#learning mostly about math and jesus tbqh
doberbutts · 1 year
love your posts so much!!
when i was younger (middle school) I wanted to breed huskies and learn all about dog breeds but I never even thought about/ considered some of the things you post about. it's super interesting! : )
I took Animal Biotech in High School as a free science period (since I'd completed my science requirements to graduate within the first 1.5 years of high school) and I think it was one of the best decisions I've ever made with my education. Most of it, yes, was How To Be A Farmer, which tracks since I went to a tinyass Mennonite schoolhouse for most of my schooling, but some of it was genuinely interesting.
If X pig breed needs Y amount of food to gain Z pounds but produces ABC amount of waste, vs a different pig breed needing a different amount of food to gain a different weight while producing a different amount of waste, you have this many dollars and that big of property and can only keep so many pigs, these pigs cost this much as piglets and sell for that much per pound at slaughter, etc etc those were the types of things we had to research and, occasionally, experiment with on our school's small farm.
I remember another experiment where we measured bones of horses of known origin and working conditions to draw conclusions of what the ideal horse would look like and what breed or breeds to use in order to create that horse for our specific [imaginary] farm setups. I remember one talking about the height and length of a cow's birth canal and how it determines how much assistance she may need with calving. I remember a discussion on goat hooves vs sheep hooves and how it contributed to containment methods.
Truly if I could think of a profession that would allow me to continue research in this manner, I think that would be my dream job. Sadly when I look up "animal biotechnology" a lot of it is animal experimentation in labratories, which I am very uninterested in. I don't really know what to call it other than what my school called it, but that was one of my favorite classes and I took it on a whim because it had "bio" and "animal" in it so I assumed it would be passably interesting.
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fierte-blog1 · 7 years
meta about beast's strength when it comes to the different types of intelligences?
kick my headcanon ass into gear
hi you’re my new favorite person jesus chri s t ok uh HERE is a link to the wiki on the theory of multiple intelligences. i’m only going with the first seven, because naturalistic wasn’t added until later. 
now, if we’re just counting adam as the beast, then these things get really fucking weird, but for comparison, i’ll do both.
musical-rhythmic & harmonic — this area has to do with sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones, & music. people with a high musical intelligence normally have good pitch and may even have absolute pitch, and are able to sing, play musical instruments, & compose music. they have sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, meter, tone, melody or timbre. 
as he is nobility, adam likely was trained in at least one musical instrument; likely tutored by maestro cadenza, adam seems the type to learn how to sing, but would quickly become frustrated with musical instruments. playing instruments was not his strong suit, but he was certainly pushed to be ‘perfect’ — that went over well. as the beast, he still retains the ability to sing, although he doesn’t, because can you imagine how loudly that would resonate in the castle that’s a no. he does, however, hum to himself here & there if he needs to keep his mind off of … well, a great deal of everything. 
visual-spatial — this area deals with spatial judgment & the ability to visualize with the mind’s eye. 
spatial intelligence in psychology also refers to the ability to remember places & ‘landmarks’. he knows where things are, he could navigate the forest & make it back to the castle when others couldn’t ( see maurice, gaston without the mirror, literally everyone tbqh wouldn’t be able to place any proper landmarks ). he maintains this ability at the same level as both adam & as the beast.  
verbal-linguistic — people with high verbal-linguistic intelligence display a facility with words & languages. they are typically good at reading, writing, telling stories & memorizing words along with dates. 
as this portrayal does go more from the 2017 concept of adam, the shitty young adult, rather than adam a ten year old child who honestly just practiced stranger danger, he’s incredibly well read & displays an exceptional ability to memorise things from books. adam’s first language is french,  he likely is conversational in english. as the beast, he jokes about how some of the books are in greek, & thus he hasn’t read them all, but he’s capable of reading latin, mostly due to the fact that he was raised catholic & read the bible… a lot ( that got him nowhere tbqh he didn’t listen to it at all ).
logical-mathematical — this area has to do with logic, abstractions, reasoning, numbers & critical thinking. this also has to do with having the capacity to understand the underlying principles of some kind of causal system. 
adam has enough skill in this area to understand maths & be capable of sound reasoning; his issue was that he didn’t care, not that he didn’t know. did he know where the tax-payer’s money was going? absolutely. did he know how much things were going to cost? absolutely. did he know he could basically just leave most of the commoners destitute? absolutely, but he sure didn’t give a fuck, then. as the beast, he had no need to worry about this sort of thing, the people of his kingdom forgot about him, so this was something that he neglected during those years. post-curse, he quickly regains his ability in this area, whether from simply being intelligent, or by necessity of being a prince again, is irrelevant. 
bodily-kinesthetic — the core elements of the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are control of one’s bodily motions and the capacity to handle objects skilfully. gross motor skills vs. fine motor skills. 
aka exactly what went down the shitter when the curse happened. adam, as a normal sized human being ( going with the height of the fc i use [ toby regbo ], ) 5′10″, adam had no issues getting around the castle & manoeuvring. as the beast, he’s at least 7′ tall & larger in general. fine motor skills went to shit, but he retained gross motor skills, allowing him the coordination for dancing or general movement — honestly, it’s just the fine motor skills that went to shit. after he turns back, though, he’s completely thrown off entirely, as he suddenly has less weight to carry & no longer has to account for horns or tails or whatnot, thus he’s really just in need of some serious help in this regard. given a few years post-curse, he would likely have regained gross motor skills & a good portion of his fine motor skills. 
interpersonal — in theory, individuals who have high interpersonal intelligence are characterized by their sensitivity to others’ moods, feelings, temperaments, motivations, & their ability to cooperate in order to work as part of a group. 
‘work as part of a group’ ? ‘sensitivity to others’ lol no; when has adam ever been good at this? the goddamn hedonist didn’t care what other people felt, clearly & that’s what got him fucked in the first place. as the beast, he makes improvements in leaps & bounds in this category, both out of necessity & experience. post-curse, he knows how to read others’ moods & temperaments, but still seems to lack the ability to sense motivation, something that really is just left over childish naivety. he’s not really great at working in groups, ever, but he at least puts in effort.  
intrapersonal — this area has to do with introspective and self-reflective capacities. this refers to having a deep understanding of the self; what one’s strengths or weaknesses are, what makes one unique, being able to predict one’s own reactions or emotions. 
u h another shit area, because i mean... adam had enough awareness to know that he would react badly to certain situations, but to avoid this, he simply made sure that everyone else did exactly what he wanted them to do. this lead to a... huge inability to introspect, as things would occur spontaneously, much to his own & his servants’ shock. being the beast was his introspective time, where he similarly made leaps & bounds, coming to terms with the things that had happened in the past & desiring to make amends for them. post-curse, he does try to step back from situations to evaluate them & he knows what ruffles him the wrong way, although he lacks the awareness of when a situation is getting too far out of hand — he gets caught up in other things & needs to be reminded here & there to reflect. at least he can reflect at al; that’s a huge improvement from before the cursel.
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