#just getting tired of all the Ichiruki or Ichihime debate
owari26 · 4 years
Me, watching the ship wars raging on again now that the TYBW arc gets an anime adaptation: Guys GUYS! You’re all forgetting the one true ship xD 
*Checks Ao3* Yep, still the most popular ship :D 
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bookworm555 · 7 years
Ship you like that most people don't, ship you hate that most people like, most underrated/overrated ships, EstLat, Sasuke/Karin and KisaIta for OTP/BROTP/NOTP, favorite headcanon for AmeLiet, favorite canon moment for SasoDei, favorite h/c and canon moment for Tony/Steve, rant about pairing of your choice
Ship you like that most people don’t: Would SasuKarin count? I don’t think it’s that popular compared to other Sasuke ships. And for Hetalia, possibly rarepairs like IceLat or LietUkr (not because people dislike them, but because they’re just unpopular)
Ship you hate that most people like: I can’t stand Crowfeather/Leafpool from Warriors: The New Prophecy (the second of the Warrior Cats series). I didn’t like it when I first read the books, and I dislike it even more now that I re-read them. It’s like Graystripe/Silverstream 2.0, except I actually liked that ship and was devastated by Silverstream’s death. (Just getting tired of the ‘star-crossed lovers from different Clans’ trope. Not to mention the ‘big reveal’ in the Power of Three series made me go ‘UGGGGH’ so hard. I saw it coming a mile away, but I still hoped it wouldn’t be canon, XD)
Underrated ships: IceLat (Hetalia), SaiSui, NaruIno, SaiSaku, LeeSaku, HidaKona, SakuIno, TemaTen (all of those are from Naruto), LatLiech (Hetalia), Shiv/Talon (Static Shock), BuckyNat (is that popular? I don’t see it as often as other Bucky ships), Adam/Sharon (Static Shock), Kumiko/Reina (Hibiki! Euphonium), Jearmin (SnK. Is this one popular? I used to see more content for it years ago, but not so much anymore), Reim/Sharon (Pandora Hearts), Paula/Kate (Red Garden)
Overrated ships (NOTE: I don’t hate these ships–and actually ship many of them casually; I just feel like the fandoms they’re from can get over-saturated with them to the point where it becomes a little annoying): JeanMarco (SnK), RinHaru (Free! Iwatobi Swim Club), FrUK (Hetalia) [these first three, I actually ship casually, but acknowledge how overrated they are], HotGear (Static Shock. Still don’t understand this one), IchiRuki and IchiHime (Bleach), Kirito/Asuna (Sword Art Online–Doesn’t help that this is a series I dislike)
Fave AmeLiet headcanon: for a non-angsty one, America gets Lithuania hooked on superhero movies (And they totally cosplay Captain America and Bucky at least once) I can also see them both trying different sorts of coffees together. For an angsty one: Toris is always ashamed of his scars, but Alfred tries to cheer him up about them by saying that they show how brave he was. Toris obviously disagrees, but it still makes him feel a little better that Alfred isn’t disgusted by them.
Fave canon moment with Sasori and Deidara: Every time they debate about art. It’s so hilarious and quotable.
Stony headcanon: Steve likes to pretend he isn’t good at using technology just to troll Tony, XD
Stony canon moment: Their banter. (If you haven’t noticed, I tend to like ships that banter with each other, XDD)
Pairing rant: Not so much a rant, but it’s really hard to find fics where Hong Kong and Iceland are just friends. For some reason, I just can’t ship them romantically, and it’s really frustrating because I love having them interact in fics, but I don’t want to read the romance.
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