alenchikova · 1 month
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Slightly redoing GenGrievous wives
Aaand i'm here to tell somthing about 'em heh
Grievous' wives:
1. Lediva jai ShekShee - First wife, older than Grievous by 10 years. A woman of unhappy life and destiny. Collected and calm, does not panic in dire situations. She was responsible for the quick and efficient evacuation of her clan to the mountains, where the Hacks would not go. But despite this, she was unable to save her daughter from the clutches of the enemy. Lediva is quite harsh in her character, after losing her child she became even more harsh and unsettled. Eventually left the clan, becoming a mercenary. She joined the growing Grievous Khaganate. Lediva was good at logistics, for which she was noticed by Grievous. Over time, the two became close. Lediva has two children with Grievous. The fate of her first daughter is unknown.
2. Sangarta lij Rakkash is the second wife already of Grievous. Tribal Khan from the Grendaju territory (where Ronderu is from). She killed her mother (the past Khan, leading the tribe to death because of her submission to the Hakam, in a battle for the right to rule the tribe). Her marriage to Grievous was originally a marriage of convenience, with Sangarta receiving military and guianitarian support and Grievous himself a political and military ally. Three children by Grievous.
3. Izurr jai Nari'i is bright, talkative and easy-going. She can make anyone feel at ease. She was the first to find common ground with the withdrawn and traumatised Rarek. Originally just one of the many steppe Kalisha who had joined their tribes and families to Grievous. Izurr had no idea what Grievous looked like without his mask and customary Khagan robes, and was very surprised to find out who she interacted with so nicely and often. In one of their meetings, Grievous said that Izurr looked like Ronderu to him. He took offence at this, saying that he saw her as a long dead friend rather than Izurr herself. They got into a fight, but Izurr was the first to make up, because she's emotional and hot-tempered. at times, but she's also resilient. This moment took their relationship to a new, much more trusting and intimate level. Four children by Grievous. Isurr loves children, as she grew up in a large and close-knit family.
4. Mikir Inariuz is mistrustful, stubborn and harsh, and does not get along well with people. Her family was killed by the Huks, only Mikir and her younger brother escaped. She blames herself for the death of her family and hates herself for her weakness (she fled with her brother rather than stay to protect her tribe and family; she was 15 full years old at the time of their deaths), her brother will later become her right-hand man. Head of a small mercenary clan. At the time of her meeting with Grievous, she was working under the Khan Irrijar. Her relationship with Grievous began a few years after they met. Mikir has three children with Grievous. Before that, there were two aborted pregnancies and three children by him who died giving birth. This finally broke her completely. Mikir is very hyper-patient with her children and those close to her because of her fear of loss. Takes it upon herself to take care of all the clan members to feel useful and cope with the pain of loss.
5. Rigraz san Marrak - born as jai Emezzez. She is the adopted daughter of Ursaddi san Marrak. Rigraz tries not to remember her birth father. Rigraz's mother died of dystocia (folliculostasis, in simple language - obstruction of the oviducts, as a consequence of necrosis and death) after the birth of her only daughter, and Rigraz's father was disturbed by grief. He sincerely believed that the albino girl was responsible for her mother's death and other misfortunes, that she was cursed. He tried to "cure" the curse by abusing the child in every possible way. For example, he carved the clan symbol of a passing Kalish into her face, convinced that this would drive the demons out of Rigraz. Once he sicced a mewmuu pup on her, Rigraz miraculously survived. His final atrocity was an attempt to burn his daughter alive, which was foiled by Ursaddi, who was passing by with his troop. Ursaddi adopted Rigraz, gave her his clan and territorial name, and did much to help the girl overcome and essentially forget her past life. In character, Rigraz is mean, rude, stubborn, and fierce. She first spotted Grievous as a potentially interesting man and began matchmaking with him out of boredom. Grievous accepted her advances. Rigraz often argues and vouchsafes with other wives, places no value on anyone else's seniority and pulls the blanket over herself. Has 5 children with Grievous, this was her first pregnancy. Surprisingly good and caring mother, very fiercely protective of her children and family. The only opinions she listens to are her non-blood father and Grievous.
6. Shimirrailu is a very spiritual and devout woman in a good way. A priest by work and vocation. Ever since she was a child, she has dreamed of becoming a Spiritual Leader. Her parents insisted that the girl undergo her initiation of her first hunt and learn how to handle various weapons. And afterwards, if she didn't change her mind, Shimirrailu would be free to become a Spiritual Leader or whatever. Shimirrailu is calm and patient in nature, but that doesn't mean you can lord it over her or disregard her opinions. Her meeting with Grievous took place during her losing battle against a superior Huk force. Shimirrailu has five children with Grievous.
7. Rarek Kresh is the protagonist in my works. Tough, harsh and cold. Shuns outsiders, but at the same time is very attached to her family, soft and kind to them. Sensitive to the Force, trained by her long dead ghost parents on both sides of the Force. Four years younger than Grievous, was married before him and had a child. Does not know or have met any living blood relatives. At the time she met Grievous, she was a mercenary. No children in common. Survived capture by the Huks and further slavery. Hailed as one of the most brutal pirate admirals of our time. Became involved in the Separatist movement after learning of a Kaleesh named Grievous. Hates the Sith for what they did to her family. Jedi too. Rarek is one of the most evil and crippled members of that family. Coming from a nomadic tribe.
8. Suanim san Deidarri - descendant of pirates settled on Kalee, hacker and head of a guerrilla group of former slaves, zanimpnym stealthy rescue of kin and pocketing hack equipment. She's led the Grievous Khaganate into major Huk bases several times. At one extremely difficult moment for her rebel cell (Suanim is not a professional hacker and "ice pick", as well as her squad are not special forces, they are quite few, no more than 200 people in total, and sooner or later more technically advanced hacks would have figured them out, which happened) Suanim came to Grievous with an offer that could not be refused - she offered to unite their forces for the war against a common enemy. Grievous agreed. Suanim worked with him a couple of years before Grievous married Rigraz and Shimirailu, but became his wife much later. In character, she is a cunning, wicked-eyed and very self-aware woman who will do anything for the well-being of those she considers her own. Three children by Grievous.
9. Hariza Varrani, a pirate by birth, ended up on Kali in a most incongruous way. Fleeing from another raid, she came out of hyperspace near Kalee, where Grievous's VCS forced her to land. The Khaganate needed ships for the war with the Huks, and how they would get those ships was immaterial. Hariza wasn't about to give away her honestly earned ship to someone unknown, but forces weren't on her side. So she made a risky but effective deal - she would give the ship to the Khaganate, but in return she would become Grievous' wife (she didn't like him, but the choice was to stay on a foreign planet surrounded by her war-ravaged kin or to become the wife of a strange but respected man who wasn't so bad, and retain the remnants of her independence and some integrity), and Hariza also demanded from Grievous the right to remain the pilot of her ship. Grievous agreed, putting a dozen more of his soldiers on the ship as crew. At first Hariza was not happy with her marriage of convenience, but later grew accustomed and attached to Grievous. She has four children with him. She'd grown roots in their not inconsiderable clan. Grievous called her Koufia, after the snake she resembled in colour. Or RiRi, which the rest of the tribe picked up on. After Martyr's death, Hariza had become her own shadow. Nothing left of the bright, puckish, and angry woman, she died with Grievous. Most of the day she just lay there staring at nothing, remembering the husband she once didn't even want to know. Hariza lived on inertia. One day she just didn't wake up, that night she dreamt of a living Grievous.
10. Mizir san Karraz is a homely, sweet and quiet girl. Mizir's family comes from the outskirts of Kaleela, the named capital of Kalee. Mizir is the eldest of 6 children of the family, very kind and caring, loving to babysit her siblings from a young age. She loves working with fabrics and various jewellery, making up and telling stories. Open and friendly, but also shy around those who seem to be the standard of a warrior. Mizir is extremely mediocre in combat, but that doesn't mean she is helpless or defenseless. Mizir, as well as her siblings, are brightly coloured and rare among Kaleesh, making them desirable prey for hacks. Not all Kaleesh have chosen to fight the invaders, some have chosen to sell their own kin to the Huks for wealth or their own lives. Mizir's parents hid their children in the forests where the Huks would not go. But one day they didn't make it, someone turned them in. Mizir did everything she could to keep her siblings hidden, diverting attention to herself, but she ended up falling into the clutches of the Huks. She was in slavery for a short time and didn't suffer physically (people like Mizir are rare and piece goods, the hacks make sure to keep them safe). She was pulled out, along with other lucky ones, by Grievous and his squad. Mizir was scared shitless and incredibly far from her home, Grievous brought her to his place, not knowing where to put a young, frightened woman unfit for war. Eventually, that's where she stayed, becoming his wife. Almost immediately she fell in love with Grievous. It is Mizir who is in charge of the household and food, helping the other wives with the children. Mizir is an excellent herbalist, and her skills have helped the family and the Kaganate many times when medical supplies have been interrupted. Mizir has one daughter by Grievous. She and her daughter have managed to keep the memory of Grievous and his not-dying-in-a-bacta-camera alive. By my headcanons, Grievous' wives and children had their memories of his survival erased to keep them out of the wrong places.
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ronderuwu · 1 month
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my part of the art trade with @alenchikova featuring their lovely oc izurr!
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alenchikova · 5 months
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I made all of Grievous' wifes
Wife #1 is Lediv
Wife #2 is Sangarta
Wife #3 is Izurr
Wife #4 is Mikir
Wife #5 is Rigraz
Wife #6 is Shmirrailu
Wife #7 is Rarek
Wife #8 is Suanim
Wife #9 is Khariza
Wife #10 is Mizir
I'll told you about the a little bit later)
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alenchikova · 1 month
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Drew adult version of my oc Shimra jai Sheelal, she is daughter of my another oc Izurr :3
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