#ladyhero ouat
Ok so;
Victoria and Arthur being together and Guinevere being with Lancelot. Arthur and Guinevere both get to be with the one they love. LadyHero and whatever the ship name is for Guin & Lancelot.
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ouatimaginesnetwork · 6 years
Em, please can we have a LadyHero drabble based on Arthur being affectionate with Victoria when she's pregnant?
“How are you feeling this morning love?” Arthur asked his wife, Victoria. She was pregnant with their first child, due in about 3 months.
“I’m feeling great.” Vic responded, “So ready for this baby to be out of me though.”
“Oh I know, and I agree.” Arthur said, kissing the side of her head, “Ready to have a little one crawling around on the floor.”
“More like laying in one spot and crying all night, that’s what it’s gonna be like.” Victoria laughed.
“Still amazing.” Arthur added. He leaned down to kiss Victoria’s growing stomach. He kept kissing it over and over. Arthur then got up and hugged his wife. Ever since Vic had become pregnant, he was so affectionate towards her. It was his way of just showing his happiness. His happiness was never ending, and so was hers. They were going to have a child together. A child that is part of them, and all their own. It was an amazing feeling, and the love between Arthur and Victoria grew larger and larger to the point where it almost could have almost exploded. 
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camelotsshadyking · 6 years
So I work today 9.30-12 Just getting ready soon.
I low-key also late last night wrote chapter one of this amazing story on Wattpad. It has in my opinion the greatest cliffhanger I have wrote in any of my stories so far. The line is said by Lucy Mills. And it's a OUAT fanfic, where youuuuuu get to be in it as LadyHero's kid. And it's also AU. Also reader is Male or Female.
Also Y/N is probably stealing something of Charles's from his apartment... that he shares with his sister. Ohhh and him and his sister's surname is Barrett low-key after Dana freaking Barrett from Ghostbusters which lmao is Vic's best friend's name in Hyperion!
At the moment it's kinda cliche but I want Y/N to steal his puppy which is a mini schnauzer like I actually have in rl.
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30 Days of LadyHero Day 10 ; Wearing each other's clothes
Pairing: LadyHero - Victoria Belfrey/Lady Rapunzel Tremaine and King Arthur. Characters: Victoria, Arthur, Ivy, Lucy & Ella. Also featuring Cecelia bc I wanted a OT3 oneshot. Victoria is pregnant and is wearing some of Arthur's clothes. Particularly his jumpers. Arthur, Victoria and Cecelia's little boy Jack is walking and accidentally goes in the closet and picks up his mommy's famous red louboutins. Jack hands his daddy Arthur the shoes before Arthur puts them back, however Jack gets upset and Ivy tells him to wear the shoes so Arthur has to wear a pair of Victoria's shoes so he's walking round wearing a pair of his wife's shoes. Cecelia sees Arthur wearing their wife's shoes and has to put a picture on Instagram. Lucy and Ella burst into laughter as does Victoria who laughs very hard. So Arthur, Cecelia and Victoria are married, and also in this Verse for this specific one shot, Amelia is with Killian and Ingrid. Arthur is Ivy and Ana's dad in this. And the OT3 has a son, Victoria is pregnant with her and Arthur's daughter, that is biologically theirs. Their son with Cecelia is biologically all three of theirs and was carried by Victoria, he's one, his name is Jack. Also it's near Christmas in the LavenderLadyHero house, so Jack is obviously looking for presents. Prompt: 30 Days of LadyHero Day 10 - Wearing each other's clothes ~~~
Victoria was pregnant with her and Arthur's child. Jack, their son with Cecelia was one years old, and Victoria was pregnant again. Carrying her and Arthur's child. Jack was experimenting with walking still and while his mommy was sat downstairs with his mom, wearing his father's jumpers, he was upstairs. He soon toddled into his parents room. Arthur had just had a shower so he came out of the on-suite. Arthur came out of the bathroom with his boxers on to see his son roaming around the room. He was shocked because he thought Jack was with Cecelia and Victoria. He got dressed for the day and saw that Jack had soon toddled into his mommy Victoria's closet. "Oh no, what's he looking for now." Arthur thought to himself as he saw his son look in his mommy's closet. Jack was looking for Christmas presents. And yes he is one, but he loves Christmas. Arthur went over as he knelt down to his son's height. "Hey Jack what have you got there?" He asked. Jack pulls out his mommy's famous red loubotions. "Papa find Dis.." He says, Jack had started talking his first word was mooo, which he meant to say mommy for Victoria, he can say mommy now. That was a very special moment for Victoria. He could say Mama after he said mooo which then became mommy before he learnt how to say papa. Arthur looks at the shoes his son is holding. "Jack... they are mommy's famous red loubotions. She won't want you to mess them up will she?" He says as he picks his son up and puts him on the bed. Jack looks at him with a pleading look and hands the shoes to him. Arthur takes the shoes and puts them back which starts Jack off with crying. Ivy heard the crying and came to them. "Dad.. I think you should just wear the shoes." Ivy says. "Or at least a pair of mother's shoes...." Arthur sighed and gave in to his son. He decided to not wear the famous pair though and put a pair of his wife's shoes on. He then took his son downstairs walking holding his son in one arm and having one hand on the banister he walked downstairs. When he got downstairs he went into the living room and handed Jack to his mommy. Victoria smiled at Arthur and cuddled her son close to her tickling him. Cecelia then started laughing at Arthur and taking pictures of him because she noticed the shoes. Victoria then looked at Cecelia. "Why are you laughing at our husband?" She asked. "Vic look at his feet...." Cecelia said still laughing at him. Victoria looked at Arthur's feet and chuckled. "Well you look pretty but I bet somebody can't walk properly, come here and let me take those of for you." Arthur nods as he sits next to his wife. "There you go Mrs Belfrey." Victoria laughed a little as she took the shoes of for him. They had a bit of a moment together with their son and their unborn child, Arthur's hand on her stomach rubbing it slightly. Cecelia went and sat next to Victoria helping Jack onto his mommy after she had put the pictures on Instagram. Ella and Lucy soon walked in. The two were laughing at the pictures on Instagram, as was Ivy who had walked in from downstairs and sat next to her dad. "What is so funny?" Victoria asked before Cecelia showed her her Instagram page and that she put the pictures on and she laughed very hard. Arthur chuckled. "Never again. I wonder if Killian has it like this with my sister and Ingrid." Victoria chuckled and leaned into her husband. "It's just a bit of fun and I did find it funny too." The whole family would find the joke funny for a long time, Cecelia the most because she took the pictures. It would be family dinner tradition to talk about it. And the family would enjoy it. ~~~ This is Day 10 which was and is from November 10th which was postponed due to my birthday week being busy and working. I hope you enjoyed this one shot. Soph.
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ouatimaginesnetwork · 6 years
What would being LadyHero's son or daughter involve?
 Being the child of Victoria Belfrey and Arthur would involve…
Having two amazing parents.
Your father would absolutely spoilllll you.
“How’s my beautiful baby today? I love you more than anything.”
“I know dad.”
He would really make you smile on a bad day.
Victoria, your mother, would always want you to have the newest and most fashionable clothes.
She would take you shopping often, and mommy and child shopping spree!
For dinners, Arthur your dad would be the cook.
Your mother wouldn’t be a great cook, her best dish would be a frozen lasagna!
Family movie nights would so be a thing.
They would always let you pick the movie and would find so much joy out of you smiling and laughing during a movie.
Your parents would be very affectionate towards each other, but it wouldn’t bother you. You would just be used to it.
From a newborn to teenager to adult, your parents would always be there for you and show you love.
They would be such a support system! Like 2 best friends for you.
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So two of the main ships in Family Matters and well two of my OTPs.
First one is of course Hook and my OC Amelia (Mills) yep she's a relation to Regina (they are sisters and well Amelia has a connection to the Frozen storyline - Ingrid and her are ex lovers and she aged when she brought Helga back from the dead) and yes she does look like Sigourney Weaver (that's cause that's her FC). Anyway she is known in Family Matters - when in Hyperion Heights as Dana or Dana Barrett (yep catch the GB reference)
The second one needs no introduction, because I posted it before. It's King Arthur/Charles and Lady Rapunzel Tremaine/Victoria Belfrey. In Family Matters they are married. Like yep, they are Mr & Mrs. She's actually Queen. And Arthur is also the son of Cora. I love writing the daughter in law/mother in law dynamic Vic and Cora have. And in the Curse Arthur weirdly only believes he has one sister, Amelia, well Dana. So yes he goes by Charles Barrett. There's also no Marcus in Family Matters so he's Driz and Ana's dad.
Out of the four only one is awake after the first 4 chapters. That is Victoria, who is all like I need to wake Amelia and Arthur up.
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Just made this edit of Victoria and Arthur in both the Heights and Enchanted Forest. Bottom is Victoria/Lady Rapunzel Tremaine and the top is King Arthur. Arthur is Charles in Hyperion Heights and he's a cop. He does have a beard in the Heights but it's not pictured in the picture.
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OUAT Characters I write for;
I'll write for mostly anyone, here is my list of favourites and preffered characters.
Regina Mills/Roni
Zelena Mills
King Arthur (will also write as Arthur Mills - Regina and Zelena's brother, will write LadyHero defo as its otp, and with Reader too)
Victoria Belfrey (with Reader and defo with LadyHero - Arthur for OTP)
Amelia Mills (my OC - Sig Weaver FC - will write with Reader and with Hook or Ingrid)
Ivy Belfrey
Anastasia (same as Lucy)
Lucy (NO ships)
Henry Mills
Cora Mills
Emma Swan (won't write CS stuff as a otp but will as brotp)
Killian Jones (won't write with Emma in ship sense - Brotp yes, otp no, otp I will write with Amelia, will write with Reader)
Cruella DeVil
Neal Cassidy
David Nolan
Robin Hood
Gothel (yea I know, she bad, but I will still accept Gothel requests)
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Ship Edit I made of Victoria Belfrey/Lady Rapunzel Tremaine & King Arthur in Enchanted Forest and Hyperion Heights. Arthur is Charles in the Heights.
@storybrookesrarepairs (hope it's ok to tag you in the edit I made, love the ship meme answers for them that you give)
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