#just open the dream portal from the Emerald Garden already!
kyuusei-shadowleaf · 7 months
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Although mages were re-accepted into Night Elf society shortly before the Cataclysm (the Shen'dralar), it's my headcanon that many kaldorei still have a distrust/distaste for arcane magic and its use. Thousands of years aren't erased in a decade, after all.
Kyuusei's no exception. She doesn't have an active prejudice against arcane magic ("Some of my friends are mages") but she doesn't... quite... trust it. Portal magic is the most notable example.
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Kyuu avoids using portals whenever she can, preferring to walk the Emerald Dreamways and flying the rest of the way on her own wings whenever possible. It's only when time is short and there's no other other route that she'll finally give in and take a portal, gritting her teeth as she does.
(This is played in-game as well, and is one of the reasons Kyuu's been loathe to leave the Dragon Isles - the only way back is a boat ride, a very long flight, or... ugh... a portal from Stormwind.)
Thanks for the ask, @asharinhun!
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