#lars is like “that kiss was really cute” vs clarence “so npc 1 said that the archmage was the first mage ever so that means—”
romance-rambles · 1 month
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i really don't think that's the problem here. just trust me on this one, babe
+this screenshot activating the clarence simp in me
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*chants* mole kisses!! mole kisses!!!
i'm sorry but lbc has rewired my brain. i want to take his glasses off and kiss his mole. want to dangle it just out of his reach and extort him for kisses. you know that one glasses copypasta? i'm willing to brave blurry vision for this man. it's okay i have to squint without glasses anyway
i'm also so mad they just left one (1) mole on his face. what about his hand. what about his neck. what about— *gets shot on account of being horny*
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