#like befriend a guy in his 60s who is handy and you will never have problem again - he wont let me pay him money so i bought him lemon bar
hungry-hobbits · 2 months
having much older adult friends who know how to do shit rules my mom's friend saved me 400-600$ on toilet repairs by doing the job himself in 3hrs because he was like "well fuck it let me try before i go to lowes"
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simmingstrawberry · 7 years
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Very Berry Legacy
I’m super excited to announce the very berry legacy challenge! I made this challenge with my friends @bluberry-sims @simsinablanket @sweetersims and @thestolensims
Basic rules:
Every generation in this challenge is named after a fruit, so they should be dressed (clothes, hair, makeup, etc. and skin if you want to) in the color of the fruit and can be named after it as well. The rules for each generation will have two traits, but you have to pick the third one, it can be whatever you want, so every game will be different! The Sim must complete the aspiration and career in that generations rules unless they state otherwise.
Generation 1- Grape (purple)
You’ve never cared much about love or getting married. All you needed in life was your job. You didn’t have many friends and no siblings, you kept to yourself. It’s all because of one incident that shook your life. You want the best for your only child, so you got married.
Travel to Sixam
Befriend an Alien (you can open the lot in Oasis Springs that requires max handiness skill if you do not have Get to Work)
As a young adult, have just one best friend, have a one night stand with them and end up pregnant (or the friend is pregnant).
Your best friend has kids but the spouse died a long time ago 
For the sake of the baby and because you are really good friends, you get married
Max Rocket Science or Handiness Skill
Traits: Gloomy and Genius
Career: Scientist or Tech Guru
Aspiration: Renaissance sim
Generation 2- Green Apple (green)
You always dreamed of starting a family and settling down in the suburbs. You forced yourself to stay in the first relationship you’ve ever had “That’s the one, I’m staying with them forever”. But once you were at the wedding, you imagined being with them for the rest of your life, just them, no one else, you ran away. None of your friends even tried to help you, you never had real friends.
Complete all jobs you have to level 5, then quit
Get 4 skills to level 6, and 2 to level 8
Leave someone at the altar
Have 4 serious relationships (romance is at about 60%), but break up with them
Barely know your own children, leave kids with a family member
Only have two “accident” kids, twins (you can cheat this)
Never Marry
Traits: Hates Children, Non Committal
Career: Business, Whatever you want (but your sim would hate) , Social Media
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Generation 3- Strawberry (red or pink)
Your parent’s love life was always dysfunctional and you wanted to be different so at a young age you had multiple boyfriends or girlfriends but all you ever wanted was to find your soulmate. Once you were a young adult you got engaged to your high school sweetheart but one day you caught them cheating on you and you were devastated, but you find out a little later that you are pregnant with his baby. One thing that you always loved was working out. One morning when you go out to the gym you meet someone there and fall in love with them. You guys get married and have 2 kids but he/she dies as an adult from an accident you are left as a widow and never re-marry
Date lots of people as a teen
Get engaged to highschool sweetheart
Find out your fiance cheated on you
have one child with your ex-fiance after you break up
Meet future spouse at the gym
Have two children with your spouse
Have spouse die as an adult
never re-marry
Have at least level 7 fitness skill
Traits: Romantic, Active
Career: Athlete
Aspiration: Soulmate
 Generation 4- Potato (brown or white)
 You never really wanted to do anything “worthwhile”. Just watch TV all day and blog. Oh, and play video games. You just want to play video games. You don’t go outside, you will eat basically anything, and you refuse to work. You still live with your mother/father/sibling. They may be working hard to give you things you need, but you don’t notice.
Never marry
have a one night stand(your brother/sister made you go out) and it resulted in you pregnant/getting someone else pregnant. if your sim is male, the woman drops the baby off on your doorstep, leaving it for you to raise alone,
get kicked out by parent/sibling and live homeless with baby until you can purchase a simple, one room house
Once homeless, get a job doing something you hate, like a businessman or something
be miserable for the rest of your life, but hide it from your child because     you don’t want them to think that they can’t do anything they want in the world
Traits: lazy, glutton
Career: Anything your sim would hate
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
 Generation 5- blueberry (blue)
You were always afraid people didn’t like you. You dated once in high school. They cheated on you. You could never forget or forgive. When you finally found the love of your life, you couldn’t believe it. You married them, had kids, everything was going great. Until one day, you thought they were cheating on you. That’s when your life became an entangled mess.
Have your first ever relationship cheat on you
Find love after many relationships (you thought they were cheating on you, or didn’t like you at all so you broke up with them)
Get married to them and have kids, start a normal family
Assume that your spouse’s friend is their lover, and they are cheating on you
Cheat on them with your past relationship
Find out that your spouse never cheated
Live the rest of your life regretting it, but never tell your partner
Master the Music skill
Play music as a kid
Try to start a writing career, but fail at it
Instead, try your hand at the entertainer career, music path
 Traits: Jealous and Music Lover
Career: Self-published author, Music branch in the Entertainer Career
Aspiration: Musical Genius
 Generation 6- Mango (orange)
You were always very bright, in every aspect. You are smart, you have no trouble talking to new people, and you wear orange a lot. One day, that changes, someone you never really talk to, that one person who avoided you all of your life, she and her friends decide to beat you up. They tell rumors about you, they trip you, throw your stuff in the garbage, spill food on your clothes. You were irritated but nothing could ever get you down, there is always positives. But when they hurt your mother, someone you always loved and cared about, you couldn’t stand them hurting her like that. So you dedicated your life to finding the people who hurt others, and put them in jail.
Have at least 5 good friends at all times
Have a group of  people try to ruin your life
Have them hurt the your mother
Reach level 10 athletic skill
Win in a fight with each of the mean people
Live with your mother until adulthood/serious relationship, to protect her
Traits: Outgoing, hot head
Career: detective
Aspiration: friend of the world
Generation 7- Raspberry (red)
Your parents were so involved in your grandmother’s life trying to protect her that they never payed attention to you or any of your other siblings. Ever since you were a kid you said “I want be the best parent ever” and you wanted to have lots of kids. One day when you were 15 you figured out that you could not have children and you were devastated. So you adopted. One day your doctor contacted you and told that he might have a way to get you pregnant but it could cost your life. You risk your life and it ends up being successful and you have twins! From then on you vowed to be the best mother ever. And you were.
Work as a babysitter as a teen
Find out you can’t have children as a teen
Get married right when you become a young adult
Adopt three children
Get enough points for fertility trait from reward store
Have twins after a life threatening procedure (this can be cheated)
Max parenting skill (if you have parenthood)
Be a stay at home mom or dad
Have spouse work
Traits: Family oriented, Childish
Career: Stay at home Parent (babysitter as a teen)
Aspiration: Super parent (If you have parenthood) if not, Big Happy Family
 Generation 8- Lemon (yellow)
Although you grew up surrounded by your siblings, you have a mean streak nobody could deny. You often spent time alone at school because of this, and when somebody looked past that and saw the real you, you knew he was the one. You worked hard to give them whatever they wanted, a nice house, nice things, and even children although you were sick of them after spending too much time with your four siblings. You despised your children from the day they were born, choosing to invest yourself in work instead of care for them.
Date only one person, and marry them.
Only friend is spouse and if you want, parents.
Do not become more than acquaintances with your children, and try to get your relationship into the negatives.
Act friendly to the kids in front of the spouse.
Have negative relationships with siblings.
Maintain healthy and happy relationship with spouse and leave kids at home when you go on dates.
Traits: Mean, Hates Children
Career: Business 
Aspiration: Soulmate
 Generation 9- Watermelon (pink)
Your mom hated you and that had a huge toll on your mental health. From a young age you had all sorts of mental illnesses, depression, anxiety learning disorders and many more. Growing up you did not have  happy life. One day in school you were being bullied and beat up. But out of no where a random kid in a mask saved you he grabbed you from the kids and yelled at them. From then on they never bothered you again and you weee so grateful for him but you never knew who he was. You were in therapy for a couple of years. Once released from therapy you were the happiest person ever and you were so grateful for the person who saved but you could never find them. So you became a detective and dedicated your life to finding the person to thank them for saving your life.
Be depressed as a teen
have a stranger save you when you were being bullied by you never find out who it was
Go to therapy for mental issues until young adult
Change gloomy trait to cheerful trait
Become a detective to try and find person who saves you
Find the person and marry them
Quit detective after you find them and join entertainer in comedian branch
Have as many kids as you want
Die the day after your spouse from heart-brokenness
Get to at least level 7 comedy skill
Traits: Loner, Gloomy (change to cheerful once YA)
Career: Detective until you find person, then entertainer (comedian branch)
Aspiration: Joke Star (don’t start until YA)
 Generation 10- Blackberry (Black, Dark blue, or dark purple)
You were pretty happy as a kid always were with your parents and you loved their cute little love story, but once your mom passed away you swore that you would never be anything like her, you didn’t want to be sad ever and be a complete mess, So you broke things off with your current relationship, never spoke with your friends again or your brothers/sisters, never settled down or even had kids. All you did in your adulthood was to have fun by yourself, succeed in your job and visit new places constantly. You had the time of your life and once you died, you died having a happy life and having no regrets.
Have a boyfriend as a teen and as soon as your mother passes away break up with him.
Have 2 good friends and when your mother passes away stop talking with them completely. Same goes with your brothers and sisters
Complete any Job of your choice
Live in each neighborhood at least once
Max out the Photography and any other skill of your choice
Go to a lot of parties, clubs and bars as an Adult
Never Marry or have kids
 Traits: Outgoing, and Ambitious
Career: Your choice
Aspiration: Your choice
That’s the challenge I hope you guys like!! we worked really hard on it
If you do this challenge use the tag #veryberrylegacy so we can see them 
Happy simming <3
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