kiradurbin · 4 years
Super Short Reviews: Fall & Winter catch up Part 3
Everything’s Gonna Be Okay (Freeform) – If you can get past the very odd and off-putting voice of lead actor / show creator Josh Thomas, you’re in for a delightful surprise with fresh story perspective and spot on performances by Kayla Cromer and Maeve Press who actually resemble REAL teenagers.   Well played, Freeform.  
Outmatched (Fox) –  Who owns a 3-D printer?  Is this a thing now?  And is it really still a thing in 2020 to have a white family with the funny black sidekick friends? UGH.  On the plus side the kids are pretty fun… makes me miss the Jenna Fischer show with the droll sarcastic kids.  Where did that show go???
Looking for Alaska (Hulu) – Adapted from the book by John Green (he really went to a school like this  in Alabama).  I cant say enough good things.  The cast is genius – especially Denny Love, who I hope to see a lot more of.. Beautiful direction and camerawork.  Huge thumbs up.
Awkwafina is Nora From Queens (Comedy Central) – This is the Awkwafina you WANTED in The Farewell... which turned out to be not at all funny for a ‘comedy,’ and instead made everybody cry.   This version of  ‘Nai Nai’ – Grandma – is played by Lori Tan Chinn, who deserves an award just for being. Nora is somewhat annoying in the first two episodes, but when she starts making choices instead of just baking in bed, the comedy really kicks in.  Plus Bowen Yang is hilarious.        
Living with Yourself (Netflix) – Paul Rudd is as awkward and funny as ever, but the real reason to watch this is the very clever storytelling and the fantastic Aisling Bee as the wife of now two husbands.  (If you think she’s funny here go back and watch This Way Up on Hulu.  I REALLY hope there’s a second season.)
The Birch (Facebook) – The perfect gift for the deranged teenager in your life. Don’t play with the occult, kids!!  It never ends well.   Binge watch – you’ll want to see how everyone dies.
Miracle Workers: Dark Ages (TBS) – Same cast, zero resemblance to the first season so it may as well be a whole new show.  Sort of black comedy but really more parody. Steve Buscemi leads a smart and funny cast.  
Indebted (NBC) –   I sort of like Fran Derscher... but  I really can’t stand Adam Paley.  So, not for me.
Tommy (CBS) – A show about LA cops that shoots in New York.  Ha!  Those exterior shots really selll it, don’t they!  But isn’t it freezing half the year in NY In L.A  it just rains and rains… Anyway we all LOVE Edie Falco, and the writers have done a really good job of tacking real issues that the police chief, the mayor, and city council are dealing with in L.A. right now.  (pre Virus of course) This is definitely the best show i’ve seen on CBS in a loooooooooooooong time.  
Cherish the Day (OWN) – Don’t let the silky smooth Sade theme song fool you – there will be plenty of bumps in the road for this beautiful mis-matched couple (played expertly by Xosha Roquemore and Alano Miller.)  Always a treat to see the legendary Cicely Tyson, and whoever is tasked with picking the music is knocking it out of the park.  
Katy Keane (CW) – Semi spin off from Riverdale: Josie from the Pussycats is not the main attraction (as you probably guessed from the title.)  There’s no gangs or murder in New York the way there are in Riverdale, but social and racial problems are served up like a pink double frosted cupcake for the YA watchers. Oh and sometimes they sing, which is actually enjoyable when its Jonny Beauchamp (the real star for me.)     
For Life (ABC) – Trying to fill the Shondra Rhimes, absence, ABC gives us a really heavy show about really heavy issues.   Are you in the mood for that? Then you’re all set.  Don’t expect a happy ending anytime soon.  
Dispatches from Elsewhere (AMC) – I admit I tuned in just to see Jason Segel, but this is one of the most creative, clever, and inspiring shows i’ve seen in a long while. Eve Lindley is darling.  And hello Sally Field, Richard E. Grant and Andre Benjamin!!  Is it a game?  Is it a conspiracy?  Is it real?  No spoilers. Have fun!!  Divine Nonchalance.  
The Prince of Tennis (Netflix) – China.
Wisting (Sundance Now)
Brotherhood (Netflix) – Brazil.
Mythomaniac (Netflix) – France.
Nowhere Man (Netflix) – Taiwan.
Hache (Netflix) – Spain.
The Stranded (Netflix) – Thailand.  
The Club (Netflix) – Mexico.  
Astronomy Club (Netflix) – sketch show.  
Crash Landing on You (Netflix) – Korea.
The Outsider (HBO)
Little America (AppleTV)
Avenue 5 (HBO)
Star Trek: Picard (CBS All Access)
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