#otome game development
larkingame · 2 months
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Find love...or something worse with Doctor Cyrus Sokolov in an enemies-to-lovers romance in Larkin! Episode One out June 14th!
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celestialcrownsvn · 9 months
Celestial Crowns Kickstarter - 3 days left!
The Celestial Crowns Kickstarter is live! 
Take the throne and save your kingdom with ancient magic in this amare visual novel! 
👑Customizable MC (body type / pronoun)
💍3 love interests with branching routes
✅ 9 personality traits
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shewassaying · 6 months
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As a crossroad keeper (cough cough, devil), your job is promises made and kept. Your nights are spent at the crossroads, exchanging promises with souls trapped in their final breath, hoping for more time.
That is, until someone very much alive comes to make a deal.
CHECK IT OUT: https://shewassaying.itch.io/promise-me-youll-live
**This game was made in 4 days for Velox Turbo**
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lavendeerstudios · 29 days
It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's… HIMEMORI, YOUR FAVOURITE DEATH KITSUNE!
💜 Parasocial relationships have never been more real! 💜
Day 1 of our game for the #CSvnjam is now out and available to play! You can find it here!
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A huge thank you to the jam team; we can't wait to complete the game in the future!
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notoh-dev · 4 months
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I wanted to take a break from drawing sprites and drew Klaas in an Otome Isekai setting 😂
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qkayoostudio · 1 year
out now: A Tavern at Night!
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I've been working on a little game for the oji jam and the queer game bundle!
play it here!!
There won't be a devlog this week, but I hope that this grouchy merc can fill that void😊😊
You're cold. You're wet. This storm isn't going to let up anytime soon. Thank the gods for this remote tavern -- there isn't anything out here for miles.
To pass the time and distract yourself from your shivering, you strike up conversation with a somewhat terrifying mercenary all the other tavern patrons give a wide berth to. 
He begrudgingly obliges.  
♡ respite from the rain
♡ chooseable pronouns
♡ bonus art for each ending
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alexis-royce · 7 months
Sorry if this feel like, random, but how did you learn Ren'Py? Is there any tutorial you'd recommend? I know enough Python to work with the terminal, but I have noooo idea how to work with graphics and stuff ^^;
Hey there! I learned Ren'Py little by little, by making progressively larger games. I've also come across a lot of resources, so here's my recommendations for learning:
Crack open the script.rpy file for The Question. This microgame is packaged with your copy of Ren'py, so you'll come across it naturally after downloading. You'll be able to see how to make backgrounds, characters, text and music appear, as well as how to create branching choices.
Watch Vimi's channel. He's a cool dude that I respect immensely, I worked with him on a game last year, and his vids are a ton of fun! Here's an absolutely rapidfire tutorial to get you started. I would recommend pausing frequently or returning to the video often while you work.
Play indie games! itch.io is full of wonderful indie VNs. They're short and will open your mind to new possibilities. Also, you can often crack games open to learn how to do new things. (If you're nervous, then know you have my express permission to look at my games' code.)
Connect with other VN makers! The DevTalk discord is a very friendly place, and you can get both encouragement and serious advice on your projects.
Participate in a game jam! If you're starting out, you should be making short VNs. NaNoRenO and The Spooktober Game Jam are super popular, and the Winter VN Jam is going on right now! Jams also have resources, and the NaNoRenO page is one of my favorites.
Good luck! Aim small with your first game; try making something that's well under a thousand words, and try to do it with one location, and as few characters as possible. Making a game is already enough of a challenge as it is! XD
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journey-to-the-attic · 5 months
one thing i've noticed about obey me's story is that it generally delivers on big dramatic narrative moments, but often neglects the surrounding scenes and especially the fallout. there is of course, the oft-talked-about lesson 16, feat. mc's death that never gets brought up again, but then there's also s2's amnesia arc, which ends things with "mc has the ring so everything is completely fine forever"
om has a habit of doing this, where a realm-wide (or heck, universe-wide) problem is hand-waved away by the appearance of a convenient fix-it, which is usually either an object or just ~magic~ (magic as a plot device in om in general is handled poorly but that's a story for another day)
in some cases they just don't address the fallout at all. at least belphie talks about what he did in lesson 16 - but, see nb s2, wherein levi floods the entire devildom, submerging entire houses, and they don't bring it up again afterwards. as far as i remember too, belphie's mini-arc in this season wasn't really given room to breathe, either
but here's the main thing (spoilers for nb lessons 38 and 39)
i've just done these two lessons and in hindsight lucifer's mini-arc feels like a lot of missed potential
honestly they could have excluded diavolo entirely - his main purpose was to stall for time so that the brothers could show up. the moment where he kneels was cool (more on that moment later), but the way they've written him in means that the angels kinda. don't get to do anything? at all?
look - raphael has a gorgeous character moment at the end of 37 where he cries for the brothers' plight. like you don't understand this had so much potential!!! he didn't really do much in s1 (and might not have actually been himself??) so i was hoping this would be his chance to shine, but instead he's on the sidelines. simeon gets the most to do, and even then it's really not much. luke doesn't do anything, unless you count those blessings he and simeon give mc, but they don't really factor in at all??
what especially doesn't make sense about diavolo's role here is that lucifer turns on mc after they step in to protect him. this is meant to be a pay-off to diavolo's less savoury motivation for saving the brothers, revealed in his arc in nb s1, but all lucifer does is say it, get mad, then completely forgets about it once all is said and done
if that's all they were going to do with it, why bring it up at all? from a character standpoint, it makes more sense for mc to shield one of the angels - again, raphael this could've been your moment. (alternatively it could've been a call-back to the og s1 where mc shields luke in the underground tomb)
the appearance of the brothers was welcome, but at the same time i don't quite buy that they all got out of their respective predicaments completely fine. (also where did mephistopheles go??) lucifer also calms down very quickly, which is a great moment for the power of family, but at the same time i feel like he would've needed at least a few more dialogue boxes of him registering through his rage that his brothers were there. eh, this is more nitpicky than everything else
the brotherly moment was 10/10 though. love these guys <3
but i hated the final resolution so so much. sure, have god forgive him, whatever. but why would you end it all with a "papa loves you"???? if it had been raphael or simeon saying it, maybe i could get behind this as a symptom of the celestial realm's unhealthy society, but LUCIFER, whose greatest fear was revealed to be his father in s3 of the original story?
om has never made it seem like god's relationship with the angels was anything other than controlling and borderline abusive, and for some reason (if the poignant flashback is anything to go by) they've done a complete heel turn into "actually it's fine because he loves the angels". it could be read as representing how children often still cling to abusive/controlling parents, but i doubt it - especially coming from lucifer, who started a war and lost a sister in direct opposition to his father
and i get the whole deal with "lucifer was so beautiful as an angel" but it feels really disingenuous to the brothers' arc (about settling into the devildom and coming into their own as demons) to harp on about it. like, fuck that, have lucifer cast away the angel form, or at least have some pushback from him in the aftermath. have mc tell him "you're even more beautiful as a demon" or something
then in lesson 39 everything's back to normal. it's a very cute lesson and i had fun in the moment, but it feels off. there's no discussion of what happened, everyone's completely fine. there's got to be some psychological after-effects to all of that, no? for lucifer especially if not the brothers who got frozen as well???
though lucifer's dragon gift was very sweet. i can't stay mad at that old man
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meant2beestudios · 3 months
Announcing our otome/bl visual novel project, it’s high fantasy/adventure where you play as an angel tasked with saving your male love interests (all based off of the 7 deadly sins) from themselves.
This is #Rectifier 🪽
Coming to you this Otome Jam 2024! 🙏
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herotome · 6 months
Devlog #125
Hi-ho, Wudge here! Gosh! I missed last week's update.
Happy holidays from Herotome!!
I haven't drawn anything this year-- oh but hmm, I could do a quick edit, here -
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Tadah! For anyone who hasn't already seen it, we got those 50 reblogs to make Warden shirtless! A pure version without the christmas lights went up yesterday, just scroll down my blog a bit or check out the #ro: warden hashtag.
I'm pleased with how much mileage I'm already getting from this picture, ha.
Seems like I'm gonna be focused on writing new scenes and drawing expressions for a while. They're some of the more tedious tasks for me, so I'll certainly be looking for every opportunity to do other things on the side - like coding.
Today I've decided that the LI sprites should have their eyebrows on a separate layer from the rest of their face, to offer me the greatest amount of variety in creating new expressions - and I've come up with a naming system for it, too!
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I'm looking forward to implementing this. Eyebrow shapes have much, much less variety compared to mouth shapes, so I might even finish drawing every possible eyebrow for every LI sometime soon. I've already gotten a strong start with Warden and Mia's eyebrows.
Speaking of, I did turn in more expressions over on Ko-Fi!
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Tadah!! Thank you again to everyone who has donated so far!
I'm realizing that in the set dedicated to Dia, Warden and Mia have the same mouth shape on the upper right side... A fascinating subconscious decision on my part.
Outside of art, I did write... once. Er, it went pretty okay. I'm usually the biggest hater of my first drafts.
I think my goal is gonna be to show off the abilities of all the characters as equally as I can; Warden and Jade have had their time to shine (during the job fair and flying MC home, respectively), and I think MC, Griffin, and Mia are gonna be queued up next.
I'll put the rest under a cut for potential spoilers and further rambling - as always, if you don't see the cut, make sure to check out my blog directly!
I have a good idea of what I wanna do with Griffin (it may or may not involve obliterating your rent debt, and I may or may not have written about that in the first-draft-I-don't-hate).
I've been thinking that this scene would involve a change of clothes btw, and did some fashion concepts for Griffin that I also don't hate;
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I'm not super sure what I'm gonna do for Mia's eventual ~special show-off scene~, but I'm sure it will come to me.
For MC, I want to show off her relationship with the city, and showcase how qualified she is for the job in a low-key way. I recently discussed with a friend how Men in Black is a huge source of inspiration for me... Y'all know the scene where Will Smith has his interview and did things differently from all the other candidates?? I kinda wanna capture that vibe...!
And ah... I think that's about it, Herotome-wise.
Wudge-wise, honesty hour - I've had ssssome mild health concerns this year.
I don't want to go into detail; I want to say it's been like... nothing life threatening, thankfully, but a lot of small physical inconveniences that pile up and make it harder to concentrate.
I did rest a lot last week so no worries. <3 It's just that parts of my body have been weird and annoying, and I think it's helpful to acknowledge that the flesh prison can be a weird and annoying place. But I value it! And I'm doing my best to take care of it. Health comes first, etc, etc.
With this new year, I hope you guys take care of yourselves as best as you can, too. The person who's most qualified to take care of you is you!!!
Stay safe and keep warm,
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lovebirdgames · 25 days
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Hi everyone!
Here comes the long post that I alluded to recently: What's Next for Lovebird Game Studios. Buckle in!
You all know that I like to be very transparent when it comes to our game development. Sharing the journey with all of you has always helped me keep taking steps. So I’d like to share the decision we came to regarding which game to work on next, and I’d like to explain the thinking behind it as well. It may not be the news you were hoping to hear, but I hope you will also leave here with a sense of excitement and anticipation for what’s to come.
At this time, we have decided to not move forward with a sequel/fandisk of Band Camp Boyfriend.
This is a decision that does not come easy, especially since I know a lot of you were hoping for an Aaron route. We had a lot of fun ideas for the sequel we were excited for and it’s a bit of a heartbreaker to think they won’t come to fruition. I also adore our cast of characters and loved writing them, and will miss doing so. There are many different factors at play that went into making this decision.
Time. The reality is we both work full-time jobs and we have to choose our battles when it comes to this hobby. While the fandisk would be about half the size of the base game, we feel it would still take around approximately 3 years to release (I’d like to say 2, but let's face it: we are slow at game development). 
Money. We are incredibly grateful and proud to say that we made back the money we spent making Band Camp Boyfriend. We consider BCB a modest success. However, we don’t feel that the current player base is large enough to justify a sequel, especially since sequels do not typically perform as well as the base game. We have a feeling we would dig ourselves right back into the financial hole and not make it out the second time around.
Art. Particularly the backgrounds. Keep in mind that we commission the art for our games. Most otome games are easily able to pull off a fandisk because they have all of their assets from the base game. Since Band Camp Boyfriend took place in a bottle setting that the characters have now left behind, we would need a ton of new backgrounds for the school setting we had imagined for the sequel. Our background artist is no longer available, so we would have to shop around for someone with a similar style and buy a whole new host of backgrounds. And of course we would need new CGs, new outfits, new everything to really make it exciting.
Inspiration. During our “break,” the creative juices began to flow and we found ourselves gravitating to our next idea. I told myself I wouldn’t write or work on anything until making this choice, but I couldn’t stop myself. And I found myself writing the prologue for our next game and drawing concept art of the characters. Even while listening to music, the music videos that would play in my head shifted away from Band Camp Boyfriend and towards the next game. I guess after 8 years, deep down, I am ready to move onto a new story with new faces. My love for Band Camp Boyfriend runs deeper than the Marian’s Trench, but my heart is leading me into uncharted waters full of hammerhead sharks!
I’m happy to answer questions if you have them. Here are a couple that might be on your mind.
Q: Can’t you just make an Aaron DLC that takes place at band camp? Please, I will give you my left kidney!
A: I want you to keep your kidney, and I’m sorry, but the answer is no. I feel we have conquered band camp and there is no need to return to it. (We actually cut a route--the Leon route--and merged most of the ideas for it into the final route, because it was getting to be too much!) I’m totally burnt out on new ideas in that setting, plus it was wrapped up so wonderfully in that final route. I have no interest in doing another story there.
Another point - even though it would be easier in terms of art assets, we wouldn’t want to phone it in and do an Aaron Band Camp route, in case we were to change our minds about doing a sequel down the road. We would want to do his route as we envisioned it, so it’s best to keep that avenue open.
Q: Can you make a smaller game or just write new scenarios with what you have?
A: As we have learned about ourselves…we are not capable of making small games. Our ideas just keep getting bigger and bigger. We want to release substantial games with hours of playtime. So I guess the answer is no.
Q: If money is an issue, can you run a Kickstarter for the sequel so I can throw money at you?
A: We are probably not ever going to do another Kickstarter. It was a lot of work. It felt really bad when our first one failed and our motivation took a hit. However, I am glad it failed because we wound up releasing 3 years later than we had hoped for, but we didn’t have any pressure weighing on us from Kickstarter. We’ve seen a lot of successfully funded games get abandoned or delayed, and a lot of unhappy fans voice their displeasure and sour on a game completely. You never know what curveballs life will throw at you and these projects can easily face delays. We would hate to let you all down like that. We agree we would rather work at our own pace without that immense pressure. Also, I am kinda old fashioned when it comes to the trading of goods…you give money, me give you game! Unga bunga.
Q: So…that’s it? We’re never getting a sequel?
A: Ehh…all of this aside, never say never. If Band Camp Boyfriend unexpectedly blew up in popularity and had a mind-blowing amount of sales, then I would absolutely reconsider a return to Blue Mountain High School. But I don't really see that happening.
I really hope this news hasn’t made you too sad and I hope you’ll join us for the next game! Saying I am extremely excited for it is an understatement. I’d like to share a little bit of what we have planned and I hope it will get you excited as well, and you won’t leave here feeling too down.
If you loved Band Camp Boyfriend, you will certainly love our next otome game. It will carry the same elements of humor, romance, darkness, and drama you can expect from us—and this time, the stakes are even higher. (I know--what stakes could be higher than high school marching band?!)
The structure of this game will be a bit different. We’re dropping the crazy long common route because we feel like we’ve been there and done that, and it’s a huge headache. I love long common routes but now...I get it, I get why a lot of games have a short one or just have you pick a route, hahaha. This game’s common route will be much shorter (one whole day haha), but each romance route will be a beast in length with larger branches into various endings. The plot is so heavy that it would be best experienced in a specific order so a couple routes will be locked when you start up the game.
There will be heartwarming good endings, tragic bad endings, and somewhat bittersweet endings. And we shall once again have an original soundtrack and partial voice acting, so keep an eye out for that casting call! We plan to cast later in the process so we don’t keep our voice actors waiting around for light years on end.
There will be four main love interests to fall in love with this time around, though I’m certain you will fall in love with even more. This cast will be older, as well, with a 25-year old MC and LIs ranging from 24 to 30. I’m looking forward to writing a more adult story (not 18+, just in tone and perspective). I can’t wait to someday introduce you to them along with the rest of this memorable cast. Or maybe you’ve already heard of them…?
All of this means my social media activity is going to be eclipsed by writing and planning this next game for a while. Our platforms may be a bit quieter, but I will continue to check them of course, so don’t ever hesitate to reach out!
I’ll eagerly be anticipating the day we can start revealing the game and its amazing characters once we have something to show you. It was conceptualized way back in 2019 and been patiently awaiting its turn to shine. There will also be a free demo for you to meet the cast and dip your toes into the plot. For now, we gotta focus on the grind! But I know we have the perseverance to see this through because we’ve already done it once before!
Thank you so much for reading all of this. You deserve a yummy heart-shaped cookie with pink icing for doing so. We really appreciate you all so much! Please look forward to our next game.
♥ Lovebird Games
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larkingame · 13 days
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Dominic is certainly hungry for something, you're just afraid you might be on the menu in much more than a figurative sense....romance Dominic Sokolov in Larkin! Episode One out June 14th!
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celestialcrownsvn · 1 year
Kickstarter Live - Celestial Crowns
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The King is dead. Long live you!
Check out our Kickstarter! Celestial Crowns is a fantasy otome/BL visual novel with:
✅ Customizable MC
👑 Rule the kingdom your way!
🎭 9 personality stats for up to 9 options per choice
🎬 9 endings
💖 3 LIs — unlock more with stretch goals!
Help bring this game to life! Reblogs appreciated!
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zombeebunnie · 26 days
Trembling Essence:💙Background + poll results💙
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Hello hello and welcome new followers! :]
Firstly I just want to say a very big thank you to everyone that participated in the poll I did last week, I was really surprised but happy with the results and responses! This will help me a lot moving forward! :,] If you missed it and would like to say which route you preferred feel free to comment!
Anywho, this week mainly focused on art practicing again but I did work on the game and managed to get my bearings even more!
Here is the new background for the start of the game:
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This took a long time to draw up since I sketched out the background instead of looking at references this time. Once I got a basic idea of how I wanted it to look it felt.. too empty and flat. At first I couldn't figure out why until I added more shrubbery and grass. After that I started adding the trees and then added a few more to give it depth and adjusted some of the coloring. So far the immersive symbolism I'm going for is slowly coming together! Since it just finished raining where you're located I tried to give the background the illusion of looking tolerably humid but slowly getting colder over time with a hint of decay in the distance. This is a better look of the dreary foreboding atmosphere compared to the "fairy-forest" from last week. >:,] It took a while but I also added a parallax effect here and optimized the images to save space. I kept getting an error when it came to the middle ground so I had to find and fix the problem which delayed things. I don't have a video to show it in action but maybe next time. I do want it to be known again that these automatically happen and don't follow the cursor. :,,]
Here's a sneak peek of the new choices you can do when you're in this area now. >;]
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This part required a lot of brainstorming before I figured out how I wanted the explorative part to go. This was originally going to go a different way completely but a particular day caused me to just scrap it and start everything over. I have a very solid idea on how I want all of this to go better than ever so I can't wait to show some of the new areas! I didn't expect this background to take as long as it did to draw up but hopefully next week I'll have more done!
Progress doodle layout:
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Since certain endings are being changed I thought it would be cool to animate a progress layout to visually show how everything is going! It shouldn't take too long to finish this section up since I already have a foundation laid out.
Noah's sprite sheet update:
As far as Noah sprite sheets goes, it's still in sketch mode and I haven't messed with them yet since I've been practicing. :,,]
There are some old drawing prompts I wrote down and sketches that I'm still doodling up behind the scenes so hopefully I can get to them at some point with some attached lore. :,]
Q&A / Ask box is still open:
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
Thank you to those who have sent in asks after everything got reset! I'll try to get to them when I can along with the ones that come to mind that got deleted. I just need time to answer since I like to respond with doodles/drawings as practice. :]
Overall that's everything I have to share so far, thank you guys for your continued encouragement and support through all of this, I wholeheartedly appreciate it! :,,]
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lavendeerstudios · 4 months
One of these options is not like the others…
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Support us on our crowdfunding! ✨
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vaultureculture · 6 months
I've forgotten to announce it here BUT I am making a Visual Novel all by myself, because I am fucking insane.
The name's Far End 749. It is a pseudo-dating sim set in space with themes of eldritch, cosmic horror.
Have you ever wanted to join the crew of a space cruiser? Have you ever wanted to go on adventures around the galaxy and maybe, just maybe, lose your life in the process? Well, look no further! The Interstellar Research Corporation is looking for its next in-ship reporter!
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The galaxy is well-mapped now; everybody knows that. In all your years working with the IRC, you never thought you would find something that would have your jaw dropping and your adrenaline rushing. 
Until the Star Abyss appeared, of course. 
The mysterious black hole plummetting into the depths of space that appeared at the border of the known galaxy a month ago, exactly 749 minutes of hyperspace flight away, remains the weirdest thing your corporation has ever seen. But worry not! The IRC's unstoppable capitalistic hunger has caused them to assemble an expedition to remember!  🚀
You, and only you, little scientist bored with your routine, will get to embark on one of the Big Three, the most renowned star vessels working under the IRC. Your job is to report every little thing that happens in the Star Abyss expedition and hopefully live to tell the tale.
To pass the time between cosmic horror and eldritch abomination sighting, perhaps you can get to know the captains of the three ships [The Argent Rose, The Waverider & The Star Lion], and have some insightful conversations with the lead doctor of the medical bay vessel! 🚀
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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Jang "Nemo" In-Soo
-Captain of the Waverider
-The fastest pilot in the IRC, possibly in the entire galaxy— and the first to accomplish this from a wheelchair. Captain Jang's Waverider is the most technologically advanced of all the vessels, and he wears this with pride. Dutiful and a little grouchy, perhaps they do have it in them to hold a conversation without frowning at you.
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Suhaila Abd Al-nûr
-Captain of the Star Lion
-Some people say that you can see Captain Abd Al-nûr's eyes melancholically soften when she looks out of the window into the vastness of the universe. This stern and silent woman is the pillar of her vessel, a tight-knit community of explorers from all backgrounds and ways of life, ready to discover the secrets of the galaxy after undergoing the most strenuous training.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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Steven J. Whitaker
-Captain of the Argent Rose
-Where did he come from? Nobody really knows. Nobody really knows why he's working for the IRC, either. Mildly infuriating, frugal with (relevant) words, and casual with his interns, Captain Whitaker's vibrant personality is bound to bring a dynamic atmosphere to the ship he leads.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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Thioro Diédhiou
-Chief doctor of the medical bay vessel!
-This brave lady abandoned all that she had on Earth Station to provide care for explorers out in the galaxy! Humorous and elegant, Doctor Diédhiou is bound to teach you a thing or two about the job with the softness and patience of a saint.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
In the game you will be able to (ideally) choose:
ºYour own name and surname
ºYour pronouns
ºOne of 5 routes, each of which present the story and events from an entirely unique POV
I am currently working hard on the demo, which I plan to release sometime around next year.
If you're interested in the characters or the process of creation for the demo and all the assets, find me at
over on instagram.
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