mindofnebula · 2 months
Strange and Unusual Legacy Challenge - Occult/Normal Sims4
Again this is not mine I just combined the two of them because I thought they both complemented each other and added little things here and there
No cheats
Choose the heir by any means you want unless rules state otherwise.
Feel free to skip any objectives you find tedious/boring. This is supposed to be fun
Generation 1: Archeologist (inspired by #asphodeloccult legacy and samtastic-sims.tumblr.com)
Your family has always loved nature and it has had a great influence on you, but you found yourself craving more. You moved to a little cottage where it had history, however, it has more than just history within the walls and the walls talk.
Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar
Traits: gloomy, Self Assured, Adventurous
Career: Paranormal investigator
Color theme – purple
Live in – Henford on Bagley
Spouse – Yes
Children – Human – no limit
Max out skills: Medium, Archaeology, Selvadoradian Culture
Other: Be friends with Guidry, Holiday in Selvadorada & discover its historical secrets, Summon Bonehilda, donate to charity once a week, have a dog.
Generation 2: Werewolf (inspired by #asphodeloccult legacy)
You wanted nothing more than to leave behind the home that constantly needed TLC and the unwanted house guests. You craved peace, quiet, and a true family unit, not some parent who was too absorbed with things beyond this world. You move to a small home in the forest, away from everyone where you can live your own life. Your parent noted there might be other beings, werewolves among them, and they suspected they were in this area. A wolf pack supports each other, maybe this is exactly what you need.
Aspiration: werewolf initiate
Traits: Loner, Family-Oriented, Loyal
Career: Detective or Odd jobs only
Color theme – brown
Live in – Moonwood Mill
Spouse – Yes
Children – Mix of humans and werewolves – no limit
Max skills: Fishing, Charisma, Parenting
Other: Beat Greg in a fight, Bite and turn at least two people into a werewolves, see to it that your kids all max at least one skill before each age transition.
Generation 3: Chef (inspired by samtastic-sims.tumblr.com)
Coming from a big family meant big family meals with each other and with you all being werewolves it meant LOTS of food had to be made. Your love of food and love of cooking with your family in the kitchen inspired you to open your own restaurant. You’ve always liked creating new things with your own two hands. Crafting & Baking were favorites of yours and you wanted to share your creations with the world.
Aspiration: Master Chef
Traits: Foodie, Cheerful, Overachiever
Career: Culinary career, chef branch OR Food critic
Color theme – Dark Grey
Live in – Sab Myshuno
Spouse – Yes
Children – Yes – 6
Max skills: Cooking, Gourmet, baking
Other: Discover all food stall recipes in city living (optional), open a small café/baker/restaurant on the side, and once successful you can quit your main career, attend every spice festival, have to pets
Generation 4: Spellcaster (inspired by #asphodeloccult legacy and samtastic-sims.tumblr.com)
Watching your parent cook was something magical. You tried cooking like them but you just didn’t have the talent for it. While looking for another recipe book your mother wrote you stumbled upon something else. Notes your great-grandparent wrote about the paranormal. You knew there were other werewolves and vampires but this book detailed even more than that. Among them were witches and wizards, those who would bend reality to their will. This documented that most were in Glimmerbrook, were they still there and what else might they discover?
Aspiration: Spellcraft & Sorcery
Traits: Bookworm, Perfectionist, Erratic
Career: Self-Employed
Color theme – Red
Live in – Glimmerbrook
Spouse – Yes -must be social media famous
Children – Yes – 1 only
Max skills: Gemology
Other: become a master spellcaster, visit the Sylvan Glade, Elope with your spouse, have 3 cats, learn all the spells and have a familiar, Make & drink immortal potion, make sure your child joins and gets to the top of the drama club.
Generation 5: Famous (inspired by samtastic-sims.tumblr.com and #asphodeloccult legacy)
After seeing your parent work hard on social media you craved the glitz and glam of Hollywood. For generations, everyone in your family has been successful and unique. You feel like everything has been accomplished in your family but the magic lingering in your blood and the stories you hear of your great lineage give you enough confidence to know you are destined for great things. However things change when you capture the attention of a vampire.
Aspiration: Master Actor Aspiration and then World famous celebrity
Traits: Self absorbed, High Maintenance, Ambitious
Career: Acting
Color theme – Yellow
Live in – Mansion in Del Sol Valley
Spouse – No – Have Heir with a vampire
Children – Human or vampire
Max skills: Charisma, Acting
Other: Get a drama degree, get/accept an award, have a pristine reputation, learn strangeify/morphiate spells and when ever a celebrity on a community lot takes the attention away from you, use those spells on them.
Generation 6: Vampire (inspired by and #asphodeloccult legacy)
You have ancestors that hold power on both sides of your family. Born a creature of the night, you struggle to find your own way with paparazzi and the public watching your every move. You’re taken under the wing of your vampire parent and moved to Forgotten Hollow, at least here you’ll find peace. They train you up to become head vampire, with you recording the process every step of the way, for future generations of vampires. Writer or the next Vampire tome? I think so.
Aspiration: Master Vampire
Traits: Snob, Materialistic, Evil
Career: Writer - Author
Color theme – Black
Live in – Forgotten Hollow
Spouse – Players Choice
Children – Yes – Heir must be human – No limit
Max skills: Vampire Lore, Writing, Pipe Organ, Violin
Other: Turn 3 sims into Vampires, Have the heir learn pipe organ or violin but ignore them once they become teenagers, create a coven (vampire club), have a black cat
Generation 7: Lover (inspired by samtastic-sims.tumblr.com)
Your parents always seemed to always be in your parent’s shadow but never a priority. So you decided to go down your own path and experience the world in a more unconventional way. Better than remaining in a home with no sunlight. Music was the only thing your parent taught you so you hold it close to your heart. Because of the dysfunction, you look for love in all the wrong places.
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Traits: Bro, Noncommittal, Romantic
Career: Mixologist
Color theme – Pink
Live in – Windenburg
Spouse – Yes – Marry due to accidental pregnancy (the first person they get pregnant by)
Children – Yes – at least 2 children from different partners (any one could be the heir)
Max skills: Mixology, Dj skill
Other: Cheat on your spouse(s), follow through on all whims to break up, no exceptions. Host a gold-rated house party, Attend a romance festival, Play at clubs, Date two sims at the same time, and break their hearts.
Generation 8: Mermaid (inspired by #asphodeloccult legacy and samtastic-sims.tumblr.com)
Seeing your parent jump from relationship to relationship made you vow to never be like them. You want to have a meaningful relationship, you want to find the inner peace that you know your parent is still searching for. While on vacation you found a bit of peace hearing the wave crash on the shore. You move to the Sulani where you create a life free of stress, while searching for food one day you find a mysterious kelp you can use in your soup. Thinking it’s safe to eat you find yourself…different. With your newfound abilities you try to help the environment and make things better in Sulani.
Aspiration: Beach Life
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Child of the island, Active
Career: Conservationist Marine Biology
Color theme – Green
Live in – Sulani
Spouse – Yes
Children – Yes – Human – at least 2
Max skills: Fitness, Logic, wellness
Other: Become a mermaid, Have a group of best friends who you do yoga with once a week, never harm fish, must befriend a dolphin, use charmers lullaby at least 3 times. Woohoo in the waterfall, befriend your evil grandparent to find out why your parents are the way they are.
Generation 9: Musical (inspired by samtastic-sims.tumblr.com)
The music of your parent’s voice lingers in your heart. It might have been that creative gene or the nurturing parents because your talent seems to have surpassed even a mermaid. Playing the guitar has always been how you express yourself and you even accompanied your parent while they sung. Your dream of being a famous musician one day and showing everyone that music is the key to anyone’s soul.
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Traits: Music Lover, Art lover, Dance Machine
Career: Entertainer, Musician Branch
Color theme – Blue
Live in – Sab Myshuno
Spouse – Yes
Children – Yes – Human – at least 3 – 1 with a groupie that will be your heir
Max skills: Guitar, Piano, Singing (optional)
Other: Get the mix master music station, release at least 3 tracks and get some fans, get 3 fame stars, have/get a tattoo, learn all songs on guitar, start a band club. Have an affair with a groupie (someone that has tipped you)
Generation 10: Ghost
(inspired by #asphodeloccult legacy)
Your childhood wasn’t particularly eventful, in fact, it was quite dull, and you hated it. You went nowhere, and saw hardly anyone.. in fact, you hardly ever saw outside, especially in the daytime. The minute you were old enough to spread your wings and fly the bat cave you did. You love to travel and you love to see the world, you love to explore, you love the arts, and you get bored rather easily…. You are also rather clumsy so… be careful yeah?
Aspiration: Anything that has not already been completed in this challenge
Traits: Clumsy, Goofball, Loves Outdoors
Career: As many as you want
Color theme – White
Live in – Multiple places, never stay put for too long
Spouse – No
Children – No
Max skills: Archaeology, Painting, Mixology
Other: no friends until young adulthood, attempt all potentially fatal activities, live with someone at all times, attempt to climb Mt.Komerebi, Make and drink beetle juice cocktail.
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