transmeds · 1 month
i think alot of lgbt discourse online exists because people have forgetton that the reason labels  like “lesbian” “bisexual” or “transgender” exist is because there was large amount of people who had a shared experience that required a community and hence a label. which is why you get community’s like mogai which are obsessed with microlabeling every single lived experience in a way that’s extremely unhelpful in forming communities, examining one’s personal identity or actually how certain groups face real life oppression, and it’s also why you get people who think all labels are stupid and useless and why we should just all just call ourselves “queer” when that’s also unhelpful and reductive and sucks the nuance of sexuality and gender.
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transmeds · 1 month
calling every gnc cis person you see an "egg waiting to crack" even as a joke is not cool or funny at all actually it is extremely invasive and weird and you are just reinventing gender roles but making it "progressive"
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transmeds · 1 month
woman🫵 and a hettie I guess🫵
ur so cute
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transmeds · 1 month
gender comforming straight woman🫵
i wish i was woman 😓 i tried very hard 2 be, someone on tumblr telling me 2 be is not changing the fact im not
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transmeds · 5 months
sorry they don't experience same gender attraction nor dysphoria*
why are you an ace exclusionist?
they dont experience same gender attraction
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transmeds · 6 months
why are you an ace exclusionist?
they dont experience same gender attraction
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transmeds · 7 months
"Kids can't be transgender!"
Right and they can't be autistic either. We all know that children don't have brains that's reason they can't have neurological disorders like autism or gender dysphoria.
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transmeds · 7 months
Story time: I’m a trans guy. I have an identical twin. We’re both tall, androgynous, and have naturally deep voices
In high school a rumor was spread that one of us was trans. For years, everyone in school had convinced themselves that my twin was “the trans one”. She rolled with it to keep me safe, and said it felt like a compliment to be mistaken for a trans woman since she looked up to a lot of trans women. That didn’t stop the bullying, but it’s easier to deal with when it’s directed at the wrong person. I’m engaged to a feminine cis guy who is several inches shorter than me. I have 20-30lbs on him and I can dead lift him. He’s more delicate and soft both physically and socially. He cries during sad movies, owns half a million stuffed animals, and clings to my arm when he’s nervous or it’s cold out (oh yeah, also he’s adorable) Whenever the topic of being trans comes up, cis people tend to think he’s the one who is trans. Direct all “what do your parents think?” comments onto him. Completely ignore me. Ask him invasive/transphobic questions about his body. Tell him “you pass so well!” through grit teeth. Like with my sister, I get pretty pissed about this, but there’s not much I can do about it. I have had to argue with cis people to establish the fact I’m trans because they don’t believe me & think I’m joking. they’re like “but he’s - no, she’s trans!” and frantically point fingers at my fiance and sister. Because there’s no way an adult cis woman could be taller than 5′9 and choose to be bare-faced, and an adult cis man could love How To Train Your Dragon 2 with a fiery passion, enough to watch it 3 times in the theatre.  Terfs take one look at us and try to convince my sister she’ll never have a uterus or that she’s “appropriating women’s spaces”. Transphobes say my boyfriend will “always be a girl” and call him gendered slurs. They talk over them, block them, and grill them about what genitalia they have online. Completely unknowing that they’re talking to two cisgender people who are gay and gnc. @ young, closeted, scared trans people: any cis person who insists they can somehow “know” your “birth sex” by looking at you because “it’s so obvious!” is full of shit. people come in all shapes and sizes regardless of gender. Not only are they being transphobic, but they’re being homophobic too.
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transmeds · 7 months
humans will always be more complex than the boxes we create to try to explain those complexities. other people will experience their gender & sexuality different than you. this is not optional, you are just self-righteous, and assuming you know what's best for other people because of your limited worldview is concern-trolling at best and bigotry with a progressive hat on at worst. hope you get well soon
yup everyone is slightly different that's why it's pointless to try to separate and label each tiny experience instead of accepting that everyone is different and someone can be something without needing 20 labels to justify why they're DIFFERENT from others. they're allowed to just be.
its more complex than the boxes we make, that's why the boxes should be simple things and our individual experiences are unrelated.
hope youbget well soon and realize that making more boxes only makes things more confusing and harder for lgbt people.
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transmeds · 7 months
I just got kicked from an lgbtq+ server for saying i didn't like pussy.
Im a gay trans guy-
😭😭😭 some people r so weird
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transmeds · 7 months
each day that goes by i feel more and more disconnected from the trans community. i feel like so much of it is targeted towards people who aren't me. i feel like so much is targeted towards younger trans people who are just figuring themselves out and thats great they deserve a place to do that but i also want a place to relate to people. i feel like the other half of the trans community is for people who are way older than me and its like i dont even necassarily agree with like half of what theyre saying. i dont know. i just wish feel like i shouldnt expected to pretend i am still some questioning child or sacrifice some of my thoughts for an older generation. no one is wrong, of course, but i wish there was more i could relate to. i dont know.
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transmeds · 8 months
This is what I don’t get about detrans:
The tucute/inclu crowd say you don’t need dysphoria to be trans and you don’t need to physically transition.
Radmeds/truscum/plenty of doctors say you need GD and if you can, try to physically transition.
So, how is detrans the tucute/inclus fault?
sorry what r u even trying 2 ask? i dont think detrans r all tucutes fault- but a lot of them are because they try to transition on the idea you don't need GD. nor sure what ur trying 2 say here honestly but maybe that's a me problem
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transmeds · 8 months
”theyre not female experience theyre trans male experiences” and what makes a trans male trans
dysphoria ☺️🙏 hope this helpz
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transmeds · 8 months
lately ive been getting interested in other kinds of discourse and not strictly lgbt related topics but i can barely formulate my thoughts on these topics i don't think it'd go down very well if i suddenly started to post about other things LOL
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transmeds · 8 months
i dont care about my pronouns that much anymore it really isn't gonna kill me so most of the time when i have to put them somewhere i just say "he/her" cause i don't care other than not liking being called they + people are more likely to take my one off transmed comments as a joke if they think i am One Of Them. anyways the other day one of my well-meaning but 😭😭😭 friend went "i thought you were genderfluid? you know, cause of your pronouns" and i regretted my choice to start saying that for a solid day. i will continue to do it, regardless.
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transmeds · 8 months
it's so crazy to me how much the inclusive/ progressive/ tucutey crowd hates detransitioners it will never not be insane to me. it's so telling to me, i don't give a damn about detransitioners i actually like them and most transmeds i know are the same way. but anti transmeds? it's so telling. i think if you were completely secure in yourself, your gender and Identity you would not feel threatened by those who have a different experience than you. it's crazy to me. it will always be interesting to me the way i see detrans people being dismissed.
nb4 "transmeds are threatened by nondysphorics-" we are not threatened by you existing as "trans" people we are "threatened" by the geniune damage caused by you. detransitioners do not cause damage to warrant this fear you have of them.
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transmeds · 8 months
funniest thing abt being a gnc trans man who doesn't always say he's trans is how many comments i will get from pro trans people suggesting i am a trans girl
I think it's important to let guys be gender non conforming without telling them they're a girl, cause actually misgendering people is still shit even when you are pro trans. "You're a girl, an egg waiting to crack, and that's ok" how about you are a boy and a man and it's still ok if you want to do something that doesn't align with traditional ideals of your gender. You can still be he/him in a skirt and makeup.
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