#just to maintain what fragile sleep schedule i have bc i find it hard enough to get to bed before 1am regardless
manebioniclegali · 4 months
Clearly people who say to just keep getting up at the same time each day aren't sleep deprived
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
If This Is Our Destiny 1
Angel Reyes x f reader* (past?) | Manny x f reader *
**woc & black readers to the front. I also imagine her as shorter bc Angel is tall as fuck, but she does not have to be. Anyone can read. I’ll give her a nickname eventually, so she can be read as an OC too 😁 options!
Words: 1,058
Warnings: shootout mentioned, fear of almost dying, mentions of sex life
Is this an official fic? A series of one shots? I don’t know yet just going on the ride.
An: Manny has the Good Girls tattoo not the weird one. Let’s imagine the sexy one 😁 If you are one of the 3-8 people who read my late night version, it has been revised with new details added today! 
Fic info | next
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Angel Reyes was a drug. One you tried to quit too many times. Working at the Mayans clubhouse didn’t make it easier, but it was decent pay and it felt like home; you didn’t want to lose that yet, even if it meant seeing Angel. The job fit your schedule perfectly, and that was hard to find. Plus, Santo Padre wasn’t what it used to be, you didn’t really have a bunch of options at this point.
Your on again off again ride with the eldest Reyes brother started innocently enough, you were friends, good friends. In hindsight the moment sex got involved, no matter how damn good it was, that was the end. He was addictive, his kiss, his touch, the way his body and yours became one. It was some real next level shit. The kind that feels too good to be true.
But Angel was complicated, stubborn, explosive and selfish. Things that were easier to accept and digest as his friend, but became harder to swallow as his lover, especially when you became his girl. Angel was complex, he was all the above and one of the most sensitive people you’ve ever known, his heart was guarded, yet fragile.
All his unresolved shit, his lack of communication skills and reactive nature led to both of your breakups, including the most recent one. You knew there were only two realistic outcomes for you and Angel at this point, to somehow go back to being friends, or cut off all ties.
Right now, you were in some weird space you couldn’t define. He didn’t take anything well, especially not this last break up and for the last couple of months he’s been giving you the cold shoulder, the famous Angel Reyes silent treatment.
During this time you maintained a close relationship with the youngest Reyes, Ez and their father, Felipe. Felipe wasn’t an easy man to impress but he adored you, the feeling was mutual.
Angel was always a rolling stone, you knew that. And he had terrible coping mechanisms so when he started sleeping with the most recent club hire, you knew it was to piss you off. It worked. But you wouldn’t let him see it, you wouldn’t give him the win.
All of this made things harder at the club house, then the attack happened. It was around this time you seriously contemplated leaving it all behind. Not that you shared this with anyone, but you still had nightmares and what you were sure was mild ptsd after the event. It was the longest night of your life. You were thankful you made it out unharmed, but mentally, it did take a toll.
- Flashback -
Trying to hide your shaking hands, you continue to light more candles, bringing some light to the darkened room. Being club adjacent, you’ve seen and heard some shit but you were never this close to the full scale violence of it all. It was terrifying.
You don’t realize you’re holding your breath until you feel a hand on your shoulder, looking down you recognize those fingers, those rings instantly. It’s him.
“Hey, how you holdin up?” He asked, his voice heavy with concern.
You don’t look at him, you can’t. So you fix your gaze on his fingers and the way he feels behind you. “I’m okay.”
So this is it. This is how the silent treatment ends. A night where we may all die and now he talks to me?
Angel gave your shoulder a slight squeeze. When he speaks your name, you lose your reserve and turn to look up at him. His face is tense with worry, his brown eyes heavy with a mix of sadness and something else you can’t put a finger on.
Before you could find an excuse to move away from him, Angel pulls you into his arms, hugging you close. You tried to stay stiff, to ignore the way he feels and smells. You can't fall back into this. You have to stay strong.
- Flashback over -
That was two months ago now. And you did stay strong that day, and the days after, but it was close to going the other way. He was asked to stay over, you declined. Since then, you’ve been distracted trying to survive and adjust to all the recent changes.
Part of you wanted to leave. You weren’t sure what would come of all this, or how long Santo Padre had left. Everything was uncertain, everyone on edge. You started to slowly detach yourself, if the end was coming, you wanted to be prepared. Maybe you’d move out of state, pick a new place and start over. A place with no MC wars, a place with no Angel Reyes. The other part of you wanted to stay, though you had no idea why.
Maybe having so many distractions was good, you didn’t have much time to dwell on the fate of you and Angel Reyes. You had more hours now, and more work due to the overcrowded clubhouse.
Bishop was demoted, Alvarez was back as President, Canche’s men and what remained of the Yuma chapter were here. Everything was so different and still changing in this rapid, chaotic pace.
Amidst all the changes was one surprise: Manny. You weren’t looking to fall for anyone, you weren’t even interested in a light fling right now. But the moment he walked into the clubhouse, and those soulful brown eyes landed on yours, you knew you were a goner.
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You feared no could make your heart race the way Angel did, Manny showed you otherwise. And the first time he smiled at you, you nearly forgot to breathe. He had you. You were done for.
There’s a lot of things you like about Manny. Physical attraction aside, he was smart, thoughtful, and observant. He always greeted you and asked how your day was. Manny made you feel seen in the most beautiful way, even though your contact was so limited. And when he talked about his little girl, Bella, he made you consider something you swore was completely off the table, children.
Not that it would happen, you were pretty sure you weren’t going to have anyone’s babies, but hearing this man talk about Bella, it was easy to imagine having a family with him.  Even if it was just in some far away fantasy hidden in the back of your mind. 
Next ⬅️ (read the next chapter)
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