#joke abt u online? thts not opression babe
transmeds · 2 years
back to my little rant i had on "is there asexual oppression and if so, what is it?" the whole idea of asexuals that have an enjoy sex immediately invalidates them from experiencing any potential opression.. there is literally no conceivable different between having sex because you love your partner or because you love sex. even "allo" people sometimes struggle to make this distinction. if someone is oppressed for being asexual, it would be at the Very Least for not having sex like being called a virgin or something. but yknow to these ppl sex favorable aces exist so throw that out the window.
the only thing that separates "sex favorable aces" and "allos" is a made up word. thts all. not only bc i dnt think sex favorable aces exist but because there is literally no difference in any way.
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