#kanan and cassian my doomed darlings who did what they had to do to stop the empire and save people
buckybarnesss · 2 years
okay okay i’m obsessed with the exchange between ahsoka and ezra in a world between worlds from rebels.
“kanan gave his life so that you could live. if he’s taken out of this moment you all die.” and she goes on saying “kanan found the moment he was needed most and he did what he had to do, for everyone.”
people complain about this episode because time travel [it’s not time travel. it’s a plane outside of time and space]. i’ve personally always been more focused on the elements of how the episode is really about grief, with a little bit of the force and fate thrown in.
the world between worlds holds a mirror up to ezra’s grief trying to impart the lesson that he must let go as everyone has their time, has their moment and holding on to people too tightly will lead you down a dark path. it literally uses ahsoka’s grief over being unable to save anakin [the prime example of being unable to let go] to gently give ezra the empathy and guidance he needs to move forward. she also literally helps prevent the evil from being let into the world between worlds [palpatine tries to use ezra’s grief as a stepping stone the way he used anakin’s]. 
this also does eventually inspire ezra to find his moment where he is needed most later in the finale.
but the reason i’m talking about that at all is that i’m obsessed with how it applies to the force, fate, destiny and cassian andor.
when the show was announced i wasn’t fully sold on the idea. cassian andor died in rogue one. why did we need a prequel of a character that died in a prequel movie? i was wrong and i’m glad i was wrong. there’s a multitude of reasons why i’m glad we’re getting this show but i’ve been chewing on how cassian has plot armor. 
cassian andor cannot die in this show. he cannot die because he’s not allowed to die yet. he hasn’t gotten to the moment where he’s needed most.
cassain andor cannot die because he has to fight for the rebellion. cassian andor cannot die because he has to meet jyn erso. he cannot die because he has to help steal the death star plans so they can get to leia and ultimately to luke skywalker. he cannot die because he has to die on that beach on scarif.  
cassian andor is not allowed to die just yet because the force wills it and the force demands it. 
it’s a tragedy. the audience knows cassian is doomed before the first episode even starts and yet a part of you always foolishly hopes that fate is wrong but like ezra we too must learn to let go.
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