legendexgames · 11 months
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Hello everyone!
It's been awhile since I've updated you guys on the progress of the game. So I've decided to do monthly posts detailing any and all new developments of Battle Royale: For Your Heart!
As previously announced, BRFYH will now only feature 3 romance routes (with a possible 4th if funding permits). That means you will be able to romance: Midnight, SamuraiStriker, and TwinTails in the base game when it is complete. 
Writing Progress: 
Midnight: The first draft of this route is completely written. Everything but the endings are fully revised and ready to be coded into the game. The route currently sits at around 50k words (but this can change when we finish editing the endings!)
Striker: I am currently writing the first draft of this route. It hasn't been edited yet, but the route sits at around 30k words currently.  So, I'd say this is making some really good progress! 
TwinTails:  I wrote TwinTails' first draft a few years ago. It needs a lot of editing to fit the new structure/storyline of the game. However, it provides a really good skeleton for her full route. Therefore, I'm treating this progress as an "outline" and can't comment on the official word count yet~
Art Progress:
We have just completed backgrounds for several new locations including (but not limited to), the 'Houses' location, a snowy mountain POI, and a mineshaft. There are multiple variations to each location, however we'd like to keep these a surprise for the full game! There is currently one CG completed per route. We've decided to hold off on adding more until we finish writing and editing each route so that we can assure we pick the best scenes to have them for. All of the sprites for the BRFYH main cast have been completed previously, but new revisions/expressions may be added. We have created new sprites for at least three NPC side characters you'll meet, with more on the way! We also have a new logo done for the game, thanks to PogoNR!  
Programming/Voice Acting/Music Progress:
I've made the executive decision not to continue programming the game or acquiring new voice over lines/music until the scripts are completely written. This is mostly do to the fact that the game has been in development for a few years and has seen new revisions/iterations as we revise. So, rather than work and rework several times, it's easiest to do it all when everything is finalized. We will however be hosting a casting call towards the end of production for several new NPCs! 
Battle Royale: For Your Heart! is being completely funded out of my pocket. I use all proceeds from freelance work, game sales, and streaming to help! In the future, we will likely run another Kickstarter to help fund the programming, voice acting, and music additions. But, if you'd like to help us and contribute to the game you can donate to my kofi right here, or sign up for our patreon where we'll begin to post more updates/content. 
Speaking of patreon and kofi... if you have any ideas for the kind of content you'd like exclusive access to, do not hesitate to let us know! Thank you for your continued support and I'm excited to keep working on this project. 
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legendofsim · 3 years
Hello Again~
More radio silence from me...
As per usual.
I have been extremely busy as of late. I recently got hired for a full time position during the year- sometimes that’d be up to a 9 hour shift. 
I’m also working hard over at @legendexgames to release BRFYH, and a few other game projects I’ve been working on. My free time is limited, and I’m always... exhausted. 
I may have to consider taking another hiatus or going on break from this blog for good. I’m still considering it. 
When I started asking for sims for the BC, my schedule was open. Quarantine had me home, but now my city is reopening up and I’m picking up a lot of slack at my job that I had the luxury of doing from home before. 
I’m tired, man. My creative energy for sims is... gone. Do I want to continue? Yes, of course. If time permits, I’d love to pop in and finish my stories. But for now, I need to let you know my blog will be silent. 
I’ll make an official post soon for people who sent me BC sims, regarding if I’ll be returning or not. I’ll still log on to lurk, but... duty calls unfortunately :( 
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legendexgames · 11 days
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We've been hard at work on Midnight's route. What does that look like? Well, since the script for his route is done, I've been programming his scenes.
Take a look at Midnight's first CG. It's looking pretty clean if I do say so myself haha
I'd say that coding is about a quarter of the way done for Midnight's route. I've got several scenes left to add in to the build and once that's done, our official programmer goes through my base code and makes the game look more shiny. That includes us deciding to add more art, music, or other assets.
All in all, we are moving in a positive (and actually pretty timely) manner. I can't wait to share some more screenshots with you soon!
In the meantime, why not replay the demo or wishlist the game on steam?
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legendexgames · 2 years
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In Battle Royale: For Your Heart you can choose your avatar, player voice, gamertag, and how you interact in the competition. Who will you befriend, fall in love with, or become enemies with?
Play as a certified noob and navigate a duos tournament as a solo player. What could go wrong when you have the right competitor looking after you? 
You can download the demo and Wishlist it on Steam. A new version of the demo will be released in early July! 
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legendexgames · 3 years
Hello everyone,
As you may have seen recently, Battle Royale: For Your Heart! did not meet its goal on kickstarter, and as such we have gained no funding for the production of the full game. I’d like to thank everyone who donated, played our games on their channel, and shared the link to the campaign around. I’d also like to thank everyone who downloaded the demo and gave it a shot. The support this past month has been really heartwarming and its assured of us one thing: you guys want to play the full version of Battle Royale: For Your Heart!
As such, we’re not giving up on the production of the full game. We will still continue forward, but will have to take the next few months to regroup, come up with a new plan, and figure out how to get the money needed to make the game we imagined. In the meantime, our writer is working on chipping away at the full game’s script.
We’re hoping to have some more news to share soon. To get the most up to date information about the game’s production, feel free to follow these socials:
BRForYourHeart on twitter and facebook (For BRFYH posts only)
LegendExGames on twitter  (For information on all of our games)
If you'd like to donate and help us, feel free to check out our ko-fi page. All donations will go towards making BRFYH.
Thank you again and we look forward to continuing the journey with you all.
The BRFYH Team <3
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legendexgames · 3 years
Some Big Updates
Hello, I’d like to welcome all new followers to this blog. I will try my best to keep it updated in a more timely manner! But, in the meantime let me catch you up on everything that I’m currently working on!
Patreon & Ko-Fi
LegendEx Games now has both a Patreon and a Ko-Fi where you can support us if you like our work and are finacially able to. Patron tiers range from $1 monthly (general support) to $10 (Beta testing unreleased builds as they become available), with a $3 and $5 tier in between with other goodies. (Like monthly writings from me, never before seen sketches, updates and first looks at art before the general public, and exclusive polls/updates). If you prefer to make a one time donation you can do so on Ko-fi. All proceeds go towards making Battle Royale: For Your Heart!
Battle Royale: For Your Heart!
After Battle Royale: For Your Heart!’s unsuccessful kickstarter, the team and I have had to come up with a new plan. Currently, I am writing TwinTails route, and have finished up the remaining landing locations accessible on the map when you partner with TwinTails. We’ve also commissioned two more backgrounds!
Secrets Unsung (Remastered)
Secrets Unsung (Remastered) is a remake of an old game that we released for Otome Jam 2018. Assume the role of Calista, a struggling college student, as she navigates trying to find a suitable topic for her humanities final paper- all the while, dating one of two rockstars! This is an AU version of Secrets Untold (no knowledge of that game is needed to enjoy this one, but it features the same characters).  The script has been rewritten completely and expanded. There is a new GUI, new sprite art, and new backgrounds. We’re also including two original compositions and partial voice acting. The game is in early stages of programming! 
Otome Jam 2021
I will be teaming up with Saibraeus, Red Chan, Cats on a LilyPad Studios and Camy to create a brand new game for Otome Jam, which runs from early May to the end of July. Stay tuned for more info on that project very soon! Hint: Spooky romance ;)
LegendEx Games Twitter | BRFYH Twitter | BRFYH Facebook | Our Discord Server
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legendexgames · 3 years
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Meet Parker. He's a love interest and possible duo partner if you choose to play as the female avatar. Fun loving and full of life, this beginner just wants to goof around and have a good time.
Is he good on the battlefield? Maybe not, but he does have the entire guidebook memorized, including the stats of all the weapons. 
Together, can the two of you win the whole competition? 
Voiced by: Reed Kriner
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legendexgames · 3 years
You can now download the demo of Battle Royale: For Your Heart! on steam. Have fun!
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legendexgames · 3 years
August 2021 Recap
A lot of my updates get posted to my twitter account, but I am making a conscious effort to update Tumblr more frequently aside from just announcing game releases. So, starting today- at the end of every month I’ll be posting a recap to keep you all up to date with what has been happening with LegendEx Games! So, let’s dive right into it...
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I had the pleasure of working as a writer for this SFW BL game that was released for Yaoi Jam 2021 by @catslilypad​! You can play the demo right here. 
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We’ve uploaded several sprite and background sneak peeks on Patreon! Be sure to follow us there for exclusive first looks, exclusive stories, and future beta demo releases!
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LegendEx Games has gotten a new logo designed by the very talented Pogo! 
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The first draft of TwinTails’ route has almost been written completely. At least a quarter of the script has been edited. We’ve also got three more key sprites drawn up, six new backgrounds, and another CG and trailer in the works! 
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Secrets Unsung is being coded. We’ve got the first few scenes complete, but are working hard on putting the rest into ren’py.
I’ll be joined by Cats on a Lilypad Studios, Red-Chan. Ahwy, Camille Arana, Allen Chan, and Mari Chavez for this years’ Spooktober Jam! Stay tuned for the official announcement of our game! 
That should be about it. Please stay tuned for some more updates :)
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legendexgames · 3 years
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Meet Midnight, a seasoned veteran BR player. He's been involved in LegendExGames tournaments since the beta. 
He's a cool dude with a lot of style and will definitely be an asset on the battlefield. Just follow his lead, and you guys will get along great. And who knows, maybe even win?  Voiced by: Tom Schalk
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legendexgames · 4 years
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In Battle Royale: For Your Heart! you can choose your protagonist’s look, voice, name and possible duo partner. Game on! 
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legendexgames · 3 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day! On behalf of the Battle Royale: For Your Heart! team, I’d like to offer these silly cards as a small token of our appreciation for all of the support you’ve given us. Please enjoy. 
If you like our game, don’t forget to check out the kickstarter! 
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legendexgames · 4 years
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BRFYH has an interactive map that allows you to select where you want to land! 
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legendexgames · 3 years
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Interested in learning more about our game? I’ll be sharing character profiles all throughout the week to give a better idea of the main characters in the game! First up are the player characters. Choose your avatar (male or female), player voice, and gamertag. 
You mistakenly enter a duos tournament as a solo player and well now...you have to find your way out of that mess. Find a partner or go solo! That’s up to you.  Possible Voices: Elsie Lovelock, Nola Klop, Kieran Flitton, Lane Rush
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legendexgames · 4 years
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What do you guys think the mystery prize could be for winning the battle royale? My vote is on a chicken dinner ! 
Choose your avatar, their voice, and their duo partner in Battle Royale: For Your Heart! A battle royale themed dating sim parody game which can be wishlisted on steam right now! 
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legendexgames · 3 years
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Meet HollyDay voiced by Sheila Morris! Holly is focused on one thing and one thing only: winning the competition. She doesn't care who or what stands in her way, even her partner. How will you warm this competitive player's heart?
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