#l: cool. now i’m gonna show you Hole 🙈😳💋
kybelles · 7 months
laurent’s damianos vs damen dilemma is so fascinating… re his first pov in kings rising, he refers to damen as the akielon slave instead of damen or damianos. even internally, he refuses to say his name (damen or damianos) because to even name damen inside his head is to acknowledge him as his brother’s killer. he’s so deep in willful delusion that he tries his best to see damen as two separate people: one is the akielon slave he’s in love with, and the other is a coldblooded brother killer. the akielon slave is the honorable, hardworking and extraordinary man who was the only person who genuinely helped laurent after auguste’s death. the akielon prince is the barbarian who slayed auguste and caused the collapse of laurent’s entire world. the akielon slave is safe to love, the brother killer is not.
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