#kinda have this feeling something should have been done to prevent that πŸ€”
I'm watching the movie Star Trek: First Contact
And oh boy, this is already off to an interesting start!
Geordi got new eyes? Cool!
I had to do a double take 'cause Beverly has lighter hair now
Looks good tho
Oh Captain, you're not wanted on the front lines. That's gotta hurt your feelings.
Ope he went to the front lines anyway
*Picard to himself during this scene* Pew Pew mothercluckers
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Also, is Worf a Captain now?
I feel like I'm missing something
(I am only on episode 3 of ds9)
Oh Worf don't look too happy back on board the Enterprise
I love Riker πŸ˜‚
Me: *humming* Back in time, gotta go back in time, gotta stop the Borg, and we won't get bored!
It's kinda concerning how Picard was so calm about following the Borg into the past
Then again, what do I know? It's really all just a bunch of-
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(whoops, wrong fandom πŸ˜‚)
Dog! I see a dog! IT'S BEHIND THAT DUDE!
That drunk guy is a vibe
The Phoenix? Why does that sound so familiar?πŸ€”
Oh no! Explosions! I hope the dog is okayπŸ₯Ί
I'm sure it is. No one dare tell me if it wasn't because I'm going with it being good.
April 4th? That's my brother's birthday!
Oh dear, I'm guessing the first contact is when aliens made contact with Earth?
Oh, it was.
MONTANA (Ne-braskaaaaaa, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New yo- okay, I'm done now.) XD
Beverly looks gorgeous in 21st century clothing 😍
Data, you sure you can handle this?
Oh, right. I guess it's the perfect job for you since your bulletproof πŸ˜‚
Data, to the woman seconds after she's done shooting at him: "Greetings."
Oh no, she fainted! O_o
I'm just saying, if I was her and I woke up in Beverly's arms, I'd faint again.
I don't have high hopes that the woman will remain unaware of her whereabouts, given the track record of the sick bay staff has of preventing people from seeing stuff they shouldn't
"Would you three like to be alone?" I love Deanna Troi with my whole heart πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
If I looked up and saw Deanna looking down at me, I'd faint from her beauty, too.
At this point I'm basically like one of those fainting goats
Dude, you think you hear someone else in the duck ahead of you, Do! Not! Investigate!! I mean, come on! Have you never seen a horror movie? Or listened to stories from other Starfleet officers who encountered things cause they investigated?
Imagine being Lieutenant Porter who's climbing in the ducks and you turn a corner to see this in front of you
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'Red Alert' whispers Q flirtatiously.
I'm getting off track, Q derailed my original train and so I had to get on a new one. Back to the movie!
Oh no, no, no, no, it's definitely the Borg
Lady you climb right back down that ladder unless you wanna join Porter in being a Borg
See? That's what happens when you ignore my warning.πŸ™„
Uh oh, Picard's hearing voices. That's not a good sign. Even in the wizarding world.
*Beverly jumps as something bangs from the other side of the door*
Hell to the no, I'm good
The Borg are aboard the ship! Who woulda thunk it?
Annnd Beverly woke up the woman. Called it!
Oh my god, here I was thinking Beverly was about to shoot the woman or something and that's what's she swore she would never use, but it's just an EMH program!πŸ˜‚
Wait, I think that's the doctor from Voyager!
He offered a cream to the BorgπŸ˜‚
Okay, they really should have had the woman be between Beverly and the others, because if that had happened, then the lady wouldn't have been at the back and been able to veer off course! *Sighs*
Worf does not look happy. Like, at all.
Wait, is Deanna drunk? πŸ˜‚
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Will, it's good you have decent reflexs, otherwise you would've gotten a bottle to the head for unplug the juke box πŸ˜‚
Will is enjoying this sm, as am I πŸ˜‚
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"This is no time to argue about time. We don't have the time." *A few seconds later* "What was I saying?" The wise words of Deanna Troi.
She's definitely drunkπŸ˜‚
She's reallllly drunk!
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Oh, that had to hurt her head
That is now my new favorite scene πŸ˜‚
"Captain, I believe I am feeling anxiety." Me too, Data. Me too
Yeah, Worf, find the lady from the 21st century!
Looks like they've found the hive! I wanna give them a high five!
Ah, yes. The sure fire way to mess with the hive, rip out the wires from the wall!
"Captain, please! Help." *Picard shoots him* rip dude, but I guess it was mercy
I don't know if I like this lady from the 21st century, she's kinda bugging me with how rude she is to Picard
Data with his head on that glowy thing is giving me sun baby from Teletubbies vibes
Oh, shit that's a creepy room to be in.
Oof, that's quite a scene showing the drill in Data's head.
That drunk doctor dude looks like he's wearing a crown
Deanna is looking considerably more sober now
The energy that Will, Geordi and Deanna have as they try to convince drunk guy Doctor Z to do his space trip is contagious, and I'm grinning just watching itπŸ˜‚
Ah, back to Data! And I can't watch cause of the strobe lights πŸ™„ it's fine.
As soon as Picard opened the thingy to show the lady Earth I got a bit of vertigo eek
"Maximum setting. If you'd have fired this, you would've vaporized me."
"It's my first ray gun." Whata mood.
When he touched the force field, I jumped with LilyπŸ˜‚
"Are you ready?" The Borg queen sounds like she's about to start singing the song Man, I Feel Like A Woman
No bitch, you did not just reactivate Data's emotional chip just to hurt him? If you did, I'm gonna knock that head of yours off
Oh, um, nevermind, it's seems to be going a very different direction than I thought it would.
I'm getting vibes from them🫣
"Borg. Sounds swedish." Lily, you're starting to grow on meπŸ˜‚
"Definitely not swedish." I mean, some of the Borg may be swedish
Oh shit, the Borg are in a restaurant?! Shit!
Oh, it's the holodeck
Okay, that's very clever!
Damn, rip Ensign Lynch
Hold up, is that Reg who just tried to talk to Dr. Z? (55:50 mark)
Are none of people getting that Dr. Z is not exactly thrilled that everyone is saying how much of a hero he is? It's kinda daunting to hear that about yourself, when you haven't even done the thing that makes you famous yet
Lily saying "watch your caboose, Dix" sounds so funny πŸ˜‚
Yeah, Data! Break free!
Oh no, he got cut!πŸ₯Ί
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Aw, he hasn't been with anyone since Tasha diedπŸ₯Ί
Oh God, The Borg Queen is seducing him
No Data, don't do it
*sighs* he kissed her backπŸ™„
They would make quite a couple, I suppose.
If you know, you were ok with them wiping out humanity and stuff
Me: *pauses movie for a hot chocolate break*
Okay *resumes movie*
I love how Riker just zaps Dr Z to get him t ostop running πŸ˜‚
Riker to Geordi "You told him about the statue." πŸ˜‚
For a second I thought the Borg that floated away (Hawk had shot it) was one of the spacesuit Starfleet people and I panicked
Oh shit, Worf's suit got cut!
Some say Hawk is still floating through space
Picard is flying! Fun
That scene of the steam is exactly what it looks like when I put my face above my humidifier πŸ˜‚
Oh, Hawk's back
And he's gone again
Rip dude
"Assimilate this." *Blows up disk* Good job Worf!
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I love how Riker is joining Dr. Z on the mission πŸ˜‚
And how happy he is describing what can be seen of the moon from earth in his timeπŸ˜‚
And how he quotes Dr. Z to Dr. ZπŸ˜‚
Picard doesn't want to lose the ship to the Borg
Is it because he lost a part of himself to the Borg? πŸ€”
Lily is not gonna stand for his bullshit
Oof, he's telling her about being assimilated
Idk about you Picard, but Revenge definitely happens in your century πŸ˜‚
*smashes glass case with mini ships in it* feel better?
I... Guess not.
Does anyone have a Snickers?
I love how Lily never actually read Moby Dick, I can relate πŸ˜‚
They're evacuating!!
Worf is the bravest man Picard's ever known πŸ€” huh
Oh shit, it's Data o_O
Dr. Z forgot something?
Troi's voice is so relaxing 😌
Oh gosh πŸ˜‚
Poor Troi, she was not expecting rock music to blare in the headset πŸ˜‚
This guy is giving me Tony Stark vibes and I love itπŸ˜‚
Him telling Will and Geordi to if ignore the red light sounds my like my dad when a light goes on the dashboard of the carπŸ˜‚
The Borg Queen was just looking for the perfect partner, to go on assimilating beings and exploring the galaxy
Uh oh, Picard your plan failed!
Riker and Geordi are gonna have quite the story to pass on after thisπŸ˜‚
RIP Borg Queen and Borg
I hope Data is okay in that fog
Picard ripped that spine right in half 😌
Data's okay! Yeah!
And first contact has been made!
Why does the alien look like a fancy Jedi?πŸ˜‚
Lily and Dr. Z held hands!
The Vulcans are drinking and listening to rock music with the humans, sounds like quite an interesting night πŸ˜‚
It was a good movie! And on a 0/10 scale, I give it a 9
✨Live long and prosper!✨
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