#keeping me sane rn fr/lh
spinningbagel · 22 days
Does The Isles have any unique foods/delicacies?
Short answer, not really. Food in the Isles is more or less food here with some exceptions.
In places like the Bone Desert (did I ever share the map I made??) you’ll find some unique foods, such as their rock fruit- called that because the shell’s appearance is similar to a rocks. It’s hard to break into without assistance but the work is worth the reward. The actual fruit itself is quite sweet and is typically a very reddish/pink colour.
It’s quite a common fruit too, grown mainly at the small settlement near the bridge that connects the bone desert and the Jungle of Whispers. It’s grown here round as the fruit plant has adapted to the harsh heats and the fact the Bone Desert doesn’t experience the cold Tempestra brings as harshly and for the most part, stays hot year round.
Because of its sweetness, Rock Fruit is often fermented and turned into wine, usually only to be sold to the upperclassman of the world.
This next one is a little…odd…trust me, everyone in the Isles thinks the same. Fried coral. Obviously, it’s native to the Sea Kingdom and is eaten as a snack item rather than a meal.
Basically, a certain type of coral is grown (what I’ll call said coral, I don’t know) and harvested and then “fried” (read: dried out over a fire) and then eventually placed into bags and sold, typically at fairs because of the fact it’s more a snack item.
Uhh,, can’t think of any more at the moment (I kinda just made these two up right now. But that’s a good thing!! These questions make me do world building, which I’ve been meaning to do more of‼️‼️)
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