#legendex games updates
legendexgames · 7 years
Dev Log
Hi everyone! Hope all is well! I have been extremely hard at work on the full release of Snowdrop. Unfortunately we've decided to release it in February/March as opposed to January because of the holidays and the fact that some of the team have finals in the coming week. We want to make a game that you guys will love. So far the feedback is really helpful and the final version will be better than the demo! As for Secrets Untold: production stopped while I worked on the demo of Snowdrop. But I have turned my attention to the project once again. I may have to open the position for a male voice actor again so if anyone is interested please contact me. We are waiting on voicing for Kiran as well as the GUI and then the demo will be ready to publish. Though the GUI artist is on break for finals. On the plus side we have begun full programming of Kiran's route and it will be released on it's own, followed by Garrick's and Marigold's routes. Marigold. I have spent a lot of time perfecting this game so I know you'll love it. Thanks for the support!
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legendexgames · 2 years
February Updates
Here are some February updates~
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We released Wrapped With a Kiss, our first commercial game, in December.
After losing her job and being blacklisted from the business world, Noel has no choice but to sell everything in her apartment and move away from the big city.  Lucky for her, Noel's older sister offers the woman a place to stay during the holiday season. The only problem? The insurmountable pressure of her father's expectations, being a good aunt, and trying to find something meaningful to do with her time may just shatter Noel's world.  Unless of course, the winter town's cute local carpenter has a say in it!
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Battle Royale: For Your Heart! is currently getting an overhaul. 
We’re not ready to speak about specifics just yet, but essentially the story has been changed slightly to incorporate a more cohesive plot. We’ve got 45k words (and counting!) of new, usable scenes! 
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LegendEx Games will be teaming up with some new and old faces for NaNoRenO 2022!
All I can share right now is that the game will be a BL story full of love and of course, some drama! 
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legendexgames · 3 years
August 2021 Recap
A lot of my updates get posted to my twitter account, but I am making a conscious effort to update Tumblr more frequently aside from just announcing game releases. So, starting today- at the end of every month I’ll be posting a recap to keep you all up to date with what has been happening with LegendEx Games! So, let’s dive right into it...
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I had the pleasure of working as a writer for this SFW BL game that was released for Yaoi Jam 2021 by @catslilypad​! You can play the demo right here. 
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We’ve uploaded several sprite and background sneak peeks on Patreon! Be sure to follow us there for exclusive first looks, exclusive stories, and future beta demo releases!
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LegendEx Games has gotten a new logo designed by the very talented Pogo! 
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The first draft of TwinTails’ route has almost been written completely. At least a quarter of the script has been edited. We’ve also got three more key sprites drawn up, six new backgrounds, and another CG and trailer in the works! 
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Secrets Unsung is being coded. We’ve got the first few scenes complete, but are working hard on putting the rest into ren’py.
I’ll be joined by Cats on a Lilypad Studios, Red-Chan. Ahwy, Camille Arana, Allen Chan, and Mari Chavez for this years’ Spooktober Jam! Stay tuned for the official announcement of our game! 
That should be about it. Please stay tuned for some more updates :)
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legendexgames · 3 years
Some Big Updates
Hello, I’d like to welcome all new followers to this blog. I will try my best to keep it updated in a more timely manner! But, in the meantime let me catch you up on everything that I’m currently working on!
Patreon & Ko-Fi
LegendEx Games now has both a Patreon and a Ko-Fi where you can support us if you like our work and are finacially able to. Patron tiers range from $1 monthly (general support) to $10 (Beta testing unreleased builds as they become available), with a $3 and $5 tier in between with other goodies. (Like monthly writings from me, never before seen sketches, updates and first looks at art before the general public, and exclusive polls/updates). If you prefer to make a one time donation you can do so on Ko-fi. All proceeds go towards making Battle Royale: For Your Heart!
Battle Royale: For Your Heart!
After Battle Royale: For Your Heart!’s unsuccessful kickstarter, the team and I have had to come up with a new plan. Currently, I am writing TwinTails route, and have finished up the remaining landing locations accessible on the map when you partner with TwinTails. We’ve also commissioned two more backgrounds!
Secrets Unsung (Remastered)
Secrets Unsung (Remastered) is a remake of an old game that we released for Otome Jam 2018. Assume the role of Calista, a struggling college student, as she navigates trying to find a suitable topic for her humanities final paper- all the while, dating one of two rockstars! This is an AU version of Secrets Untold (no knowledge of that game is needed to enjoy this one, but it features the same characters).  The script has been rewritten completely and expanded. There is a new GUI, new sprite art, and new backgrounds. We’re also including two original compositions and partial voice acting. The game is in early stages of programming! 
Otome Jam 2021
I will be teaming up with Saibraeus, Red Chan, Cats on a LilyPad Studios and Camy to create a brand new game for Otome Jam, which runs from early May to the end of July. Stay tuned for more info on that project very soon! Hint: Spooky romance ;)
LegendEx Games Twitter | BRFYH Twitter | BRFYH Facebook | Our Discord Server
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legendexgames · 7 years
It’s still not perfect, but I did take some time today to update the site :)
PS: I have something special that I’ll bes posting very soon! ;) I’m excited about it, so I hope you guys will be too.
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legendexgames · 7 years
I’ve just launched my official game development website. I’m wondering if it’s a good idea to make a separate one just for Secrets Untold. Thoughts?
Give this blog a follow for more updates. It’s currently under construction right now, but soon it’ll be completely up to date. Thank you all for the support!
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legendexgames · 7 years
Updates and looking for Voices!
I have updates, finally! Ok, so I fixed the bug where the game gets stuck after a certain point. Unfortunately, I’m still waiting on the sprites for the demo so I’m going to just keep programming what I have into the game. When the art is ready, I’ll be able to publish the demo rather than just waiting. My goal is to finish the entire script by February. I’m at the second to last scene in Garrick’s route, right before the endings. I have aside route planned as well which shouldn’t take too much work. Right now we are up to 80,000 words! My bvoice actors are also pulling through so shout out to everyone helping with the project. Just navigate my page to see who is helping. It’s a looooooong list. Thank you very much for your help, support, patience and excitement for this game. Let’s make 2017 awesome!
Voice actors wanted: [Unpaid but tons of credit]
The character for the side romance is named Marigold. She is a bubbly little thing. Anyone wanting to try out for her role, please contact me. You must be comfortable with girlxgirl. Everything is pg though, so don’t worry.
I’m working on a project with @anomalis. They are looking for voice actors, male specifically, but will take female auditions as well. The project is desperately in need of someone who can do a deep British accent. Please contact anomalis if interested.
Also! Check out Cafe Memoria Deux of which I was an editor on. It is a boyxgirl dating game. Last but not least, check out @glassheart-studio. I’m working with them as an editor for a stunning supernatural otome game. Tons of cute dudes to date ;)
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