#kdj number 1 yjh fan
athanora · 2 years
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can't believe sp's book of kdj comments from twsa was leaked
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blorbou · 11 months
1 6 10 17 for orv? (<- guy who is refraining from sending the whole list) 🤔
1- the character everyone gets wrong
hmmm id say dokja and yjh... ppl who really love other characters usually understand them pretty well!! KDJ n YJH become a big issue in this fandom because of how fucking popular they are, especially together. yjh for me is mostly because they take away a lot from her character, making her a cardboard cutout ( ex. the grumpy one who is secretly a baby) and i DESPISE how so many ppl think his character is centered around kdj only.there is also this. growing trend of people woobifying him in a way thats like weirdly ableist to me and i fuckingHATE IT SO MUCH!!!!!! Now when it comes to dokja the complaints get very personal because yknow. hes the reader. its ok to project on him how you like. but i find it SO. FUCKING TASTELESS!!!!!! i dont like how hes presented in the manhwa at all for example and i have a grudge against ppl who draw him very conventionally pretty. when people talk about the way he Cares it feels so shallow and it just Annoys tf out of me (sorry for sounding pretentious bc im not explaining myself clearly)....
6- which ship fans are the most annoying?
the answer here is obvious... joongdok...(for reasons i said above + i hate hsy exclusion + yoohankim throuple better) i have a very special hatred for the ones that wanna die on the "non-reversible" side too (but this ones also an irrational opinion that i have). AND SPOD. FUCK. they say that OD is millions of years old which sure. chronologically (which even then. not exactly true!!! if youve read orv youll know that as the oldest dream time flows in a way that cant be exactly "percieved" despite the wall just giving u a close number) + OD IS CANONICALLY. MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY A CHILD. THEY DISCUSS ON WHOS GOING TO HIS PARENT MEET OR WHATEVER. AT SCHOOL!!!!!!! THATS A KID!!!!!!!!! and if u explain that to them they hit you with the "let people ship what they want, its fiction!" which. what the fuck ever....... i always block these ppl for my own sanity.
10- worst part of fanon
i guess... mischaracterization??? i also dislike how everything is sooo centered around kdj & yjh (ITS GETTING BETTER THO!). i dont like when people insist on jhw and hsy are kdj's siblings. or when they make hsy a thirdwheel. complicated stuff going on here hrmmmmm...
17- there should be more of this type of fic/art
i want more fucked up existential fics. need them so bad. urm..more fics without ships, i especially would love to read stuff with more worldbuilding or writing WOS scenes :3 when it comes to art i just need more yhk and soohee art. im fucking desperate actually like if i had money id spend 3/4 on soohee/yhk commissions On my balls
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red-gtech · 1 year
Episode 1: The World After Conclusion
From JuuHachi on NUF
※LHK is Lee Hakhyun (OP made a mistake in the abbreviation) 
※ JEY is Ji Eun-Yu
"This is a story of unread despair"
LHK attends the fanevent with JEY. The reader who gifted him the tickets was called "CEOKimDokja" the two of them wore nametags of their username/online name and enter the venue which had 30 people. LHK overhears that this was the 12th event for KDJ's bday and concludes that the previous ones must have been filled with people until it dwindled down to this point. A guy resembling LHS in mannerism(?) asks to sit beside him with the nametag Judge Heewon. LHK assumes that he must be a JHW stan.
The two talk about ORV without LHK disclosing he was the writer. And then the fan event starts just as LHK was about to share who his favorite character was after a long pause and a misunderstanding from Judge Heewon that LHK's favorite character was the entire cast. LHK mentions how the MC wore a black suit and white coat (KDJ cosplay) and begins the event. (SS-nim probably saw the KDJ CSEs held around the world)
Comments left by the readers were shown on the screen. And the adverts left by the fans on the subway was also shown (Reference to Naver's Subway AD for KDJ's B-Day last year) and there was also a reference from that one event where the proceeds were donated to an KR organization for victims of domestic violence under Kim Dokja's name but in the story it was donated to an orphanage.
From MTL:
"It's Kim Dokja's birthday" "It really snowed in Seoul that day, too."
LHK then becomes inspired from seeing the comments of his readers he wanted to continue the story for them. And then the MC announced the writer's presence shocking LHK and his editor who both knew nothing about it. The entire audience gasps as the writer steps on the stage.
From MTL:
A spot of tears on one's white skin, short hair tied tightly to the back. Without explaining who she was, there was no one here who didn't know her.
The real author of Omniscient Reader's View was there.
HSY appears on stage and LHK concludes that it was a made possible through virtual motion (like VTuber 3D) Everyone was shocked. LHK shrugs it off as he remembers KDJ's story.
From MTL:
Well, you were all readers too, by the way to go.
"HSY" then proceeds to talk and says "I recently sent a short story to the cloud, have you all read it?"
LHK is shocked as HSY goes on says, that the "foreign war" is going to start soon (i.e. the paid service just like in ORV) HSY then goes on a monologue saying that of course all of them (the readers) have read it.
(Not sure whether this was HSY or LHK) From MTL:
No, wait a second. You can't say that when you don't have stockpiles yet. Give me the manuscript right now.
So please continue to take good care of me. Finally, I take only one question.
So a Q&A proceeds. Everyone asked a joke question until one reader goes and ask the question "Did Kim Dokja wake up?"
HSY's answer wasn't revealed but LHK says that it was the answer everyone already knew. (Once again SS-nim leaves that up for us to interpret. Continuing the story without removing ORV's open end) Crowd energy gets hyped up as the video got cut off before HSY's answer and the MC (KDJ Cosplayer) proceeds to smoothen it out by saying, "Let's all check out whether KDJ is alive or not"
LHK comments that the MC was as good as KDJ in improvising. The event continues and finally it comes to the last part, a trivia quiz about ORV. The MC says that winners who answer correctly have a prize behind the curtain.
SS-nim confirms that the theory about YJH's regression number was a reference to the year the first train station was made. and then reaffirms that every number in ORV has a meaning. As the quiz goes on, LHK remains unable to answer until finally he was the only one left.
The question he receives from the MC (I asked a friend to TL this for me) was:
Who is the Heroine of this novel?
And LHK answers with his favorite character. It isn't revealed who it was but from the clues left behind (i.e. a character made for KDJ, appearance rate isn't high compared to other main characters) it maybe Jang Hayoung.
The MC asked why and LHK answered not from the perspective of a reader ,because he wasn't one, but from a writer and says: "Because I wrote it."
The MC asked, "What?"
and then LHK answered with a bitter smile, "Because he's my favorite character." LHK admits that he doesn't know whether it was the right answer or not but the MC applauds him.
From MTL:
Along with the host's words, he walked down the stairs of the theater and went down to the stage. Along the road that the readers walked down first, the empty seats caught my eye.
The phrase [The Fourth Wall] was glimmering on the screen.
Suddenly, readers who were walking down while stealing the snow and looking back once in a while smiling came to mind. Only then did I know how they felt. They didn't cry or laugh because they were happy to get the quiz right.
This was because this is the end of the Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint.
I'm finally going down the road that I should have gone down long time ago.
It occurred to me.
The readers reached the end point in their own way, and now it was my turn. The host was waiting for me as I went up the stage. We looked at each other for a moment on the stage.
The host looked at the nickname used on my name tag.
"That nickname is very difficult to pronounce."
LHK wanted to ask the EMC if he was "CEO Kim Dokja" but didn't because he felt undeserving. As he walks through the curtain, LHK looks back. (The words used in this part is similar to the scene where YJH and HSY looked back on the train as if they have left something important behind) and LHK thought of wanting to write a story for the person left behind him. He sees the MC standing in the center of the empty auditorium waving at him.
He waves back at the MC (who he previously commented that he (LHK) couldn't see his (MC's) face properly.
From MTL:
It was time to live in the post-completion world.
"Are you really going to end it like this?"
But then,
"What about the rest of the people if you finish it on your own like that?
The host was heard.
As soon as I tried to answer, I heard a squeaking sound somewhere, I held my cellphone reflexively. It wasn't a cellphone vibration.
"So please take good care of that story"
LHK ends up on the train carriage. He hears the words KDJ heard on the prologue. He has entered the world of ORV.
At this point, we can assume that the MC KDJ Cosplayer was probably KDJ.
Prologue || Table of Contents || Episode 2: Rewrite
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