#ive missed these clothes hangers stache i had for a wee bit of pain thay made me hump so so so much ♡♡♡♡
puppiitraining · 3 months
Day ooone of puppy month vacay!!!!
A journal~
I went back to me parents home for appointments and stuuufff. Not much puppy spacing, but i dID find my old stache of "things I play with" in a box I hadn't moved out yet!! Just basic things I had before I coule afford actual toys.
Soo I spent most of the day home in my room, with clothes pins on my puppyboy nipples and pupcunt! Also on my tongue, so I can practice having it hang out and be sooooo drooly!!!
So that was fun~ ♡♡ maybe tomorrow I'll go to the pet store and get some more toys before going home home~
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