#legendex games dev log
legendexgames · 6 years
Dev Log
Hi everyone! Hope all is well! I have been extremely hard at work on the full release of Snowdrop. Unfortunately we've decided to release it in February/March as opposed to January because of the holidays and the fact that some of the team have finals in the coming week. We want to make a game that you guys will love. So far the feedback is really helpful and the final version will be better than the demo! As for Secrets Untold: production stopped while I worked on the demo of Snowdrop. But I have turned my attention to the project once again. I may have to open the position for a male voice actor again so if anyone is interested please contact me. We are waiting on voicing for Kiran as well as the GUI and then the demo will be ready to publish. Though the GUI artist is on break for finals. On the plus side we have begun full programming of Kiran's route and it will be released on it's own, followed by Garrick's and Marigold's routes. Marigold. I have spent a lot of time perfecting this game so I know you'll love it. Thanks for the support!
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