#jesusmidori9 ask
Hugger Jim here, reporting for duty n STUFF
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What do ya think of "Willie Wonka" as a nickname for Warfstache? Since both like candy. And I can imagine the entire movie with everything being the same except Warfstache is being himself, but in the Willie Wonka movie. Man, I'd watch that.
The editor decided to speak before Wilford could have a chance, “I would also watch that movie!” She ignored Wilford’s glare and continued, “The outfit is perfect for him tbh.”
Wilford scoffed, “ActUally, the ouTFit is too BLAnd for me. I need excitiNG colors that lOOk gooD!” He rubbed his right eye and continued, “Also I wouLdn’t allow kids s0OOooo obnoxiOUS in my fACTory~”
“I woULd prefer to keEP my name as perfect as it is. Wilford Warfstache. If anyONe calls me Willie WonKa, I will be higHLy uPSet.” Wilford squinted his eyes at the readers.
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boopymooplier · 7 years
Soft or loud music (and do you have any songs/bands you like)?
I guess it all depends on my mood, but I mostly like to listen to loud music xD And oh maan if I was to list all that I like xD I know like most songs by Hollywood Undead they’re like my favorite band. There’s also Three Days Grace, Melanie Martinez, Set it Off, Panic! At The Disco... I lovee Nathan Sharp’s songs too! I could go on but I don't want you to get bored xD
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Is the warfcuddle™ actually a thing? Curious because of reasons.
Wilford’s eyes widened and he smiled, “Why, I’m sO glad you ASKed, dear! The Warfcuddle™ is absoLUTELy real!” He left the room and five minutes later he came back with a lot of pink blankets in his arms. “It’s even Warfstache approved!~”
“Wilford, that’s just a regular blanket…” The editor said upsetting Wilford. He frowned and ignored her. 
“Do you have a cOOLd room that just won’t heAt up? The Warfcuddle™ can hElp with thaT! Do you have probLEMS with proCRAS-tination? The Warfcuddle™ can also heLP with that!”
The editor folded her arms, “You keep selling things that already exist. In fact, that blanket is from a different brand.” She pointed to the tag on the blanket.
“Do you have a crANky editor that won’t do her job? The Warfcuddle™ can hElp with that, too!” Wilford proceeded to throw a blanket at his editor. “Order it toDAY by going to my world famous website! THanks, dear, for asking~ ”
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Is it true that hugs are basically chocolate for the soul? And which is better: hugs or cuddling?
“Hugs are 100% chocolate for the SOul. Just in cAse you guys didn’t kNOW, I, Wilford Warfstache have coNFIRmed that this is trueee.” Wilford sat up straight and waved his finger around in the air, “And if anyonE disagREES you can taKe it up with my MAnaGer.”
“Hugs aNd CUDDLing both have their chARm to them~ I love to give fans hugS ALL THE TIME and I love to hug friends! I used to hug strangers but I insTANtly learned whhyy that’s a bad idea…” He looked away remembering what happened when he tried that.
Wilford snapped out of his trance and finished answering, “But cuddLING is so loVEly! There’s so much more love obvious choice, cuddling~”
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