#kamina yukikaze
82mitsu · 1 day
{18Trip} <CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A: Sun will R1ze!> 001-A06 Off to a rocky introduction
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A translation of 18TRIP's CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A by 82mitsu. ENG proofreading by sasaranurude.
TL note: 
Renga mistakens 罷免 (himen, to dismiss someone from a position) for 日麺 (himen), a word combining day (hi) and noodles (men). Which is why he thinks it's some new type of noodle. Joke has been reworked to make it make sense in English.
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Kaede: (Who would’ve thought it would be happening on my third day of working here. A face-to-face meeting with the current Ward Mayors…!)
Yachiyo: Uuuwuhg… I’m nervous. Me supporting the Morning Squad… Guh-gonna puke…
Kaede: T-take it easy, Yachiyo-kun. Kafka said he’s also part of the Morning Squad. Remember?
Yachiyo: Y-you’re right. Ugweghh~ I need to look back at my notes in times like these!
Yachiyo: For the meeting with the current Ward Mayors, wait in front of the office… Okay! When I see them, greet them and… Eh, what do I say!?
Yachiyo: Gugugugreet them……..!? Our greetings need to be able to correspond to any time of the day so a goodmornafternight will do, yes!?
Kaede: It’s morning right now, so I think a normal good morning is fine enough…
Kaede: (Agh… Now I’m nervous too… Though I did meet all of the Mayor Wards once before.)
Yachiyo: Mutter mutter… Profile memos of the current Ward Mayors…
Yachiyo: The 2nd Ward Mayor is Kamina Yukikaze, an active figure skater… Gweh! Isn’t he a celebrity!?
Kaede: It’s common that mayors of a special tourism ward are famous people to begin with, since their role also includes advertising. 
Yachiyo: The 3rd Ward Mayor is Nishizono Renga… Hweh! He’s that high and mighty model talent, right!? W-w-w-w-what do I do, are lowbrow commoners even allowed near him…!?
Kaede: ……
Yachiyo: The 4th Ward Mayor is Lu Liguang… the Number Two from the Lùróng Family overlooking Chinatown… Isn’t he s-s-s-s-s-someone you don’t wanna cross paths with…!?
Kaede: Who’s to say—we have to meet him regardless…
Yachiyo: Leaving the others aside, Kamina Yukikaze is a top athlete, a living national human treasure! Aaaaah what do I doooo, Chief, how can you be so calm about it~!?
Kaede: Uhm, Yachiyo-kun, calm down…
Yachiyo: Ah!!! That’s…!!
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Yukikaze: ……
Yachiyo: Athlete Kamina Yukikaze…!! The Scion of Ice…!! The handsome beauty of a gem that’s a living national treasure!! In t-t-t-the flesh……
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Yukikaze: ……
Yachiyo: He- suh- he smiLED…!!!?
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Yukikaze: I missed you…
(Yukikaze hugs Kaede)
Yachiyo: ~~お@dあk%!?!?!?
Kaede: (I'm the one who's being hugged here, yet Yachiyo-kun is jumping out of his skin…)
Kaede: Yukinii, sorry. Hold off. Since Yachiyo-kun’s freaking out…
Yukikaze: Huh? Oh, good morning. Are you an employee?
Yachiyo: Eh, wuh, wah, chee, kami…!?
Kaede: (Why and how are Chief and Kamina-? I think? Why can I interpret him…)
Kaede: The current 2nd Ward Mayor, Kamina Yukikaze, is my older cousin. Sorry, I should’ve told you earlier…
Yachiyo: D’oh, hooh, yuki, couh!?
Kaede: (D’oooh, the living national human treasure- Kamina Yukikaze- your cousin!? I guess…)
Yukikaze: I was hoping to see you as soon as possible after getting back from my overseas trip. It felt like an eternity until today.
Kaede: Sorry, Yukinii. All I’ve been doing is running all over the place since the company got established. How was the competition?
Yukikaze: …It felt lonely because you didn’t watch.
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Kafka: Aaah- close, too close, touching is forbidden.
Kaede: Wah, geez Kafka, be careful with suddenly wedging yourself between us.
Kafka: Is there something wrong up there for you to hug someone the second you see them? Grabbing hands is also off the table. That’s a criminal amount of skinship.
Yukikaze: ...Long time no see, Kafka. Congratulations on the success of your surgery. If you're feeling left out, want a hug from me too?
Kafka: Hah? Are you trying to make me snap?
Kaede: (Here he goes again… Kafka’s always harsh with Yukinii.)
Kaede: (Just as I expected, though, from the moment I heard how the squad of current Ward Mayors would have Kafka in it. too…)
Kaede: Ah, another car has stopped… Looks pretty luxurious. Wonder if it’s the 3rd or 4th Ward Mayor?
Kaede: (And then one more car popped up immediately right after…!? S-such dangerous driving…!)
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Renga: Yes! Passed him! How’s that Liguang! I, the greatest in the whole world, arrived first!
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Liguang: Sigh… how stupid…
Renga: What was that!?
Kaede: (The nightmare from the airport all over again… These two are fighting every time I see them…)
Yachiyo: It's the a-actual Nishizono Renga… Lu Liguang is as beautiful as a model too… Howawa…
Kaede: 3rd Ward Mayor Nishizono Renga-kun and 4th Ward Mayor Lu Liguang-san, right. It’s our first time… well not the first meeting, but um, I’m the Chief of HAMA Tours.
Liguang: …Ah, you… We met at the airport.
Kaede: (That’s unexpected. Liguang-san remembered me!)
Renga: …! You’re…
Kaede: Ah… H-hello.
Kafka: Seems like all Ward Mayors have assembled. Guess it’s time to go inside the office.
Renga: …
Kaede: (Renga-kun’s, like… staring really hard…!? Wonder if I upset him somehow…)
Renga: Listen, you…
Kaede: Y-yes.
Renga: No it’s… uh…
Renga: The rose—it’s in a vase. That’s all.
Kaede: (...!)
Kaede: (I didn’t expect that either. He took the rose and brought it back home with him…)
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Kafka: —And that covers everything for my “NEO18Wards” plan. Any questions?
Liguang: ……
Yukikaze: You’re amazing, Kafka. Your wisdom is seeping out from these documents. 
Kafka: Hah? What’s prompting you to state the obvious? Well, whatever. I guess that means you approve, at least. 
Renga: …I need to agree to this.
Kaede: …!
Renga: I recognize you as the 0th Ward Mayor. But, the 3rd ward will bring HAMA back to life in its own way!
Liguang: …Hah, big talk for someone who’s been dragging everything down.
Renga: Whaa-!? Who’s dragging what down!?
Kaede: (Uh, well, Renga-kun’s the person responsible for the weird changes to Landmark, right? I’m anxious, to be honest…)
Liguang: Ignoring the idiot in the room, I cannot endorse this. The plan itself is logical, but teaming up with this fool beside me is illogical. 
Yukikaze: I think it’s a good idea. Most importantly, being able to work together with Kaede makes me happy enough. 
Kafka: Okay, nobody asked for your feelings on the matter. Also, everyone will be work colleagues from now on, so make sure to address people properly by their title. 
Yukikaze: Yes, I got it. Chief, right.
Kafka: Sigh, anyway, I didn’t expect for all of you to be on board from the get go. But I want everyone to reaaaally think about their own standing thoroughly, okay.
Liguang: …
Renga: Standing!? What are you implying with that!
Kafka: As the 0th Ward Mayor, I have the right to sack the other Ward Mayors.
Renga: Sack, like a potato sack? We’re getting potatoes…?
Liguang: Sigh… Bèndàn…
Kaede: Renga-kun, getting sacked means you’ll get dismissed…
Renga: …Dismissed…
Renga: Ahem, I-I knew that!!
Renga: No, wait…!? Are you threatening me!?
Kafka: …Calm down for a second and think about it with a cool head. HAMA failed to meet the tourist quota for two years in a row. The way things have been going needs to get completely overhauled or it’s a bust, in other words.
Kafka: Renga, Liguang too, you should’ve been putting serious effort into the revival of your own wards these past two years. You understand what I’m getting at, yes? Basically—it’s time for a change.
Kafka: In any case, if we don’t overcome the tides this year, then the special ward zone will fall and everyone here will lose their status as Ward Mayor. Why not try doing things differently than before, even if it’s just once?
Liguang: …Is this what the plan is for?
Kafka: Morning Squad will go out on the field first—if the first tour isn’t received well at all, then you can take your leave. 
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Kafka: All I want is one chance. I beg of you.
Kaede: (Kafka…! Going as far as bowing down…)
Renga: Ueh, nuh, uh…
Liguang: ………
Liguang: …Understood—I’ll obey until the results of the initial response are out.
Kaede: (...! Liguang-san… He’s way more upright than he looks…!)
Renga: … Me, too… I’ll go along if you insist…
Liguang: Why are you the one acting condescending?
Renga: Haah!? I’m being my normal self!?
Kaede: (...And they’re back to fighting in the end.)
Yachiyo: Hawawa… C-can these people here really help us out…!?
Kafka: Friendship is beautiful, isn’t it.
Kaede: (Eh. That’s your takeaway from seeing this play out in front of you?)
Kafka: Guess it was a good thing I was prepared for this, right?
<<previous chapter / next chapter>>
chapter 001 side A directory: TBA upon completion
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myuntachi · 2 months
18 Questions for the Tourism Ward Directors: Kamina Yukikaze 【18trip Translation】
> Yes, thank you for having me.
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Original Video: https://youtu.be/EK28BV9jBxY?si=cjqmJwi7XeuADWtv
1. What is your name?
Kamina Yukikaze.
2. How old are you?
I'm 25.
3. Tell us your profession!
I'm a figure skater.
4. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
5. What are you particular about at lunchtime?
I'm careful about calories and protein.
6. What comes to mind when you think of the evening?
The evening bell. I’d hear it when it was time to leave school and go to skating practice.
7. What is your routine before bed?
8. Where do you start washing your body from?
Legs… Specifically, the calves. I often massage while washing.
9. What are your travel necessities?
A bag. It’s best if you can pack lots of local souvenirs.
10. What would you like to check out while on a trip?
If there’s a mountain, I’ll check if I can climb it.
11. What is your favorite form of transportation for travel?
I love walking.
12. If you could only bring one thing to a deserted island, what would you bring?
… The boss. If you’re here, I’ll be alright
13. Please give us a reception in your most attractive voice!
“Thank you for coming. Please enjoy HAMA at your own pace. We have luxurious shumai as well.”
14. Who would you consult about your troubles?
The Afternoon Group’s Ushio. If I'm consulting about sweets recipes, it’s got to be him.
15. If you could swap bodies with someone for one day, who would you want to be?
The Afternoon Group’s Kiroku.
16. What would you want to do while swapped?
He's the only guy who can draw, and I’d like to try it.
17. Please give a brief message to your roommate(s).
Liguang, it’s fine to be enthusiastic about work, but be careful to not stay up too late.
18. What does “travel” mean to you?
A chance for me to let loose.
Finished! That’s all 18 questions!
Thanks. Good work today.
HAMA District 2, Kamina Yukikaze. As long as you’re watching, I can do anything. So, please keep watching over me.
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mamadayoo · 13 days
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I don't think it's a good artwork, but, whatever?
(I'm waiting for 18trip to become popular)
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82mitsu · 1 month
{18Trip} The 18 Questions Corner - Kamina Yukikaze
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This is a translation for the 18 questions interview uploaded on the official Youtube channel. I suggest to read this translation alongside it!
Note: P stands for "Player", this series has a voiced male & female character for the player. The interviews are conducted by the male player in this case.
TL note:
The 5 o’clock chime, as the name says, is a chime that is broadcasted around 5 pm in various parts of Japan. It's a fossil of a system used to mark the time of the day. If you'd like to read more indepth about it, I suggest this article.
P: 18 questions for the Tourism Ward Mayors! We look forward to your cooperation!
Yukikaze: Yes, I’m in your care.
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What’s your name?
I’m Kamina Yukikaze.
How old are you?
25 years old.
Tell us about your occupation!
I’m a figure skater.
What’s the first thing you do when waking up in the morning?
I stretch.
Anything you’re particular about with lunch?
I need to keep an eye out for calories and protein.
What pops up in your mind when it comes to “evening”?
The 5 o’clock chime. I’d hear it whenever I was on my way to ice skating practice when I was a student. 
What’s your routine before bed?
Where do you start with washing your body?
My legs... calves specifically. I wash them while massaging thoroughly.
What’s essential when leaving for a trip?
My bag. It’s good for stuffing a bunch of souvenirs in it.
What do you check before traveling somewhere?
I check if there are any climbable mountains. 
What’s your favorite method of transportation for traveling? 
I like walking.
What’s one item you’d bring to a deserted island?
…you, Chief. As long as you’re there, I’ll be fine.
Please give us some fanservice! 
✧・゚: *It's a pleasure to have you here, enjoy HAMA as much as you'd like.*:・゚✧ We also have special Siu Mai to offer. 
Who’s someone you’d lean on for support? 
Noon Squad’s Ushio. I can rely on him when I need some help with recipes for sweets.
Who would you swap bodies with for a day?
Noon Squad’s Kiroku. 
What would you want to do as them?
I would like to try drawing something only he’s capable of. 
Pass on a message to your roommates!
Liguang, it’s nice to see you get passionate about work but watch out to not stay up too late. 
Tell us from the heart, what’s a “journey” to you? 
An opportunity to let myself be free. 
P: Thank you, those were all 18 questions!
Yukikaze: Thanks, good work there. 
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Yukikaze: I’m HAMA’s 2nd Ward Mayor, Kamina Yukikaze. As long as you’re watching out for me, I can do anything. That's why… you should always keep your eyes on me.
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