#just used this for a 100 page document and ooohhh yeah. this is better than orgasms methinks
concerningwolves · 1 year
Y'all i just found something that is VERY COOL.
Fellow editors and writers who use Word, have you ever had to work with large amounts of pasted text – i.e., text pasted from PDF booklets or online sources – and found that the formatting was fucked to all hell? Ever sat there, staring at your MS Word document, and wondered if life would be easier if you went and lived in a mossy cave?
Well, while retreating to a nice mossy cave still has immense appeal, I have found a workaround for the issue of Badly Formatted Text that doesn't require endlessly using Find+Replace for ^p^p! It's a Macro, which might be a lil daunting if you've never used one before, but fear not, because it comes with an easy-follow instillation guide with instructions for both Mac and Windows.
Everyone say thank you to the sanity-saver Admin Macropod, and go forth and clean up your texts.
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