#like footballers are know for only sleeping w their wags lmao
24hrsoda · 6 years
Dallas + Dog headcanons???
(based off this post)
-Dally isn’t much of a Pet Person™️. He doesn’t hate animals, he loves ‘wild’ animals like broncos and bulls, and there’s rodeo dogs that can herd and do specific jobs and he thought they were pretty cool and would occasionally pet them or feed them
-But he doesn’t get the whole pet thing. The rodeo dogs and other animals are all just like...farm animals. With the dogs they’d just dump enough food to feed them all and fill a trough with water and let them be. They weren’t trained with treats and praise so they weren’t the nicest, most social dogs. Very snap-y and growl-y.
-He doesn’t know why anyone would want a dog just to hold and pet it and love it and have it sitting in their house without making it work or training it to do anything. besides he already has Johnny to do that to so what’s he need a dog for?
-But then comes the random Dog At Buck’s™️
-The Dog doesn’t actually belong to anyone, it was a stray that stuck around and it doesn’t have a name either. Buck likes the dog so it lets it stay around. He doesn’t mind as long as it’s not tearing things up or peeing on anyone’s shoes
-Dally would occasionally pet it and if he was eating he would toss it some food or something in hopes that it would stop sitting there staring at him. It only made the dog move closer and stare harder. And then it began to follow him around.
-every time Dally came to Buck’s, the dog would charge at him excitedly wagging it’s tail and jumping and if Dally didn’t pet it, it would start barking and Dally would sigh and start petting it to shut it up
-the dog isn’t trained so Dally doesn’t really see the point in keeping it around. Other than barking by the door to go outside when it needs to, the dog literally can’t do anything. It doesn’t know any tricks. It doesn’t know what sit or stay or lie down means But it likes to jump on the bed.
-Dally discovers this when he’s asleep and suddenly the dog jumps on him and wakes him up. He grabs for his knife ready to start hacking away at whoever’s trying to attack him, but it’s just the dog, and he groans and pushes it off the bed. It jumps back on. He pushes it of. It jumps back on.
-eventually he wakes up in the morning with the dog sleeping pressed against his back. not the kind of bitch he’s used to waking up in bed with lmao
-to hell with it. it’s...comfortable. And the dog can’t talk so it doesn’t immediately start talking his ear off first thing in the morning when he’s groggy from sleep
-in fact the dog doesn’t talk no matter what situation they’re in. so the dog can’t say No Dallas that’s a terrible idea or Dallas you’re crazy or anything that Dallas doesn’t want to hear. That’s pretty nice. Dally would much rather prefer the dog’s company to that of other people’s most of the time now
-After a while he doesn’t mind the dog hopping on the bed. If it happens, it happens. Once a girl complained about not wanting ‘a dirty dog crawling all over me!!!’. Dally just smirked and was like “That Dog is probably the cleanest one in this entire place” and the girl got fed up and left. After that Dallas just laughed and petted the dog and was like “good job she was getting annoying”
-after a month or two the dog basically becomes Dally’s Dog. He starts saying things like “Leave my dog alone” and “my dog’s smarter than most of ya here anyways” and “my dog wants to get in on the action too” (then laughing when whatever girl he’s with just looks at the dog horrified)
-Dally doesn’t actually know the dog’s gender. He’s like a thousand percent sure it’s a boy tho.
-Later Johnny tells him “Dally that dog’s a girl” Dallas shakes his head and is like “Nah he’s too tuff to be a girl” (the dog isn’t tuff at all she’s very fluffy and soft and doesn’t really bite that much)
- “You know what Johnny? He can be whatever he wants to be stop judging my dog you little shit.”
-He names her Johnny II as a joke. Johnny just roles his eyes at that. She’s gone so long without a name that she doesn’t actually answer to being called ‘Johnny II’. She just responds to the sound of his voice more than anything. But it’s still funny
-He can also say stuff like “wow don’t y’all just love Johnny” and Johnny’s like “Me or the dog????” And Dallas just smirks and says “Obviously the dog” and it’s the most overused joke Dally makes almost on the daily and he does it just to mess with Johnny.
-When he walks in to Buck’s he whistles and Johnny II comes running to greet him from wherever she’s hanging out. She’ll jump up and nip at his hands or jacket sleeves and he playfully wrestles with her and ruffles all the fur around her ears
-She’s a sheepdog so she has that herding instinct in her and one time she followed Dally back to the hood and the guys were playing football and she was running circles around them trying to herd them and ruined the game but it was okay because they all eventually just ended up playing with her instead of playing football anyways
-(and of course the gang all laughed when he said he named her Johnny II) ((but they hardly call her by that. They always just say ‘c’mon girl!’ or whistle or snap to get her attention))
-she sucks at rodeos though. she’s not very good at working outside her instincts. dally tried to bring her along once hoping he could train her to be a working dog but she got scared with all the commotion so he just put her in the car he’d borrowed and let her hide out there for the rest of the night
-he sits on the floor and pats his lap and she crawls over and throws herself down across his thighs so he can pet her
-he likes holding her. he’ll sleep with his arm around her or cuddling her or he’ll just carry her sometimes for no reason other than he likes the solid weight and warmth of holding her in his arms???
-when it’s super cold outside and she follows him out he’ll carry her with the excuse that “the ground is too cold for his feet I don’t want his paws to freeze to the ground”. but really carrying her keeps him warm.
-she’s not at all aggressive or rough but Dally tells people she is so kids will avoid trying to pet her if they go out. “Don’t touch him or he’ll bite your fingers off!” Then he chases the kids away and since they’re running, she excitedly chases after them too and the kids start screaming
-When he came to visit Ponyboy and Johnny in the church they asked him where the dog was before they even said hello to him. (“Hey kids” “Dallas did you bring the dog???”)
-When he was in the hospital, they asked for his ‘emergency contacts’ and he listed Darry and Johnny II
-He lives happily ever after forever with his dog
-After everything went down, Two-Bit went down to Buck’s and Buck was like “You should take the dog. She was real close to Dal and doesn’t really listen to anyone else here and we don’t know what to do with her.”
-Two-Bit takes the dog. (He offererd to give it to the Curtis brothers bc he felt like she could help Pony cope w his issues, but Darry was extremely stressed enough about everything and declined, so Two-Bit keeps the dog, but it’s basically their dog. The rest of the gang still love and care about her. And they rename her. Soda suggests Dippy ‘because Dippy Dawg was a dog and so is she!’ and they all p much agree on it.)
-Dippy lives the rest of her life with the 5 boys.
-She’s there when Two-Bit graduates. She’s there when Pony graduates and goes to college. She’s there when Steve and Soda get drafted. She’s a grouchy old pup when she finally passes but she’s still loved all the same.
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