elpis was destroyed Pandora wouldn't have to be and whatever chaos would come next would be kept at bay. Pandora was supposed to be opened in the vision Zarpedon saw but Lilith, being a siren, was an acausal and therefore not part of the prophecy. Zarpedon thought Dahl were the only ones who could stop the course from happening
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